World Capitol Bureau
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Democratic leaders are questioning why the Republican speaker-designate, Rep. Lance Cargill of Harrah, has spent so much of his campaign funds when his re-election is all but assured.
Cargill has spent $262,000. His Democratic opponent, Abe Warren of Harrah, had spent $58.50 as of Aug.10, when their last reports were filed with the State Ethics Commission.
Much of Cargill's money has gone to consulting and contract labor. Cargill has reported spending $73,851 since Jan. 1 for consulting and $52,877 for contract labor.
Cargill said his expenditures were in line with those of other leaders, including Sen. Mike Morgan, D-Stillwater, who was re-elected in 2004 and became the head of the Senate the following spring.
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** Check out the picture The World uses for Lance Cargill. More TW photo editorializing?**
Posted at 10/24/2006 02:38:00 PM