To protect our readers anonymity when they send us information, tip e-mails arrive to us through a hotmail account we've set up with a fake name. Honestly folks, we have no idea who you are when you send tips. We received this anonymous "tip" today with the subject line:
"okdemocrat huh???"
Although the comment is unsigned, and if you've read yesterday's
post, you'll have a pretty good idea (as we do) who probably sent it. It's pretty pathetic when those who can sling sleaze with the best of them, have thin skin when a little of their sleaze lands back on them.
Readers, can the below comment be considered a threat?
"I gotcha Dude . . . You can't hide . . . And the right people are watching . . .
You'll never know when they're gonna expose you . . . You better hope integrity
isn't a requirement for you to stay in business . . . And you'll never know when
I come back as someone else . . ."
Our friend Tim Reese posted this today on
"There is a well known GOP operative that pulls the strings on that board. Rusty is just too stupid to figure out when he's being played by republicans. We turned down an offer to link our site to theirs. I plan on suing him after November 7."
Posted at 10/26/2006 11:56:00 PM