State Senate Republican Leader Glenn Coffee said
polls released today by the
Tulsa World are "old news" and do not reflect GOP momentum in several key state Senate races. Coffee said that attack ads launched this week by the DLCC (The Democrat Legislative Campaign Committee) proves that Democrats are worried about losing their majority in the Oklahoma Senate.
"These polls are old news - about 10 days old, in fact. They don't reflect the current reality on the ground, which is that Republicans have gained momentum in our key races," Coffee said.
"Our plan is to win three or more seats on election day, not to be ahead in a newspaper poll taken three weeks before the election. I strongly believe that our strategy is working, and that voters in these districts are on track to make history by electing the first- ever Republican majority in the state Senate," he said.
Coffee provided
OKPNS a breakdown of the important Senate races this election cycle and questioned why the Tulsa World did not release polling data for Senate District 24, where one of the Democrats' most vulnerable incumbents, Daisy Lawler, is in big trouble in her race against Republican challenger Anthony Sykes.
"Daisy Lawler and her liberal East Coast friends from the DLCC are already spending tens of thousands of dollars on attack ads to prop up Daisy's failing campaign. This is evidence that Daisy Lawler is in huge trouble in this conservative district, which doesn't like her liberal voting record - from giving in-state tuition and scholarships to illegal immigrants to voting to block an amendment to immediately eliminate the death tax," Coffee stated.
In Senate District 18, Coffee said an attack ad launched by incumbent Mary Easley and the DLCC is backfiring.
"We're seeing significant Democrat voters moving toward Republican Mark Wofford because of these misleading attacks. The Wofford campaign has already received dozens of calls of support from democrat voters who can't believe that Mary Easley is attacking Wofford and fibbing about her own liberal record on illegal immigraton," Coffee said.
Coffee said that in Senate District 12, trial lawyer John Mark Young has stooped to attacking Brain Bingman's character, and is hiding from his own record as a trial lawyer of representing some of Creek County's worst criminals.
"Democrats were caught off guard by U.S. Senator Tom Coburn's TV ad supporting Republican Brian Bingman, so now the Young campaign has brought in a group of Washington, DC, liberals backed by Hillary Clinton and Howard Dean to falsely attack Brian Bingman's character," Coffee said.
In Senate District 2, trial Lawyer Sean Burrage is trying to hang on to a razor-thin lead that is shrinking daily, Coffee said.
"Despite spending half-a-million dollars donated by power-hungry trial lawyers, Sean Burrage's campaign is gasping for air. He has spent a fortune on TV ads, yet our internal polling shows he hasn't moved an inch in weeks and is actually losing ground to Republican Ami Shaffer," Coffee said.
"Ami Shaffer has soundly defeated Sean Burrage in every debate, and the average Democrat voter is shifting away from Burrage, who is the powerful politicians' choice, and moving toward the people's choice, Ami Shaffer."
Coffee said there is also an indication that Republicans are picking up momentum in several other Democrat-held districts: Senate District 26, where Republican Todd Russ is facing trial lawyer Tom Ivester; Senate District 16, where Republican Ron Davis is running against liberal John Sparks; and Senate District 32, where Democrat incumbent Randy Bass is being challenged by Lt. Col. (ret.) Ed Petersen.
Posted at 10/27/2006 02:43:00 PM