Jari Askins' liberal record continues to come to light in the final days of the campaign. Following close on the heels of Jari Askins'
liberal stance on gay marriage during a town hall meeting last week -- there's new information about Askins'pro-abortion stance.
Askins has repeatedly tried to represent herself as a conservative. However,last week during a KFOR town hall forum debate, she avoided making a clear statement on the gay marriage issue -- now a more relevant issue than ever with last week's New Jersey Supreme Court decision.
Now new information has come to light showing Askins' pro-abortion stance. Records show clearly that Askins and other House Democrats rejected an attempt to pass a partial birth abortion ban in Oklahoma in 1997. In a floor vote on HB 2175 during the 1997 legislative session, amendments were offered to ban the barbaric practice of partial birth abortions in Oklahoma.
Democrats, who controlled the state House at the time, voted along party lines 59 to 41 to advance the bill without hearing the amendments. Askins was one of those Democrat votes -- effectively supporting partial birth abortions and snubbing attempts to stop this heinous procedure.
Just how pro-life can Askins be when she votes like this? By contrast, Todd Hiett and House Republican leaders in just two years advanced and passed two years of pro-life reforms that Senate Democrats were forced to accept, and Governor Henry was forced to sign, including parental consent and informed consent.
Posted at 10/31/2006 03:25:00 PM