Wednesday, October 25, 2006 Independent Candidates
Barrett, Inman vow to not toe their party’s lines
By Caleb Soptelean, editor
The Sun
Candidates Scott Inman and Rex Barrett highlighted their independence Tuesday during a debate for House District 94.
Inman, 28, said he is a moderate-to-conservative, i.e. “Oklahoma Democrat,” while Barrett, 30, noted some areas where he bucks the Republican Party line.
Both said they would vote to throw out a law that allows some illegal immigrants to attend college at in-state tuition rates.
Inman said the bill, which Gov. Brad Henry signed two years ago, “should’ve never been put forth. I support the repeal of that legislation.”
Both men said they want to crack down on businesses that hire illegal immigrants, although Barrett said he wants to require identification to get a public education and state services. (The Supreme Court has ruled that schools cannot ask students about their legal status.) Read more...
Posted at 10/25/2006 04:42:00 PM