SQ 724
This measure amends the State Constitution to restrict State pay to legislators while in jail or prison. Affected legislators must return any State pay received for time while in jail or prison.
SQ 725
This measure amends the State Constitution to allow money to be spent from the Rainy Day Fund (RDF) to help at-risk manufacturers. Payments from the RDF must be unanimously approved by the Governor, the Speaker of the House, and the President Pro- Tempore of the Senate. Such spending is allowed in years when there is in excess of $80 Million in the Fund and other conditions are met. Spending is limited to $10 Million annually. The help given to a manufacturer is limited to 10% of its in-State capital investments.
SQ 733
This measure amends the State Constitution to allow beverage package stores to
sell alcoholic beverages on election days while the polls are open.
SQ 734
This measure amends the State Constitution to allow the Oklahoma State Legislature to govern the application process for the "freeport expemption" -- a property tax exemption for goods shipped into the state, but that do not remain in the state for more than 90 days
Posted at 10/20/2006 02:19:00 PM