- which was
busted last month for knowingly posting a highly edited recording of OKC DA Wes Lane - has posted
this letter attacking Mike Christian in a very personal way. Christian is challenging 10-year incumbent and liberal Democrat Al Lindley. Sources tell the
Oklahoma Political News Service that polling shows him in an extremely vulnerable position.
The letter attacking Mike Christian is designed to appear as if it comes from a random voter in the district, not from Al Lindley. In fact, sources have disclosed to
OKPNS, that Lindley is telling voters he had no idea this was going on and disavows all knowledge of the attack. The mail piece does not bear a "paid for by" disclaimer, as is required by Oklahoma Ethics laws.
Upon closer inspection, a diligent observer will notice two things: (1) the "random" voter is in fact the husband of Al Lindley's campaign treasurer Wanda Jo Stapleton (formerly the Democrat rep from HD 93, and (2) the mail piece has the same permit number as all other Al Lindley mail pieces, which can only mean it was paid for and mailed by the same account.
In our opinion, Rep. Lindley has violated ethics rules by not including a "paid for by" disclaimer on a personal attack mail piece, and he is deceiving voters by lying about his actions.
Posted at 10/15/2006 02:21:00 PM