Matt Burckhalter
Contributing Writer
Punches aren’t being pulled in the race for Corporation Commission.
Republican incumbent Bob Anthony is accused of being a career commissioner, and Democratic challenger Cody Graves is said to be in the pocket of lobbyists.
"If you really look at the commission, two commissioners, when they can vote together, those two people have more of an impact on the economy than really any other two individuals in the state, and really not enough people understand that and it’s unfortunate," Graves said.
The Corporation Commission monitors and regulates Oklahoma’s utilities, transportation, and oil and natural gas industries. Transportation and warehousing alone employs 50,821 Oklahomans, according to the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission.
The three commissioners, who serve six-year terms, serve as judges, hear and mediate cases, and protect the rights of both consumers and suppliers.
Voters will choose between the one-time colleagues in the general election on Nov. 7.
Posted at 10/25/2006 02:38:00 PM