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Tuesday, October 31, 2006 SHAME ON YOU!![]() ![]() ![]() Bode's Money Plea Has Some Seeing Red
From The McCarville Report Online:
A letter from Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode, asking recipients to help her pay herself back the balance of the $345,174 she put into her losing campaign for the 5th District seat in Congress, has some Republicans seeing red.
GOP sources say the campaigns of Ernest Istook and Todd Hiett, in particular, are ticked about the letter because both their campaigns have been cash-strapped and donors will only give so much. Read more...
Posted at 10/31/2006 04:45:00 PM
![]() ![]() Askins' Pro-Abortion Stance![]() ![]() ![]() South Oklahoma City Lawmaker Under Criminal Investigation for Illegal Campaign Tactics![]() ![]() ![]() Quick Political Update![]() ![]() ![]() Please give Denise Bode... an English lessonIn her failed congressional campaign, Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode pumped in $345,174 of her own money, according to Federal Election Commission records. The wounds haven’t healed and the mortgage payments are mounting, and now the would-be federal legislator wants her donors to ante-up once more. ![]() ![]() Jim Roth Picks a Petty Argument (With Me?)
From ModernPatriot.net:
By Craig Dawkins
I’m never surprised when petty bickering breaks out at Oklahoma County between elected officials. Whether it’s John Whetsel calling Brent Rinehart names or Leonard Sullivan talking trash against Rinehart, or Carolynn Caudill breaking out in a screeching episode against whomever, it’s kind of business as usual.
But I must admit that I was quite surprised today when Oklahoma County Commissioner Jim Roth walked up to me today and asked me an odd and rather insulting question. First let me describe the setting. The setting was an ACCO building in Oklahoma City. ACCO stands for Association of County Commissioners of Oklahoma. The purpose of the meeting today was to award full-time workers in the Oklahoma County Commissioner districts safety awards. It is my understanding that these awards are for those were accident free for the year.
The people who were there from commissioner offices were there in support of their districts. So I tagged along for that purpose. I attended the event during my lunch break. After the event, Jim Roth walked up my table and asked me and another coworker a question regarding whether we were being paid today to attend the meeting. Not really understanding his question, I answered that I was being paid today. The question seemed rather odd to me. Why?
Read more... (3rd article)
Posted at 10/28/2006 05:37:00 PM
![]() ![]() Prater Fabricating Police Endorsements?![]() Labels: David Prater Posted at 10/28/2006 03:12:00 PM |![]() ![]() Specialty Hospital Lobbyist Girds For Battles
By Janice Francis-Smith
The Journal Record
OKLAHOMA CITY – A lobbyist for specialty hospitals stands ready to do battle again in 2007. Lobbyist Patrick Gaines represents the Independent Medical Providers Action Council of Oklahoma Inc., also called IMPAC. Members include about 15 of Oklahoma’s 140 specialty hospitals, medical facilities that focus only on specific procedures, such as heart surgery.
In Oklahoma and nationwide, the proliferation of specialty hospitals has raised concern among some health care officials, particularly advocates of large general hospitals. Some analysts find general hospitals increasingly lose lucrative procedures like heart surgeries to specialty hospitals. General hospitals use such revenue to offset money lost providing emergency care for people with little or no health insurance.
On the other hand, specialty hospitals often rate higher in patient care and customer service surveys.
A temporary federal moratorium lifted this year had prevented construction of specialty hospitals for nearly two years as health care professionals studied the impact such facilities had on the industry. With that moratorium ended, analysts foresee construction of more specialty facilities in the near future.
Gains expects some industry leaders will seek both federal and state legislation to slow that growth.
In past years, Oklahoma legislators failed to pass bills requiring specialty
hospitals provide a mandated level of charity care for the uninsured or underinsured. The last one considered proposed both specialty and general hospitals pay into a fund to leverage federal Medicaid dollars. Specialty facilities opposed the measure on principle, said Gains, since the fund would primarily benefit general hospitals.
On the federal level, some have called for reinstating the moratorium.
"Congress can talk about something for years and never do anything about
it,” said Gaines. “We hope it stays just talk."
Posted at 10/27/2006 03:52:00 PM
![]() ![]() AG Takes Poultry Dispute live
By CURTIS KILLMAN World Staff Writer
Drew Edmondson crashes an industry media event taking aim at his campaign ads.
Attorney General Drew Edmondson crashed a press conference Thursday called by the poultry industry to criticize his campaign ads.
The back-to-back press conferences, held at the downtown Tulsa Press Club, represented a live version of the media campaigns both Edmondson and the poultry industry have waged against each other during this election season.
The back-and-forth nature of the event even featured a poultry industry representative quizzing Edmondson about his prior claims that the poultry industry is the chief reason for degradation of water quality in the Illinois River watershed.
Posted at 10/27/2006 03:10:00 PM
![]() ![]() Coffee Says Tulsa World Polls "Old News"![]() ![]() ![]() More Lip Service From The "Party Of Tolerance & Diversity"
As we correctly stated recently, elections seem to always bring out Democratic politicians at African American churches and symbolic events. Governor Henry has gone a step beyond the usual pandering by signing basically meaningless legislation yesterday at the Capitol. The legislation the good governor signed, clears the way for developing an African-American Centennial Plaza on the grounds of the state Capitol.
How can we say that legislation establishing an African American Centennial Plaza is symbolic and meaningless? It's meaningless because the development is estimated to cost 4 million dollars with half the costs required from private donations. Here's the rub. The legislation Henry signed forbids supporters from asking the state for money to help pay for it! How much have supporters raised so far- $30,000.
According to The Oklahoman, civil rights activist Clara Luper "scolded" the Governor saying, "They should give us respect. It's not their money, we all pay taxes." Henry further patronized the African American's in attendance by saying, "I think the African-American Centennial Plaza is an extremely important project for Oklahoma."
It was so important Governor - that in a year with record budget surpluses and your high approval ratings - you didn't feel it was important enough to use a little of your political capital to secure SOME funding for the project. Some things never change!
From Today's New York Times: Democrats Fear Disillusionment in Black Voters
From the Powerline blog:
"If black Americans don't feel especially motivated to vote for Democrats, as the Times fears, maybe it's because they've noticed that several decades of voting for Democrats has done them no perceptible good. Or maybe it's because the black candidates with whom voters want to identify are Republicans like Michael Steele."
Posted at 10/27/2006 11:44:00 AM
![]() ![]() Is Desperation Breeding Stupidity?![]() ![]() ![]() 1st Annual "Political Tin Ear" Award![]() ![]() ![]() From The Tip Line: "Okdemocrat Huh ? ? ?"To protect our readers anonymity when they send us information, tip e-mails arrive to us through a hotmail account we've set up with a fake name. Honestly folks, we have no idea who you are when you send tips. We received this anonymous "tip" today with the subject line: "okdemocrat huh???"
Although the comment is unsigned, and if you've read yesterday's post, you'll have a pretty good idea (as we do) who probably sent it. It's pretty pathetic when those who can sling sleaze with the best of them, have thin skin when a little of their sleaze lands back on them.
Readers, can the below comment be considered a threat?
"I gotcha Dude . . . You can't hide . . . And the right people are watching . . .
You'll never know when they're gonna expose you . . . You better hope integrity
isn't a requirement for you to stay in business . . . And you'll never know when
I come back as someone else . . ."
**UPDATE** ![]() "There is a well known GOP operative that pulls the strings on that board. Rusty is just too stupid to figure out when he's being played by republicans. We turned down an offer to link our site to theirs. I plan on suing him after November 7."
Posted at 10/26/2006 11:56:00 PM
![]() ![]() Madame Askins: What Would Jesus Really Do?![]() ![]() ![]() President Signs Border Fence Legislation.![]() ![]() ![]() Sooners Fund, Reap Political Advertising
World Capitol Bureau
Donations to out-of-state groups are being funneled back to the state via ads for key legislative races.
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma corporations and individuals have given hundreds of thousands of dollars to out-of-state political organizations that are now spending money in the state.
Two Washington, D.C.-based groups -- the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee and the Republican State Leadership Committee -- have begun targeting key state Senate races. Both have ties to their respective national parties and the goal of influencing local legislative races.
Internal Revenue Service documents show that donations to the two groups are coming from Oklahoma corporations and individuals. Donors cannot designate where their contributions are spent. Read more...
Posted at 10/26/2006 01:00:00 PM
![]() ![]() Chicken Poop, Money Key Ingredients In AG Race![]() ![]() ![]() Independent Candidates![]() ![]() ![]() Candidates for Corporate Commission Have Experience![]() ![]() ![]() DHS Worker Says He Was Punished For Reporting Illegal Immigrants
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) A state Department of Human Services worker says he was punished for trying to report illegal immigrants who were applying for state benefits.
Steve Thomas told the House Revenue and Taxation Committee he tried to follow a rule requiring memos be written to D-H-S superiors when they come across an applicant who's an illegal immigrant.
Thomas says he was taken before D-H-S' civil rights office and accused of threatening illegal immigrants. His testimony came at the request of Representative Randy Terrill who wants the committee to study illegal immigration in Oklahoma. Read more...
More OKPNS articles on Rep. Terrill's work on illegal immigration:
Posted at 10/25/2006 02:15:00 PM
![]() ![]() Auditor’s Office Could Use Change![]() ![]() ![]() EXCLUSIVE: OKPNS Obtains Support Letter Sent To Demookie.com Founders
Since Tim Reese was an Oklahoma delegate to the 2004 DNC convention, we wonder if Lisa Pryor and the Oklahoma Democratic Party condone Mr. Reese's racist pictures of T.W. Shannon? OKPNS will continue to investigate.
The Oklahoma Political News Service - through slimy and backwater channels - has obtained exclusively a congratulatory letter sent today to Demookie.com founders Tim & Calvin Reese. In the letter, the Reese brothers and Comanche County Democratic Chair Mike Weddington, are congratulated on the "fantastic job" they are doing disseminating racist innuendos and baseless accusations against District 62 Republican candidate, T.W. Shannon. The below pictures, stereotypically depicting Mr. Shannon as a chauffeur, were recently posted on demookie.com.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Gubernatorial Debate: Health Care, Education, Public Safety: Henry, Istook Swap Barbs
World Capitol Bureau
EDMOND -- U.S. Rep. Ernest Istook took shots at Gov. Brad Henry's record on health care, education and public safety in a televised debate Monday.
Istook, a Republican who is leaving his seat as Oklahoma's 5th District congressman, faces Henry, a Democrat, in the Nov. 7 general election for governor.
The pair met Monday before nearly 350 people in a 510-seat auditorium at the University of Central Oklahoma in a debate sponsored by the AARP and KOCO, channel 5.
Istook criticized Henry for his 2004 decision to commute the death sentence of Osbaldo Torres, a Mexican national, to life in prison without parole possible. Read more...
Posted at 10/24/2006 04:55:00 PM
![]() ![]() Phone Calls Cause Stir In District 12 Race![]() ![]() ![]() "Wine Tasting" & "Art Auction" Fundraiser Scheduled For Askins![]() ![]() ![]() Spending By GOP Leader Bugs Democrats
World Capitol Bureau
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Democratic leaders are questioning why the Republican speaker-designate, Rep. Lance Cargill of Harrah, has spent so much of his campaign funds when his re-election is all but assured.
Cargill has spent $262,000. His Democratic opponent, Abe Warren of Harrah, had spent $58.50 as of Aug.10, when their last reports were filed with the State Ethics Commission.
Much of Cargill's money has gone to consulting and contract labor. Cargill has reported spending $73,851 since Jan. 1 for consulting and $52,877 for contract labor.
Cargill said his expenditures were in line with those of other leaders, including Sen. Mike Morgan, D-Stillwater, who was re-elected in 2004 and became the head of the Senate the following spring. Read more..
** Check out the picture The World uses for Lance Cargill. More TW photo editorializing?**
Posted at 10/24/2006 02:38:00 PM
![]() ![]() Jari Askins Tied To Casino Scandal?
The Oklahoma Political News Service has discovered that Jari Askins and other Democrat lawmakers have some clear ties to the ongoing Mass-Erwin-Hefner casino scandal. Rep. Askins voted to give special perks for the company at the heart of the FBI investigation, now the subject of a 40-plus page affidavit involving other Democrat lawmakers.
In a series of articles in The Oklahoman, reporter Tony Thornton revealed that the FBI is investigating three former Democrat lawmakers in connection with a casino machine company controlled by Steve Phipps of Kiowa.
Rep. Jari Askins served on the conference committee that amended Senate Bill 1252 to benefit Steve Phipps' gaming company, Indian Nation Entertainment. Askins also voted to approve the special interest provision. As a result of the law, Phipps' company has placed machines in tribal casinos in Tahlequah, Grove and Newkirk, according to the Oklahoman.
The gambling machines are at the heart of an FBI investigation involving Democrats Mike Mass, Randall Erwin and Jerry Hefner. An FBI affidavit accuses the three of profiting from so-called "special project" money given to Phipps' companies.
In addition to her support of the gambling bill, Askins also voted for the legislation that funneled state tax dollars to projects such as the Phipps companies. On Feb. 9, 2004 the House approved HB 1950, which contained $12.6 million in unspecified pass-through funding, on a 60-40 vote.
On Feb. 12, 2002, the House approved SB 1499, which provided over half-a-million dollars in funds for unspecified "economic and community development projects" on a 67-32 vote. Once again, Askins supported it.
And in 2004, the same year Phipps was singled out for perks by Democratic lawmakers, he gave the maximum legal contribution to the Oklahoma House PAC, a PAC that Jari Askins was the head of. Phipps also donated thousands of dollars to individual candidates, including Mike Mass, according to The Institute on Money in State Politics.
OKPNS will continue to investigate...
Posted at 10/24/2006 02:09:00 PM
![]() ![]() From the Tipline: Oklahoma GOP Desperate for Cash in 11th Hour![]() “Why would we give the state party money when we should be distributing everything we’ve got to the candidates in our counties?” an anonymous tipster asks. According to insiders, county parties invest every last dime into critical grassroots party building and local get out the vote efforts. “The state party generally distributes funds down to us, it’s not right that we’re now being asked to prop them up.” The e-mail appeal may serve as yet another example of growing unrest among activists and party faithful over perceived leadership failures and financial mismanagement (see: “Exclusive: GOP’s Funk Raises Salary, Not Confidence”). The Oklahoma Political News Service will continue to track this story through Election Day and beyond. Posted at 10/24/2006 11:39:00 AM | ![]() ![]() Does This Pass The Smell Test?
This is an e-mail Governor Henry emailed out on October 26, 2006. Try and decide if this is an official correspondence from the Governor's ofice or a campaign re-election piece:
Insuring a Healthy Future
"Reflecting a nationwide challenge, too many Oklahomans are without health insurance. It is a real Catch-22 for healthcare consumers: Skyrocketing healthcare costs make insurance more critical than ever, but the escalating costs are precisely why many families are unable to afford insurance premiums.
My administration has made it a top priority to increase the numbers of insured citizens. In 2004, I successfully pushed for the creation of Insure Oklahoma, a bold and innovative strategy to help small businesses provide health coverage for their employees. Under this voluntary program, the state covers 60 percent of insurance costs, employers pay 25 percent and employees are asked to pay 15 percent. The program is administered by the Oklahoma Health Care Authority and utilizes matching funds form the federal government.
With more and more small businesses learning about Insure Oklahoma, I am pleased to report that we are expanding this worthwhile program. Initially, Insure Oklahoma was available for businesses with 25 or fewer employees. Recently, however, I signed emergency rules that expand eligibility to employers with up to 50 workers. The rules, which had been submitted by the OHCA, were necessitated by a bill I signed into law earlier this year.
Whether you realize it or not, the numbers of uninsured Oklahomans impact us all. One in five citizens in our state has been without healthcare coverage. Invariably, the cost of medical treatment for the uninsured is passed on to other consumers in the form of rising insurance premiums. In fact, uninsured health care accounts for as much as 30 percent of the spike that we have seen in insurance premiums.
Of course, the challenges involving health insurance will not be remedied by a single program. There are a host of things we must do, not the least of which is to urge healthy lifestyles. Nevertheless, Insure Oklahoma is a significant move in the right direction."
Posted at 10/23/2006 05:45:00 PM
![]() ![]() Mud (Sleaze) From The Tip Line![]() ![]() ![]() Petersen Fundraiser A Success. Sen. Coburn Special Guest![]() ![]() ![]() Ad Watch: Tipster Discovers Error in Askins' Attack Ad![]() ![]() ![]() Hiett Disappointed by Negative Attacks from Askins![]() ![]() ![]() Nov 7 State Questions
SQ 724
This measure amends the State Constitution to restrict State pay to legislators while in jail or prison. Affected legislators must return any State pay received for time while in jail or prison.
SQ 725
This measure amends the State Constitution to allow money to be spent from the Rainy Day Fund (RDF) to help at-risk manufacturers. Payments from the RDF must be unanimously approved by the Governor, the Speaker of the House, and the President Pro- Tempore of the Senate. Such spending is allowed in years when there is in excess of $80 Million in the Fund and other conditions are met. Spending is limited to $10 Million annually. The help given to a manufacturer is limited to 10% of its in-State capital investments.
SQ 733
This measure amends the State Constitution to allow beverage package stores to sell alcoholic beverages on election days while the polls are open.
SQ 734
This measure amends the State Constitution to allow the Oklahoma State Legislature to govern the application process for the "freeport expemption" -- a property tax exemption for goods shipped into the state, but that do not remain in the state for more than 90 days
Posted at 10/20/2006 02:19:00 PM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
![]() ![]() Wasteful Spending Or Contributing To The Public Good?
"Statistics are like women; mirrors of purest virtue and truth, or like whores to use as one pleases." ~Theodor Billroth
The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA) and the Center Against Government Waste (CAGW) released today the 2006 Piglet Report detailing areas of government waste.
In response, the Alliance for Oklahoma's Future blasted the groups for "finding another opportunity to distort facts to denigrate our public servants, programs, and expenditures."
Alliance Spokesperson Robb Gray says, "The report fails to produce a meaningful assessment of government spending and jumps to the faulty conclusion that government waste in Oklahoma is rampant. It is irresponsible to characterize spending for programs that contribute to the public good such as funding for research, quality education, access to healthcare, public safety, and programs that fuel our state's economy as wasteful."
According to Gray, the CAGW data actually shows that Oklahoma is not rampant with overspending:
"It is clear that Oklahoma is not a case study in rampant over- spending. Oklahoma currently ranks 48th lowest in the country in terms of the amount of "pork per capita". CAGW's data also reveals that Oklahoma has made the most significant change of any state in the country to curb the amount of "wasteful" money spent."
Whom Should you believe?
Posted at 10/19/2006 02:35:00 PM
![]() ![]() Istook Starts TV Campaign; Hits Henry Over Debates
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) _ Republican gubernatorial candidate Ernest Istook began running his first television ad of his general election campaign on Wednesday and challenged Democratic incumbent Brad Henry to debate him in Tulsa.
Istook and Henry appeared in their first debate Monday in Lawton and have two more scheduled on Oklahoma City television stations. Istook said that is not fair to voters in eastern Oklahoma.
"I'll rearrange my schedule in these last three weeks to meet Brad Henry anywhere in Tulsa he likes, in front of any group, for a televised debate that gives voters a real chance to hear the important differences between us," Istook said. Read more...
Posted at 10/19/2006 02:08:00 PM
![]() ![]() Politics Club: A Youthful Look At Elections![]() ![]() ![]() Reception For Ed Petersen Tonight
Senate Republican leader Glenn Coffee and special guest US Senator Tom Coburn are holding a fundraising reception to honor state Senate candidate Ed Petersen. The event is being held tonight (October 19th) from 5:30pm - 7:30pm at the Waterford Marriott Library Room. RSVP to: 580-355-7100 or kyle@phnx-consulting.com
Honorary hosts for the event include:
Senate GOP Leader Glenn Coffee
Senator Jim Reynolds
Senator Owen Laughlin
Senator Randy Brogdon
Senator Clark Jolley
Senator Ron Justice
Senator Scott Pruitt
Senator Mike Schultz
Senator Kathleen Wilcoxson
Senator Cliff Brannan
Senator Jonathon Nichols
Posted at 10/19/2006 12:55:00 PM
![]() ![]() Corrections Department: Prisoner Savings Accounts: Officials wanting to withhold less
World Capitol Bureau
Inmates will get the funds upon their release, but the withheld amount is too high, critics say.
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Oklahoma Department of Corrections officials intend to ask lawmakers to reduce the amount of money they will be required to take from the funds inmates receive from relatives and friends.
A controversial state law that is set to take effect in January will require the Corrections Department to take 20 percent of all money sent to Oklahoma inmates and deposit it into savings accounts for the prisoners.
However, corrections officials said at the agency's monthly meeting Wednesday that they will ask lawmakers during the next legislative session to reduce the amount to 10 percent and to ensure that inmates will receive the interest earned from their accounts. Read more...
***Our opinion ***
Posted at 10/19/2006 12:37:00 PM
![]() ![]() Gov. Henry Quietly Ponders White House Bid?
From okdemocrat.com:
"While Gov. Henry proceeds to re-election, he also is more intensively examining whether to run for president in 2012, reaching out to Democratic operatives and trying to reconcile the demands of a national campaign on his family," reports party insiders.
Gov. Henry "has been having quiet conversations with colleagues and friends about a prospective White House run, but a key concern is whether his wife, Kim, would support it and whether he could manage the time away from their three young daughters."
Gov. Henry compares himself to Bill Clinton and thinks he could make a good run for the White House in 2012. His US Senate bid in 2008 is now common knowledge with party insiders."
Posted at 10/19/2006 10:39:00 AM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
![]() ![]() The Oklahoman Executive Editor Writes Letter To JTFA's Attorney
The Oklahoman has decided to involve itself in the Kim Holland /"Just The Facts America" controversy. For the record, The Oklahoma Political News Service believes the media's role is to report the news, not make the news; but we digress.
Sue Hale, Executive Editor of The Oklahoman, has sent a letter to JTFA's attorney Ben Ginsberg complaining about the use of The Oklahoman's nameplate and story in this ad. Mr. Ginsberg writes:
"It is surprising to see your newspaper - with its rich history of fighting to protect the first amendment - now attempting to squelch the public's right to hear all sides of an issue of public importance by invoking its own commercial interests in its "copyrighted nameplate and story."
(Click here to read entire letter)
Labels: Daily Oklahoman, Kim Holland Posted at 10/18/2006 07:59:00 PM |![]() ![]() U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn Endorses Todd Hiett![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Istook Challenges Henry Over His Record
Congressman Istook and Governor Henry had their first televised debate in Lawton last night. The Congressman challenged Istook over issues such as the state of Oklahoma's economy, education, taxes, and crime.
Istook warned that Oklahoma was lagging behind the rest of the country in job growth. He stressed that Oklahoma needs "growth with a purpose" to increase high paying jobs so college graduates will remain in Oklahoma after they graduate. He also said lawsuit reform is vital to bringing more jobs to Oklahoma.
Congressman Istook also mentioned that he was kind of "the education father," having sent five children to public schools while in college at the same time. He said he favored a merit-based teacher pay plan over the across-the-board approach approved this year.
"Everyone wants teachers to be paid, but that parent involvement and leadership are important along with instilling values in children."
He also said the economy is not as strong as Henry claims asking, "Imagine where we'd be if we didn't have an energy boom going on." He also criticized Henry on the explosive growth of government under an Henry administration, saying there had been a 31 percent growth in government. Istook said he would lower taxes further including eliminating the sales tax on groceries.
Asked about overcrowding in prisons, Henry said he would continue to "not only be tough on crime but smart on crime." Henry mentioned the increase in drug courts as an alternative to prison but said the state faced some "very difficult decisions on corrections." The Governor has a tough decision soon when the private prison in Hinton evicts 800 prisoners soon.
He stopped short of saying he favored building new prisons but said he would work hard for a "consensus on this very difficult issue." Excuse me Governor, where else do you put prisoners?
Istook said one thing Oklahoma needs to do is trust juries and blasted Henry over paroling drug dealers. Over 1,500 drug dealers have been paroled during the governor's four years in office.
Posted at 10/18/2006 02:26:00 PM
![]() ![]() Where's Mike Mass?![]() ![]() ![]() Open Letter To Kim Holland From A Concerned Citizen
From oklahomasecrets.com:
Questions for Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland to Answer
Why is the family photo that appears on your campaign website incomplete?
From the photo on your website, it looks like you are married to Jim East. Why don’t you use your married name?
Where did you attend high school, and when did you graduate?
Where did you attend college, and what was your degree?
Why did you represent on a 1981 insurance application to the Oklahoma Insurance Department that you had eight (8) years experience when you did not?
In 1996 you represented you had fifteen (15) years experience. If the 1981 application was correct, then you would have had 23 years experience, not 15. How do you reconcile these numbers?
Why did you allow your Chief of Staff to be absent from the office for a weeklong trip to Maui, while submitting a timesheet signed by you that showed he was in the office?
Is it true you have a gay activist as your campaign manager?
When you were first appointed, why were your first hires all for political help? Don’t you think it would have been more appropriate to hire staff with insurance knowledge and experience?
Why do you assign certain staff members to work on political fundraisers for your campaign while they are paid to do work for the State of Oklahoma?" Read more...
Labels: Kim Holland Posted at 10/18/2006 12:49:00 PM |![]() ![]() Kim Holland Being Sued By Former Executive Administrative Assistant![]() Labels: Kim Holland Posted at 10/18/2006 12:33:00 PM |![]() ![]() Free Speech? What Free Speech?![]() Labels: Kim Holland Posted at 10/17/2006 01:25:00 PM |![]() ![]() Cherokee Nation Rejects Hike In Minimum Wage
Here's an interesting irony. One of the democratic Party's main wedge issues they bring out every election against Republicans is the minimum wage. Not understanding that the free market is the best determiner of wages not pampered and overpaid politicians in Washington, they do understand that class warfare politics appeals to their base.
According to this AP article, Native Americans overwhelmingly support financially Democrats in Oklahoma. You would think that would mean they would be supporters of raising the minimum wage. Apparently not. Cherokee tribal councilors failed Monday night to override Principal Chief Chad Smith's veto of a proposed minimum wage increase. Maybe the tribe understands that, regardless of the "feel goodism" of raising the minimum wage, raising the minimum wage actually hurts employment more than it would help?
Posted at 10/17/2006 12:50:00 PM
![]() ![]() From The Tip Line: "Sorry Cal, Not this time! , I WILL NOT BE Stamping The Rooster!"
A reader responds to Cal Hobson's call for unity
For the first time in my life, I WILL NOT BE STAMPING
I live in Senate District 16 and got [a] letter in the mail about putting away my hate for John Sparks, so that Democrats can keep its majority in the senate.
Because it will not [be] the fault of the voters who have every right to make their own independent decision. If we lose the Senate then just maybe it was because of bad candidates who are morally corrupt? Or because a consultant is perfectly fine with doing anything to win no matter who gets hurt in the process.
IF we do not keep the senate then the blame should be place[d] squarely at the feet of the people who did something wrong. John Sparks and his band of terrorists. The voter is not to blame if we don't win.
I'm really frustrated with all the pressure being placed on those of us who are not willing to sacrifice our own integrity just to get a Democrats elected - it's being made to sound like if Sparks' doesn't win it will be the fault of those of us who just can't stomach what came out of his campaign against Tim Emrich! I have also talked to many friends who say they are now being pressured to put their personal integrity and outrage aside in order to ensure that the dems keep SD16. If there is a loss, turn to Sparks - not those of us who hold integrity and honesty higher than getting any old dem elected!
John Sparks was responsible for one of the dirtiest local campaigns in recent memory. A steady stream of attacks twisted the truth and smeared the character of his opponent Tim Emrich. Worst of all were the "push polls," which posed as poll-taking in order to enhance whisper campaigns against Emrich.
Here are the facts, To the best of my knowledge:
1. The world is not going to end if the repubs win SD16.
2. John Sparks has not made any public statements stating that he has absolutely no knowledge of who was behind the devastating smear campaign against Tim Emrich. Nor did he do anything publicly to stop it.
3. John Sparks has not publicly responded to the ad placed in the Norman Transcript on August 27th by the Citizens for Campaign Integrity.
4. John Sparks did not sign the Clean Campaign Pledge - Tim Emrich and Derrick Ott
5. John Sparks has not responded to a simple 2 question e-mail sent by this author regarding his position on those issues.
6. Sparks appears to not be very concerned about proving he was NOT involve[d] in the personal attacks on Tim Emrich.
Those Democrats who believe that what happened to Tim Emrich during the run-off campaign should not be so easily forgotten nor ignored should NOT be intimidated into supporting someone they feel conducted an unethical campaign! The guilt that is trying to be pushed by saying 'if Sparks' loses it will be because the Emrich supporters didn't get on board is insulting! If Sparks' loses it will be because an unethical campaign was conducted.
Those Democrats who understand and care about what this has done to Tim Emrich and his family are to be applauded and more importantly respected and if they want to make a stand for intolerable campaigning tactics by withholding a vote for Sparks then let them make that choice - let them stay true to their own values and principles without being touted as disloyal to the party! Please, Cal, STOP badgering and intimidating them!
I work hard for progressive causes, and I feel like the ODP have not been too helpful in getting real Democrats in to office. We all know that Tim Emrich
was that candidate!
Also with Sparks, family tie to Tom Cole and with his friendship to Scott Martin and with what He said to VAN in 2004, I DO NOT TRUST him!
Shame on you John Sparks and shame on everyone who helped John Sparks steal an election.
And now, I have hear that a "push polls" is being ran on the repub Ron Davis in Senate District 16.
John Sparks refused to take responsibility for his own campaigns reprehensible
tactics. I will NOT be VOTING for John Sparks!
Posted at 10/17/2006 12:15:00 PM
![]() ![]() Hiett Campaign Sending Spam?![]() ![]() ![]() Istook Criticizes Henry For Early Paroles
At a Capitol news conference yesterday, Representative Ernest Istook criticized Governor Henry for paroling more than 1,500 drug dealers. According to Istook, most of those paroled only served a third of their sentences and were repeat offenders. Crime has been rising at alarming levels under Governor Henry's administration.
"That is an awfully liberal record," he said. "It puts our kids at risk when drug dealers are put back on the streets so quickly."
Last week, the Department of corrections couldn't come to terms with a private prison in Hinton, so the state will have to find beds for 800 prisoners. The current Oklahoma prison capacity is 98% with 100% capacity expected early next year.
Henry released this ad touting his accomplishment of reducing meth labs in Oklahoma. It seems like a mixed message when you're releasing drug dealers early from their sentences.
Posted at 10/17/2006 09:56:00 AM
Monday, October 16, 2006
![]() ![]() EXCLUSIVE: GOP’s Funk Raises Salary, Not ConfidenceNew revelations threaten to sink grassroots effort among party faithful According to a copy of the Oklahoma Republican Victory 2006 budget obtained exclusively by the Oklahoma Political News Service, Victory Director Marsha Funk earns $5,625 per month ($67,500 per year), nearly twice the $3,161 per month ($37,932) Funk earned as manager of the failed Bode for Congress campaign earlier this year, Federal Election Commission records show.
“Victory” is a biennial program of the Oklahoma Republican Party designed to turn out the Republican base on Election Day and help finance Republican candidates around the state. In addition to questions over her salary, new evidence shows that Funk and party chairman Tom Daxon may be overstating Funk’s qualifications. Daxon introduces Funk as a former “senior manager” from IBM. According to a catalog of IBM personnel, she in fact served as one of over a dozen regional middle-managers in an IBM web sales division. Furthermore, according to a 2004 FEC contribution disclosure report, Funk herself didn’t list her IBM position as management, instead saying she worked in “Marketing.” Prior to her appointment as Victory director, rumors of the impending announcement caused a firestorm among Republican activists and party faithful, who questioned the qualifications of Funk, a sorority sister of Denise Bode. Funk’s appointment to lead the state GOP’s Victory efforts did nothing to quell any concerns from party leaders. With Election Day looming less than 25 days away, most say they are skeptical the ambitious timetable and expensive budget will yield any real results.
Oklahoma Political News Service could not find a single Republican candidate who said they have been beneficiaries of the program. In fact, many candidates indicated they are not relying on the program at all, and have had no contact from Funk as to how her efforts specifically aid their campaigns. Some even said they had been told outright they would not be helped. All agreed that if a detailed Victory plan existed, it had not been made available to them. The Oklahoma Political News Service will continue to track this story through Election Day and beyond. Posted at 10/16/2006 02:01:00 PM |![]() ![]() Sex With Clients, Sex Ratings List, 'Light Bulb Bombs' Put Sparks In Shawnee Democrat's Campaign For The State House
From The McCarville Report Online:
"Sex with law clients, a sex ratings list, domestic disturbance police reports and "light bulb bombs" in his house are providing salacious sparks in Shawnee, where lawyer Joe Freeman finds himself whispered about as he seeks to win a seat in the Oklahoma House of Representatives." Read more...
Posted at 10/16/2006 01:37:00 PM
![]() ![]() Hobson Seeking Unity In District 16![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() State Auditor Confirms FBI Interview/Denies He's a Target![]() ![]() ![]() "What Happened To The News?"
The Oklahoma Political News Service has documented the biases of the state's two major newspapers. (example) Another recent example is this Norman Transcript reporter who falls all over himself to apologize to State Auditor & Inspector Jeff McMahan over a quote he inadvertently attributed to McMahan, but he does no subsequent follow up on this alleged scandal involving McMahan.
They seem to forget - like the mainstream press in general - that there are now alternative sources of news and information for the public. By the time they have the story in tomorrow's edition, we and other alternative media outlets, have already posted it and have started the discussion among the electorate.
There is an interesting eight minute video documentary that chronicles the downfall of the "old media." On the EPIC 2014 website it simply says this:
"In the year 2014, The New York Times has gone offline. The fourth estate's fortunes have waned. What happened to the news?"
If you're reading this blog and other blogs, you already know.
More: How a Blogger Put Himself in the Middle of Mark Foley Story
Posted at 10/16/2006 11:42:00 AM
![]() ![]() Membership Of OSU Regents Again Under Fire
World Staff Writer
Critics say the current lineup violates laws that say most of the appointees should be farmers.
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau has argued for years to the governor and state legislators that Oklahoma State University's governing board is unconstitutional because most of its members are not farmers, the bureau's president said.
The issue resurfaced recently after the Oklahoma A&M Board of Regents sued a real estate investor, McCloskey Brothers Inc., to get the last piece of land OSU wants for its five-year projects in its Athletic Village, just north of its Stillwater campus. Read more...
Posted at 10/16/2006 10:30:00 AM
Sunday, October 15, 2006
![]() ![]() Holland Responds To "Just The Facts America" Ad
Appointed Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland responds to this ad, then asks for money.
Dear Friends,
This morning, a television ad attacking me ran on network television channels in Oklahoma. Hiding behind the secret funding of an illegal entity that’s not regulated by the Oklahoma Ethics Commission, lies and personal attacks have been used to try to discredit me and my efforts to restore integrity to the Insurance Department. Read more... (5th post down)
Labels: Kim Holland Posted at 10/15/2006 03:49:00 PM |![]() ![]() Istook Hits Streets In Search Of Votes
SKIATOOK, Okla. (AP) _ Republican Ernest Istook, dressed in a windbreaker and khaki slacks, jaunts quickly between Mac's Barbecue and Ron's Hamburgers on a cool October day, trying to catch noontime diners to tell them why they should vote for him for governor.
The veteran Republican congressman, his brown shoes scuffed from brushing street curbs, is trying to make up ground on Democratic incumbent Brad Henry the old-fashioned way with long days of personal campaigning. Read more...
Posted at 10/15/2006 03:34:00 PM
![]() ![]() Phipps, Mass, Erwin, & Hefner ImplicatedRep. Lindley Violating Ethics Rules?
Demookie.com - which was busted last month for knowingly posting a highly edited recording of OKC DA Wes Lane - has posted this letter attacking Mike Christian in a very personal way. Christian is challenging 10-year incumbent and liberal Democrat Al Lindley. Sources tell the Oklahoma Political News Service that polling shows him in an extremely vulnerable position.
The letter attacking Mike Christian is designed to appear as if it comes from a random voter in the district, not from Al Lindley. In fact, sources have disclosed to OKPNS, that Lindley is telling voters he had no idea this was going on and disavows all knowledge of the attack. The mail piece does not bear a "paid for by" disclaimer, as is required by Oklahoma Ethics laws.
Upon closer inspection, a diligent observer will notice two things: (1) the "random" voter is in fact the husband of Al Lindley's campaign treasurer Wanda Jo Stapleton (formerly the Democrat rep from HD 93, and (2) the mail piece has the same permit number as all other Al Lindley mail pieces, which can only mean it was paid for and mailed by the same account.
In our opinion, Rep. Lindley has violated ethics rules by not including a "paid for by" disclaimer on a personal attack mail piece, and he is deceiving voters by lying about his actions.
Posted at 10/15/2006 02:21:00 PM
![]() ![]() Legislative Leaders Become Top Campaign Fundraisers
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Leaders of Oklahoma's House and Senate are setting the pace in campaign fund-raising for next month's general election.
High-ranking state senators and representatives have amassed campaign accounts totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars, even when they face poorly financed opponents or none at all.
Senate President Pro Tem Mike Morgan of Stillwater raised more than 445-thousand dollars between January 1st, 2003, and December 31st, 2004.
The Senate's Democratic leader, term-limited in 2008, beat Stillwater Republican Chuck Brewer, who raised about 39-thousand dollars during the same period.
Republican House speaker-designee Lance Cargill of Harrah, majority floor leader in 2005 and part of 2006, has raised at least 279-thousand dollars since January 1st, 2005.
Posted at 10/15/2006 12:05:00 PM
Friday, October 13, 2006
![]() ![]() "Just The Facts America" Launches Issues Education Campaign In Oklahoma
A national organization promoting the common business interests of its members has begun an informational issues education campaign in Oklahoma.
Texas-based “Just the Facts America” has begun an informational issues education campaign that features television ads that direct concerned citizens to an interactive website for more details. Oklahoma is the first state in which the organization has chosen to become involved. Just the Facts America is not affiliated with any party or candidate whatsoever.
“Our nation’s citizens and commerce need and require government leaders across the country to maintain ethical, professional conduct, be truthful about their policies and programs and show integrity and openness with respect to their motives in proposing certain policies and programs,” says Austin business leader Jim Cardle, a Founding Director of Just the Facts America.
Interested citizens may direct their web browsers to www.oklahomasecrets.com for more about the group and campaign.
Posted at 10/13/2006 03:03:00 PM
![]() ![]() Insurance Commissioner Kim Holland Unqualified?![]() Labels: Kim Holland Posted at 10/13/2006 03:00:00 PM |![]() ![]() |
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