Oklahoma Political News Service has documented the
biases of the state's two major newspapers.
(example) Another recent example is this
Norman Transcript reporter who falls all over himself to apologize to State Auditor & Inspector Jeff McMahan over a quote he inadvertently attributed to McMahan, but he does no subsequent follow up on this
alleged scandal involving McMahan.
They seem to forget - like the mainstream press in general - that there are now alternative sources of news and information for the public. By the time they have the story in tomorrow's edition, we and other alternative media outlets, have already posted it and have started the discussion among the electorate.
There is an interesting
eight minute video documentary that chronicles the downfall of the "old media." On the
EPIC 2014 website it simply says this:
"In the year 2014, The New York Times has gone offline. The fourth estate's fortunes have waned. What happened to the news?"
If you're reading this blog and other blogs, you already know.
How a Blogger Put Himself in the Middle of Mark Foley Story
Posted at 10/16/2006 11:42:00 AM