At a Capitol news conference yesterday, Representative Ernest Istook criticized Governor Henry for paroling more than 1,500 drug dealers. According to Istook, most of those paroled only served a third of their sentences and were repeat offenders.
Crime has been rising at alarming levels under Governor Henry's administration.
"That is an awfully liberal record," he said. "It puts our kids at risk when drug dealers are put back on the streets so quickly."
Last week, the Department of corrections couldn't come to terms with a private prison in Hinton, so the state will have to
find beds for 800 prisoners. The current Oklahoma prison capacity is 98% with 100% capacity expected early next year.
Henry released
this ad touting his accomplishment of reducing meth labs in Oklahoma. It seems like a mixed message when you're releasing drug dealers early from their sentences.
Posted at 10/17/2006 09:56:00 AM