Monday, July 31, 2006
Campaign Hijinks: Political Tactics May Signal Bruising GOP Congressional Race
Marie Price
The Journal Record
OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma politics can be contentious at times, but this year’s 5th Congressional District Republican race may set the bar even higher – or lower, given your perspective.
One series of automated phone calls about Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode and Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin has already generated an attorney general’s investigation, and a radio ad and phone “spamming” incident may spark another.
Attorney General Drew Edmondson is looking into the last-minute phone calls, identified as being from Americans for Job Security, although they did not include a contact telephone number.
AJS President Michael Dubke acknowledged Friday that his nonprofit business organization sponsored the calls, but he doesn’t believe a federal telephone consumer protection law covers them.
Both Dubke and Sean McCaffrey, with Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett’s campaign, said they thought the probe was concluded.
Edmondson spokesman Charlie Price said that’s not the case.
“The investigation is continuing,” said Price. “We’ll follow the evidence wherever it leads us.”
One call alleges that Bode pushed for a 125-percent fuel tax hike, reportedly a reference to a federal fuel tax increase in the early 1980s, and refers to her as a “former liberal Democrat.” Bode was once a Democrat.
Bode’s campaign spokesman Ron Black termed the tax-hike-support allegation “patently false.”
“That didn’t happen,” he said.
Black said that when Bode was president of the Independent Petroleum Association of America, she fought against a Clinton administration BTU gas tax hike.
Black said Bode is fiscally conservative, terming the allegations in the phone call “ridiculous.”
Fallin and Cornett will face off in an Aug. 22 runoff.
The other phone call refers to doctors leaving Oklahoma because they can’t afford liability insurance, terming it the “Mary Fallin legacy.”
When asked why doctors leaving the state should be laid at a lieutenant governor’s door, Dubke said he didn’t write the script for the ad and would “have to look at my notes.”
Asked whether anyone in Oklahoma requested that AJS make the calls, Dubke said, “I don’t recall exactly the Oklahoma situation. Frankly, I don’t want to get into how we make our decisions on the stuff that we do.”
McCaffrey, with Wilson Research Strategies, was asked whether WRS or the Cornett campaign had anything to do with the phone calls.
“Absolutely not,” he replied. “I don’t even know Mr. Dubke and I don’t know Americans for Job Security.”
McCaffrey said he has offered to stand with the other campaigns and denounce the AJS messages.
Bill Greener, president of Greener and Hook, a Virginia consulting firm that did advertising for Cornett, said his firm did one television ad for AJS in 2004, but he has had no contact with them since.
“Not only didn’t we have anything to do with the phone calls, we don’t do phone calls,” Greener said.
McCaffrey said he intends to bring a couple of other situations to the attorney general’s attention after the election.
Denise Northrup, with Fallin’s campaign, said she informed McCaffrey of a radio ad that ran a couple of weeks ago, purporting to be a news account, in which Fallin criticized Cornett for taking credit for leading the effort to insure that children could not have access to gay-themed books in libraries.
Northrup said the Fallin campaign had nothing to do with the ad.
“We got phone calls from angry moms with children,” she said.
The ad ended with the tag line “Thank you for listening to the Oklahoma Political News Service” and “Paid for by Oklahomans for Traditional Marriage.”
On its Web site, OPNS denounced the ad as an impersonation of the news service in a letter to a radio station that ran the spot.
McCaffrey said the ad was pulled by two of the stations after it ran a few times.
Harold Patterson, general sales manager of KKNG and KOJK radio in Oklahoma City, said the ad was pulled temporarily off of Radio Disney because it violated Disney rules by mentioning the term “homosexuals.”
“Once it was corrected, then we put it back on,” Patterson said.
Patterson said the station received calls from both the Fallin and Cornett campaigns about the ad.
Consultant Kirk Shelley declined to name the woman who initiated the ad, saying she has a relative who works for Oklahoma City and fears retaliation.
Shelley said the ad quotes from news releases about a spat over who led the fight to remove the books from children’s access.
“All of the information in the ad either came from the media or the press release everybody had already signed anyway,” Shelley said.
McCaffrey indicated he may bring the ad and a telephone “spamming” incident to Edmondson’s attention.
He said that beginning the day before the primary election, the Cornett campaign office started receiving a deluge of telemarketing calls for sales of campaign-related pens, signs and other items.
“Some person with far too much time got online and subscribed Mick Cornett to receive telemarketing calls from every campaign service telemarketer on this side of the Mississippi,” he said. “That’s a felony. That one’s jail time.”
Although he lost his sense of humor after about the 45th call, McCaffrey said an offer of 45,000 Cornett beer Koozies “cracked me up.”
McCaffrey said he will ask the attorney general to trace the Internet incident, because he has asked all of the vendors for their contact information and data on the referral service that sent the Cornett contact information to them.
“They’re a clever felon, but a felon nonetheless,” McCaffrey said. “But I have no idea who’s behind them.”
McCaffrey was also critical of a purported political flyer carrying the names of Fallin, Cornett and fellow candidate Fred Morgan bearing the logo of a local church, which had nothing to do with the flyer.
He said an incident like that could jeopardize the church’s tax-exempt status.
“To attack a church – who does that?” he asked.
Posted at 7/31/2006 04:18:00 PM

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Four Republican candidates for the party's nomination to Congress in the Fifth District are endorsing Lieutenant Governor Mary Fallin in the runoff with Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett.
Denise Bode (BOH'-dee), Kevin Calvey, Fred Morgan and Johnny Roy praised Fallin as a hard-working conservative.
The four finished third through sixth in last Tuesday's primary in which Fallin received 35 percent of the vote while Cornett won 24 percent.
The two will meet in an August 22nd runoff.
The winner will face Doctor David Hunter of Edmond who won the Democratic primary.
Incumbent Congressman Ernest Istook is running for governor instead of for re-election.
Posted at 7/31/2006 09:02:00 AM

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Oklahoma Political News Service has heard rumors that Corporation Commissioner and former CD 5 candidate, Denise Bode will endorse Mary Fallin in the run-off for the 5th Congressional District seat.
While Bode is closest ideologically to Mick Cornett, Fallin's opponent in the run off, sources say that Bode believes the 5th districts needs a "woman's perspective."
The Oklahoma Political News Service will continue to follow the developing story.
Posted at 7/30/2006 10:03:00 AM

The Associated Press
Saturday, July 29, 2006; 9:02 PM
WASHINGTON -- Presidential adviser Karl Rove said Saturday that journalists often criticize political professionals because they want to draw attention away from the "corrosive role" their own coverage plays in politics and government.
"Some decry the professional role of politics, they would like to see it disappear," Rove told graduating students at the George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management. "Some argue political professionals are ruining American politics _ trapping candidates in daily competition for the news cycle instead of long-term strategic thinking in the best interest of the country."
But Rove turned that criticism on journalists.
"It's odd to me that most of these critics are journalists and columnists," he said. "Perhaps they don't like sharing the field of play. Perhaps they want to draw attention away from the corrosive role their coverage has played focusing attention on process and not substance."
Rove told about 100 graduates trained to be political operatives that they should respect the instincts of the American voter.
"There are some in politics who hold that voters are dumb, ill informed and easily misled, that voters can be manipulated by a clever ad or a smart line," said Rove, who is credited with President Bush's victories in the 2000 and 2004 elections. "I've seen this cynicism over the years from political professionals and journalists. American people are not policy wonks, but they have great instincts and try to do the right thing."
Rove said it is "wrong to underestimate the intelligence of the American voter, but easy to overestimate their interest. Much tugs at their attention."
But he said voters are able to watch campaigns and candidates closely and "this messy and imperfect process has produced great leaders."
Posted at 7/30/2006 10:01:00 AM

From the AP:
Candidates in the upcoming primary runoff face the usual challenge of raising funds and getting better organized than their opponents if they want to advance to the November general election.
But last Tuesday's poor primary turnout showed voter apathy, for one reason or another, making the candidates' task especially challenging as they look toward the Aug. 22 runoff.
Posted at 7/30/2006 10:00:00 AM

Friday, July 28, 2006
Tulsa World (Excerpt)
OKLAHOMA CITY -- U.S. Rep. Ernest Istook criticized Gov. Brad Henry on Thursday for worsening the problem of illegal immigration.
Istook brought up the immigration issue during a Capitol news conference called to announce endorsements. He later would not answer additional questions from reporters, saying the subject of the news conference was Republican unity.
Asked to describe his game plan for the race, Istook initially took a pass and then launched into the immigration issue.
"For example, let's take illegal immigration," Istook said. "Brad Henry, you know, honored the request of President Bush for Oklahoma National Guard members to help at the border. But he hasn't done anything to help the larger problem with the huge number of illegal immigrants here in Oklahoma and elsewhere.
"In fact, Brad Henry has made our illegal immigration problem worse by sponsoring public benefits for illegal immigrants, such as in-state tuition for people who are here illegally."
Paul Sund, a spokesman for Henry, said the governor did not sponsor or propose the 2003 legislation. The measure was written by the late Sen. Keith Leftwich, D-Oklahoma City; former Sen. Mike Fair, R-Oklahoma City; Rep. Al Lindley, D-Oklahoma City; Rep. Kevin Calvey, R-Del City; and Rep. Rebecca Hamilton, D-Oklahoma City.
It passed with bipartisan support and was sent to the governor along with hundreds of other bills, Sund said.
The measure allows graduates of Oklahoma high schools to be eligible for in-state tuition if they were working toward legal status or preparing to begin the process, Sund said.
"Republican and Democratic supporters of the bill said they didn't want to punish kids for something their parents did," he said. "Had the measure not required the students to be working toward legalized status, Gov. Henry would have vetoed it."
When questioned about his use of the word "sponsor," Istook said Henry signed the bill.
"You don't sign something if you don't approve of it," Istook said. "It is not a matter of quibbling over words. He should have vetoed the bill regardless of who sponsored it."
Posted at 7/28/2006 04:30:00 PM

  "John Boy" Edwards, failed presidential candidate, one term senator, and "son of a millworker" is coming to Oklahoma City next week. Edwards will be the special guest at a "rally for working Oklahomans" sponsored by the Oklahoma Democratic Win PAC. Edwards who is running for president under the populist theme of "ending poverty in America" will speak at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Union Hall August 3rd.
It is still a mystery to us, that a man who didn't run for reelection in North Carolina because he was so unpopular, can actually believe he is a viable candidate for president! I guess chasing ambulances and winning multi-million dollar judgments based on junk science doesn't have the appeal it once did.
Posted at 7/28/2006 03:34:00 PM

 Now that the primaries are over, civility and Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment is almost back in vogue. Republican governor candidate Ernest Istook has received the endorsement of two of his former rivals for the nomination at a press conference at the Capitol Thursday. Tulsa oilman Bob Sullivan, who finished second with about 31 percent of the votes, gave Istook the maximum amount allowed, $5,000. Oklahoma Political News Service wonders if an apology accompanied the check. Sullivan joked that "The check hasn't cleared [yet]". Sullivan went on to say, "We have a candidate who is not only capable but determined to beat Brad Henry. I want to throw my support 100 percent behind Ernest Istook because he will carry those good conservative values into the fray, and I'm convinced that he will prevail."
Party Chairman Tom Daxon read a statement of support for Congressman Istook from Jim Williamson saying, "I have the utmost respect for Congressman Istook, and I am certain he will be a conservative, pro-growth governor." Jim Evanoff, the last place finsher in Tuesday's contest, (who was absent at the press conference) said he is undecided whom he'll be supporting November. Rumor has it that he was miffed for not being invited. I can't imagine the party or Istook not wanting a photo op or statement of support from his vanquished foes. Grow up Jim, you lost!
Posted at 7/28/2006 11:28:00 AM

By Janice Francis-Smith
The Journal Record (Illustration by Neil Cambre)
OKLAHOMA CITY – Though the candidate with the most contributions is generally considered the front-runner in any race, the results of Tuesday’s primary elections showed that money doesn’t always guarantee votes.
On the Democrat side, the lieutenant governor’s race followed the traditional formula. State Rep. Jari Askins, D-Duncan, had raised the most money – more than $530,000, including $350,000 she had loaned to her own campaign – and she came in first at the polls, with just over 40 percent of the votes. Pete Regan came in second in fundraising, with just over $420,000, and he came in second at the polls with 29 percent of the vote.
State Sen. Cal Hobson, a latecomer to the race because he chose to wait until after the legislative session was over to announce his candidacy, raised more than $205,000 and came in third at 18 percent. Jim Rogers, who didn’t raise enough to report to the Oklahoma Ethics Commission, came in last with 12 percent.
The Republican primary in the lieutenant governor’s race, however, bore some surprises. House Speaker Todd Hiett’s more than $1 million in campaign contributions garnered him first place in the race, with 42.82 percent of the vote. Sen. Scott Pruitt came in second with 33.73 percent of the vote and more than $748,000 in contributions – coming closer to Hiett’s lead in votes than he did in contributions.
State Sen. Nancy Riley came in third in campaign contributions and third at the polls. But she managed to parlay just $11,000 in campaign contributions into 23.46 percent of the vote. Pruitt raised 68 times as much money as Riley, but Tuesday night’s primary results showed a 10-point difference between the two candidates, representing less than 20,000 votes.
“We spent less than a dollar per vote,” said Riley from her Tulsa home on Wednesday. “My husband says Hiett spent $13 per vote and Pruitt spent $15 per vote. We had the right message, I think. We didn’t have the media money.”
While Hiett’s and Pruitt’s television ads ran repeatedly during the last weeks of the campaign, Riley had no television ads at all – just a half-page ad in the newspaper and radio spots on the agricultural networks on Friday and Monday, she said.
“People want to hear good things about Oklahoma,” said Riley. “And they just responded to that message wholeheartedly.”
She and her husband/campaign manager worked hard and worked smart, she said, paying attention to the statistics and directing their efforts to areas where the registered Republican numbers provided the greatest bang for the buck. Riley said she next plans to run for re-election in her Senate district, but she did not rule out another run for lieutenant governor in the future.
“They probably will not underestimate me on the next go-around,” she said.
In the governor’s race as well, Tulsa oil and gas businessman Bob Sullivan raised well over $1 million, which included a $100,000 loan from himself, while U.S. Rep. Ernest Istook’s campaign raised about $700,000. Still, Sullivan said his campaign could not overcome the fact that from the beginning of the campaign, voters were already familiar with the 12-year congressman. Istook garnered nearly 55 percent of the vote, while Sullivan won just under 31 percent.
Posted at 7/28/2006 11:14:00 AM

Calvey Endorses Fallin
State Rep. and former CD5 candidate Kevin Calvey has endorsed Mary Fallin in the CD 5 run-off.
Posted at 7/28/2006 10:14:00 AM

Thursday, July 27, 2006
 From the Wall Street Journal's Political Diary
The importance of beating Henry
Rep. Ernest Istook survived being portrayed as a Washington porker by a comedian who made pig noises in a TV commercial and won yesterday's GOP primary for the Oklahoma governorship. The pig jokes were courtesy of his primary rival, Tulsa oil millionaire Bob Sullivan, who combed Mr. Istook's Congressional record looking for pork buried in bills that Mr. Istook voted for in his long career (Mr. Istook served seven terms). The Congressman may look back on such indignities fondly in the next round. The primary outcome was never in doubt: Mr. Istook had the name recognition and won with 56% of the vote. He also undoubtedly attracted a certain number of votes out of simple respect for his decision to give up a supremely safe House seat in order to challenge a sitting governor, Democrat Brad Henry, who may be nigh unbeatable.
Step one in improving these odds is appropriating some of his late opponent's campaign themes. Despite an oil boom and popular tax cut that have given the incumbent Democrat a 75% approval rating, the GOP upstart Mr. Sullivan insisted during the primary that Oklahoma was still "going sideways in 46th place. We've done that for 99 years." Mr. Sullivan offered several sensible ideas for modernizing the state, including a taxpayer bill of rights to control spending (Mr. Istook said he wanted to study the idea). He's also been a leading supporter of the national "65% solution" movement, a mandate that at least 65% of school funding should go to the classroom rather than overhead. Mr. Sullivan also proposed gradually eliminating Oklahoma's state income tax as a way to attract new businesses and keep more wealth inside the state.
These are all good ideas that Mr. Istook is now free to adopt. He also could make up some ground by attacking Mr. Henry's excessive reliance on the expansion of lottery and casino gambling. Not only are the sin industries unpopular with Oklahoma's many social conservatives, but they represent exactly the kind of unproductive, faux "development" you'd expect from a state setting itself up to "go sideways" for another century.
-- Holman W. Jenkins Jr.
Posted at 7/27/2006 01:49:00 PM

By Aaron Blake (excerpt)
Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett didn’t declare for Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District race until May and didn’t move into full campaign mode until this month.
But the popular former sportscaster qualified for a runoff with Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin in Tuesday’s GOP primary, and now he’ll have a month to make up some ground and try to continue his fast rise in Oklahoma politics.
Fallin and Cornett emerged from a six-way nomination race as the top two vote-getters Tuesday, and they will meet in the runoff Aug. 22 to determine the favorite to replace Republican Rep. Ernest Istook.
Fallin finished first, with 35 percent of the vote, and Cornett edged out third-place finisher and state Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode 24-19 to earn the second spot in the runoff. The winner will face Dr. David Hunter, who won the Democratic primary 63-37 over teacher Bert Smith.
The seat is generally not considered a takeover opportunity for Democrats. Istook, who is running for governor and won his primary Tuesday, routinely won two-thirds of the vote in the district. He will face Gov. Brad Henry (D) in the general election.
The Republican congressional match-up pits the longtime favorite in the race, Fallin, against the candidate whose entry assured she would face a runoff. Before Cornett joined, Fallin had been polling around 50 percent and higher.
Keith Gaddie, a professor of political science at Oklahoma University who has polled the race independently, has been doing second-choice polling in recent weeks and said most of Bode’s voters chose Fallin in a runoff. Fallin is the early favorite and would take about 60 percent of the vote if the runoff were held today, according to his numbers.
While the campaign has been downright amiable until this past weekend, Gaddie said that should change quickly and Cornett will have to go negative on Fallin somehow, which is difficult to do in Oklahoma politics.
“Now we have an actual campaign,” Gaddie said.
He said the two remaining candidates will have to mobilize their bases and try to grab the hardcore conservatives who voted for further-right candidates like Bode as well as the Club for Growth- and Minuteman Project-endorsed state Rep. Kevin Calvey, who finished fourth with 10 percent of the vote.
Gaddie added that Cornett might struggle in that regard because he doesn’t appeal as much as Fallin to traditional conservatives and older voters, who tend to dominate primary voting. And Cornett could be hurt by past support for increasing taxes and for a measure urging Congress to vote against restricting local governments’ powers of eminent domain.
In an interview with The Hill yesterday, Fallin acknowledged that such issues constitute differences between the two candidates. Until now, they had been content to cast themselves as ideologically similar. She also emphasized Cornett’s relative newcomer status and the fact that he has not yet served a full term in any office.
Cornett, who worked in television for 20 years, was elected as a city councilman in 2001 and won a special election to become mayor in 2004. He elected to a full term four months ago with 87 percent of the vote, and two months later he declared for Istook’s seat.
Fallin, meanwhile, has been in her office since 1995 and said she has been much more involved in the Republican Party.
“I’ve always been with the Republican caucus when it come to cutting taxes and working towards things that would make more efficient government and reform government,” Fallin said. “He’s come out against some things like the sales tax holiday, and that’s been one of the issues that we felt we needed some relief on.”
Cornett should perform better in debates because of his background in television and would have a good shot to win if he can outspend Fallin, Gaddie said.
Cornett raised $173,000 in the first two months of his campaign and had $119,000 on hand through July 5. Fallin raised $859,000 and had $316,000 on hand.
The mayor has been bolstered recently by news that an Oklahoma City group is buying the Seattle SuperSonics franchise in the National Basketball Association. Cornett was instrumental in getting the New Orleans Hornets to play in Oklahoma City after Hurricane Katrina displaced the team last season, and the sale of the SuperSonics has led to speculation that the team will soon move to Oklahoma’s capital.
Cornett has cautioned against assuming the team will move, but the news put him in the spotlight less than a week before the primary. Calls to his campaign seeking comment were not returned.
Posted at 7/27/2006 08:42:00 AM

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The final two weeks of the primary campaign had OK voters listening and viewing a myriad of negative commercials, especially in high profile races to replace Congressman Istook in CD5 and to take on Brad Henry for Governor. Denise Bode and Bob Sullivan were both accused of breaking written pledges to not go negative. In these two cases, their ads didn't make much of a difference, both candidates came up woefully short.
Negative advertising on both sides of the aisle for Lt. Governor didn't help these candidate's separate themselves enough in the public mind to avoid an August runoff. Hiett led the GOP primary with 76,622 votes or 42.8 percent. Pruitt was second with 60,357 votes or 33.7 percent.
In one television ad, Hiett criticized Pruitt for missing close to 40 percent of the votes cast in the Senate this year. Pruitt criticized Hiett for refusing to publicly support the taxpayerÂs bill of rights initiative petition, called TABOR, which would limit government spending.
Pruitt, who signed that petition, also criticized Hiett by saying government spending has increased by 31 percent during HiettÂs leadership of the state House.
In the Democratic primary, state Rep. Askins had 103,499 votes, or 40.2 percent to 74,773, or 29.1, percent for Pete Regan.
Askins had some ads that called Regan a lobbyist. Her ad on Hobson referred to problems he had that caused him to resign as the Senate President Pro Tempore. Hobson resigned from that post because of a drinking problem.
Posted at 7/26/2006 01:03:00 PM

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Lieutenant Governor Mary Fallin and Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett were the top two vote getters in the Republican primary to replace outgoing Representative Ernest Istook.
Fallin had 35 percent of the vote and Cornett had 24 percent in a crowded field.
Since neither got 50 percent of the vote, they will face each other in an August 22nd runoff that will determine the Republican nominee.
From CQPolitics.com,:
Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin and Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett are headed to an Aug. 22 runoff as the top two vote-getters in Tuesday’s Republican primary for Oklahoma’s 5th District seat, which Republican Rep. Ernest Istook left open to run for governor.
The district, which includes most of the state capital of Oklahoma City, is a Republican stronghold: Istook won a seventh House term in 2004 with 66 percent of the vote, as President Bush was taking 64 percent in the district.
The promise of longterm political job security for the winner drew in six Republican hopefuls, five of them current elected officials. Fallin topped the field with 35 percent of the vote; Cornett took 24 percent to claim the other runoff slot.
State Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode, whose strong fundraising boosted her into the top tier, ran third with 19 percent of the vote. Further off the pace were state Reps. Kevin Calvey and Fred Morgan, with 10 percent and 9 percent respectively, and surgeon Johnny B. Roy with 3 percent.
For the most part, the candidates conducted an amiable campaign, frequently discussing their opponents as “friends.”
Fallin and Cornett, who must now court voters who did not support them in the primary, can be expected to continue highlighting their conservative profiles. According to political scientist Keith Gaddie of University of Oklahoma, Cornett is popular among casual and infrequent voters, and Fallin is highly popular with voters over the age of 50.
Posted at 7/26/2006 10:27:00 AM

Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Denise Bode is doing her best Al Gore impression, refusing to concede the race to Mary Fallin and Mick Cornett. With 85% of precincts reporting, time is running out.
"I don't know how long it will take to get all the numbers in from Oklahoma County," she said. "I'm used to a statewide race where sometimes you have to wait all night."
Posted at 7/25/2006 09:44:00 PM

Governor - - GOP Primary
2018 of 2249 Precincts Reporting - 89.73%
Max Runoff Cands=2
Name Party Votes Pct
Istook, Ernest GOP 86,617 57.205
Sullivan, Bob GOP 43,998 29.06
Williamson, James GOP 13,397 8.85
Evanoff, Jim GOP
Lieutenant Governor - - Dem Primary
2032 of 2249 Precincts Reporting - 90.35%
Max Runoff Cands=2
Name Party Votes Pct
Askins, Jari Dem 96,622 40.33
Regan, Pete Dem 68,524 28.60
Hobson, Cal Dem 43,736 18.26
Rogers, Jim Dem 30,700 12.81
U.S. House - District 1 - GOP Primary
223 of 348 Precincts Reporting - 64.08%
Max Runoff Cands=2
Name Party Votes Pct
Sullivan, John (i) GOP 22,631 82.82
Rogers, Evelyn GOP 3,550 12.99
Moghaddam, Fran GOP 1,146 4.19
U.S. House - District 2 - GOP Primary
575 of 577 Precincts Reporting - 99.65%
Name Party Votes Pct
Miller, Patrick GOP 9,909 72.24
Wickson, Raymond GOP 3,807 27.76
U.S. House - District 3 - Dem Primary
549 of 573 Precincts Reporting - 95.81%
Max Runoff Cands=2
Name Party Votes Pct
Barton, Sue Dem 22,536 53.40
Wilson, Gregory Dem 10,485 24.85
Harris, John Dem 9,178 21.75
U.S. House - District 5 - Dem Primary
194 of 340 Precincts Reporting - 57.06%
Name Party Votes Pct
Hunter, David Dem 13,764 61.63
Smith, Bert Dem 8,571 38.37
U.S. House - District 5 - GOP Primary
195 of 340 Precincts Reporting - 57.35%
Max Runoff Cands=2
Name Party Votes Pct
Fallin, Mary GOP 9,056 35.42
Cornett, Mick GOP 6,042 23.63
Bode, Denise GOP 4,927 19.27
Calvey, Kevin GOP 2,584 10.11
Morgan, Fred GOP 2,320 9.07
Roy, Johnny GOP 639 2.50
Lieutenant Governor - - GOP Primary
1934 of 2249 Precincts Reporting - 85.99%
Max Runoff Cands=2
Name Party Votes Pct
Hiett, Todd GOP 59,224 44.40
Pruitt, Scott GOP 42,402 31.79
Riley, Nancy GOP 31,776 23.82
Treasurer - - GOP Primary
1934 of 2249 Precincts Reporting - 85.99%
Name Party Votes Pct
Barnett, Howard GOP 78,690 59.45
Keating, Daniel GOP 53,680 40.55
Posted at 7/25/2006 09:29:00 PM

 The political commercials have been made, along with the countless speeches and press releases given and released from the candidates. Today is the day we witness if those efforts have made a positive or negative impact with Oklahoma primary voters. Oklahoma Political News Service will have up to the minute coverage of the election, incuding exclusive interviews with the winners and losers. This link will give real time election results when they become available.
Posted at 7/25/2006 05:20:00 PM

Courtesy of okgopchat.com
Denise Bode
Will’s Coffee Shop
Inside Will Roger’s Theatre Building
4322 N. Western Ave.
Oklahoma City
6:30 p.m.
Kevin Calvey
Penn and 63rd
Oklahoma City
7 p.m.
Mick Cornett
At the top of the Founders Tower
5900 Mosteller Dr. of NW Expressway
7 p.m.
Mary Fallin
Cole’s Garden
1415 NE 63rd
Oklahoma City
7 p.m.
Fred Morgan
Campaign Headquarters
4915 N. Lincoln Blvd.
Oklahoma City
7:30 p.m.
Johnny Roy
NW Corner of 15th and Bryant
7 p.m.
Ernest Istook
1. Character First
520 W. Main
Oklahoma City
7 p.m.
2. Tulsa Campaign Headquarters
4415 E. 31st
6:30 p.m.
Bob Sullivan
Renaissance Hotel
6808 S. 107th East Ave.
7 p.m.
James Williamson
6111 S. Trenton Ave.
7-12 p.m.
Todd Hiett
Harris Event Center
643 NE 41st St.
(41st and Lincoln Blvd)
Oklahoma City
7 p.m.
Scott Pruitt
AT&T Bricktown Ballpark
Diamond Lounge on the 2nd Floor
(Enter from the Deep Right gate at the corner of Joe Carter and Reno Ave.)
Oklahoma City
7 p.m.
Howard Barnett
Renaissance Hotel
6808 107th East Ave.
Hospitality Suite 237
7 p.m.
Bill Brown
Gatesway Foundation Gymnasium
1217 E. College
Broken Arrow
7 p.m.
Dale DePue
First United Presbyterian
Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m.
Kim Dismuke
The Home of Kim and Stacey Dismuke
612 Cactus Ct.
7 p.m.
Mark McCullough
The Home of Mark McCullough
4125 Dogwood Place
Colby Schwartz
Italian Jim's Pizzeria
342 S. Mustang Rd.
7:15 p.m.
Tulsa County Republican Party
Republican Headquarters
Shadow Mountain Office Center
5840 S. Memorial
6-10 p.m.
Posted at 7/25/2006 05:03:00 PM

Tulsa County Democratic Election Party
All Democratic candidates, their supporters, and
friends are invited to our Tulsa County election night
Primary Watch Party. Lot's of TV sets, lots of
Democrats and a cash bar!
Hosted by Workman For Tulsa [Mike Workman for OK House
#70], the Tulsa Democratic Party MeetUp, DFA-Tulsa
[Democracy For America, Tulsa], Alan Gentges for US
House #1, Cory Spocogee for OK House #69, and others.
RSVP online at
or call 918-743-8165
Tuesday, July 25 at 7:01 PM+
Rick's Cafe Americain, 5107 S. Harvard Ave., Tulsa, OK
On the southeast corner of South Harvard Avenue and
East 51st Street South; just 1 block south of IH-44
Posted at 7/25/2006 05:00:00 PM

The Daily Oklahoman is reporting that voters in the 5th congressional district recieved phone messsages Monday attacking Mary Fallin and Denise Bode. The calls reportedly came from a group called Americans for Job Security. Reportedly, there was no call-back number on some of the calles, which Oklahoma considers to be a violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. We reported last Friday of possible push polling being conducted. Former State Rep. Tim Pope, now a political consultant, was accused of violating the consumer protection law in January. Labels: Decision '06, Tim Pope
Posted at 7/25/2006 02:45:00 PM

By David M. Drucker
Roll Call Staff
A photo finish is expected today in Oklahoma's 5th district Republican primary, with Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin predicted to advance to an Aug. 22 runoff against either state Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode or Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett.
With temperatures expected in the high 90s before the heat index is accounted for, turnout could be the key to victory in the crowded six-candidate field to replace Rep. Ernest Istook (R). Istook is projected to finish first in the GOP gubernatorial primary, and he will compete in a runoff unless he garners at least 50 percent of the vote today.
"I'll be surprised if Mary Fallin is not the frontrunner," a knowledgeable Oklahoma Republican said Monday. "And I think it's real razor-thin between Denise Bode and Mick Cornett" for second place.
Surgeon David Hunter and teacher Bert Smith are running for their party's nod in the 5th district Democratic primary. But the heavily Republican, Oklahoma City-area seat is considered safe for the GOP and unlikely to flip come November.
The leading Republican candidates - including the Club for Growth-favored state Rep. Kevin Calvey - are all claiming a best-in-show ground game. Bode spokesman Ron Black said his candidate's team has knocked on more than 60,000 doors, while Cornett campaign spokesman Sean McCaffrey boasted a volunteer squad of well over 100.
Fallin campaign spokeswoman Denise Northrup said the lieutenant governor's operation placed 25,000 automated phone calls on Monday.
The state election board is projecting statewide turnout among registered voters in the low 30 percent range, which is considered average for an off-year election. That, combined with a Republican candidate field that has angled en masse for the conservative vote, and an electorate in which few voters are undecided at this point, could make turnout crucial.
For instance, if the hot weather depresses turnout among senior citizens, who benefits and who suffers? One Republican operative said seniors are among Fallin's most ardent supporters and suggested she could be damaged if the forecasted 97-degree weather deters older voters from venturing to the polls.
"I think it will be close and competitive. We're feeling very confident over here," McCaffrey said. "We have an amazing team of folks working hard to get out the vote."
Of the three leading campaigns, the Bode and Cornett teams on Monday seemed to share the same feelings of confidence mixed with cautious optimism. Even Black, when asked to gauge his candidate's chances, backed away from predictions he made almost two weeks ago that Bode was gunning for a top finish in today's election, saying only that he fully expects her to advance to the runoff.
Fallin, however, is notably buoyant.
Northrup said all of the polling they have seen - including their own conducted by Oklahoma native Ed Goas - shows them leading the pack and making the runoff. She attributed Fallin's strong position to running a positive campaign and staying above the fray that has engulfed some of the candidates.
"We feel really good. We have the momentum," Northrup said. "I think both [Bode and Cornett] are in a statistical dead heat, from numbers we've seen, and we're just waiting to see who's in the runoff with us."
In the closing days, what has been a relatively civil campaign turned slightly heated, with Bode targeting Cornett's position on eminent domain in a radio ad and the mayor snapping back in a television interview, accusing the corporation commissioner of breaking her pledge not to go negative.
In a comical exchange caught by a local television news crew at an event where Cornett and Bode were both appearing, the candidates shook hands, smiled at each other and looked as if they were in the middle of a friendly conversation, while in reality they were sparring verbally about the ad.
Cornett said the ad distorts his position on eminent domain. Black said the ad was not a negative attack, but merely an attempt to showcase the substantive differences that exist between the candidates.
"Here in the Oklahoma media, there has been this mantra that there's no distinguishing characteristics among the candidates," Black said.
Calvey, considered the only candidate who can sneak into the top two and displace either Bode or Cornett, has benefited from the Club for Growth spending on his behalf. As of July 12, the political action committee reported spending more than $55,000 on Calvey.
Calvey appears to have hung his chances on the issue of illegal immigration. His main television ad - and the only one he has run in the final weeks of the campaign - features Chris Simcox, president of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, the group that has placed sentries along the U.S. border. In the ad, Simcox endorses Calvey and praises his tough, anti-illegal immigration stance.
Calvey also has been endorsed by Team America PAC, the political action committee founded by Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) for the sole purpose of funding candidates who share his position on illegal immigration.
Calvey campaign spokeswoman Carissa Darling said 5th district voters are concerned about illegal immigration, adding that her candidate's military background makes him uniquely qualified to address the issue.
Northrup predicted an above-average turnout in the 5th district that would surpass the statewide showing, based on voter intensity motivated by a competitive Republican primary and a gubernatorial primary on the GOP side that features Istook, the area's longtime and well-liked Congressman.
She acknowledged that the hot weather could affect turnout among seniors, who are generally big Fallin supporters. But she said many have voted early over the past few days, with plans in place to drive others to the polls today as needed.
"I think you'll find turnout affects who the other person in runoff will be" besides Fallin, Northrup said.
Posted at 7/25/2006 12:07:00 PM

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Voter turnout for today's primary elections in Oklahoma is ranging from slow to heavy.
Ellen Thames with the Muskogee County Election Board says turnout there is heavy this morning. She says a hotly contested race for district attorney is attracting voters.
Oklahoma County Election Board officials say turnout is slow so far despite a high profile race for the Republican nomination to Congress in the Fifth District. Doug Sanderson says it may be too early to gauge what the turnout will be because voting tends to increase around noon and again at the last minute.
Tulsa County election officials say they're still collecting early information on voter turnout.
Posted at 7/25/2006 10:44:00 AM

 From okdemocrat.com:
" I hear a police report is being filed at Uniform Division East against Mac-Daddy (Jason McIntosh) for stealing large 2'x4' Connie Dodson signs. He was spotted in the act last night and later his car was found parked at Steve Gallo's home with Dodson signs in the outdoor trash bin. Photos were taken of J-Mac's car in the driveway and the signs in the trash bin and a report was filed with police, channel 2 and the Tulsa County Democratic Party.."
Posted at 7/25/2006 10:15:00 AM

Monday, July 24, 2006
TV News Station KFOR captured Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett confronting fellow candidate Denise Bode about her negative attack ad and ran the above piece at 6:00. Interestingly, on the 10:00 news KFOR changed the story and called the ad "mudslinging." In releated news, Oklahoma City Business Leader, activist Republican and Secretary of Commerce under former Governor Frank Keating, Russell Perry had a letter hand delivered to Commissioner Bode calling on her to pull her "negative attack ads", saying they “mischaracterize the issue.”
The letter reads:
“As a friend, I am writing to tell you that there is far too much negative campaigning already, and you are too classy to be a part of it. I respectfully ask you to take the particular ad off the air.”
Perry points out Cornett’s position “empowers local governments by keeping the federal government at bay.”
Perry ends the letter by saying, “I stand with Mick Cornett of this issue and ask again that you pull the ad in question directly, and that you relinquish your position on this for the good of Oklahoma.”
As the Oklahoma Political News Service has pointed out before, Denise Bode pledged on multiple occasions not to run attack ads. Her media consultant, Ron Black, even wrote, "You have not only Denise's word, but my word. Denise will NOT attack first.” Click here to read the entire Russell Perry letter to Bode.
Posted at 7/24/2006 11:28:00 AM

Bush Approval Highest In OKC
Sunday, July 23, 2006
OKLAHOMA CITY -- About one in three registered voters are expected to cast ballots in Oklahoma's primary election Tuesday.
State Election Board Secretary Mike Clingman said that means 600,000 to 700,000 registered voters are expected to vote.
Historically, Democrats are more likely to vote in a primary than Republicans, but Clingman said "that could be changing, particularly this time."
According to the National Weather Service, a high of 95 degrees is predicted for the Tulsa area Tuesday.
Republican Party Chairman Tom Daxon said this is the most significant election in state history for his party, and he expects a strong GOP turnout in the primary.
In November's general election, Republicans are eyeing a possible takeover of the state Senate, which has been controlled by the Democrats since statehood.
Read more in the Tulsa World...
Posted at 7/23/2006 03:45:00 PM

 The Enid News & Eagle released thier endorsements today:
For Governor: Brad Henry (D) & Ernest Istook (R) in their respective primaries
For Lt. Governor: Jari Askins (D) & Todd Hiett (R) in their respective primaries
Posted at 7/23/2006 03:40:00 PM

Saturday, July 22, 2006
 According to Oklahoma County Election Board Secretary Doug Sanderson 709 voters cast ballots Friday at the election board office, 4201 Lincoln Blvd.
"It's still not like we'd see in a general election, but it is a respectable number for the first day of early voting," he said.
While election turnout in some states has been down this year, pundits point to the all time record high turnout in the Nebraska primary in June being most similar to this years Oklahoma primary. Overall turnout in Nebraska was among the highest ever for a primary election in the state according to the Lincoln Journal Star.
Looking at Nebraska and the competitive Fifth District race, informed observers are predicting a record turnout in Oklahoma on Tuesday.
Registered voters across Oklahoma could begin casting ballots Friday under Oklahoma's three-day, in-person absentee law. They must vote at their county election board.
County election boards will be open from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday and from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday. Click here to find your own polling location (be sure to hit the "Search" button in the upper right hand corner).
Posted at 7/22/2006 12:00:00 AM

Friday, July 21, 2006
Phones across the state have begun ringing off the hook as candidates for offices big as small engage in a last minute effort to persuade voters. While most calls are positive issues calls, the Oklahoma Political News Service has learned that some of these calls are illegal push polls aimed at disseminating false information under the guise of being a legitimate survey.
Moreover, this calls are illegal since the law requires all political phone calls to identify who is calling and the campaign that is affiliated with the call.
The Oklahoma Political News Service will investigate.
Posted at 7/21/2006 05:50:00 PM

 The CD 5 race took a turn for the negative today as Denise Bode broke a campaign promise not to go negative and began running attack radio spots and sent a negative email to supporters.
The attack centers on Cornett's support of a January 26th U.S. Conference of Mayors Resolution on the responsible use of eminent domain. The resolution was circulated during a five-day Mayors conference and signed by 85 mayors urging that local governments maintain some flexibility to use eminent domain to assemble property for affordable housing, hospitals, educational institutions and for other purposes that serve the general public.
Reportedly, Cornett was asked to take this position by Oklahoma City Chamber Urban Renewal Committee members Clay Bennett, Fred Hall, Russell Perry and Larry Nichols. Senator Tom Coburn supported Cornett on this.
Interestingly, Cornett had testified before congress on the issue of eminent domain. According to an article on the U.S. Conference of Mayors website "[Cornett] told Senator Coburn his first preference would be for Congress not to take any action, and instead allow states to address the issue, since 43 states and many local governments have already taken action or are in the process of responding to the Kelo decision. However, he explained that if Congress decides to act, the resolution urges the adoption of legislative language that will allow local governments to continue to use eminent domain for certain economic development activities."
Posted at 7/21/2006 05:00:00 PM

Oklahoma Five [Ramesh Ponnuru]
Mike Pence, the head of the Republican Study Committee in the House of Representatives, wants Mick Cornett to join the conservative group next year. Cornett is the mayor of Oklahoma City, and he is running to replace Ernest Istook in Oklahoma’s fifth congressional district. Pence’s stand aligns him with former congressman David McIntosh, another well-known conservative. But both Pence and McIntosh are at odds with their usual allies at the Club for Growth, who have endorsed Kevin Calvey. Ed Meese and Paul Weyrich, meanwhile, have endorsed a third candidate, former lobbyist Denise Bode. Calvey, the Club for Growth’s candidate, is in fourth place with 10.5 percent of the vote, according to the local Fox affiliate. Don’t be surprised if some of his supporters switch to Cornett by Tuesday’s election. The run-off will be in August. Cornett, oddly, is the only candidate to endorse Istook’s bid for governor. Istook is expected to win his primary. Read entire piece here...
Posted at 7/21/2006 02:51:00 PM

5th District Candidate & Former Clinton Campaign Staffer: Bode Changed Party in 1993
Denise Bode says on her campaign website that she is "The true conservative Republican candidate for the 5th Congressional District" and that "True Conservatism is what you get from Denise Bode" At a candlelight vigil for former President Ronald Reagan - who died in 2004 - she called Reagan her "hero" and said “He’s really the reason I believed I could become involved in politics.” What a conversion! Bode - the former Democrat and aide to Senator Boren - worked vigorously as a lobbyist during her "hero's" term to pass tax increases. Below is from a 1985 People Magazine article titled:
"Bode was still working in the Senate three years ago when she showed her mettle. Exhausted and eight months pregnant, she helped shepherd the 1982 gas tax bill through the Senate."
Posted at 7/21/2006 02:30:00 PM

Bob Sullivan recieved the "DUMBEST CAMPAIGN STRATEGY AWARD" from the Polecat Creek Blog.
According to Polecat" Hands down, this one goes to the Bob Sullivan campaign that made his opponent, 5th District Congressman Ernest Istook-R, look sympathetic. Mr. Sullivan called Representative Istook a liberal big spender in one of his ads. Oooooo! How naughty, the “L” word was used against a Republican. However, the real kicker here was the fact that Sullivan tried to pass his ads off as humor."
Polecat also hands out awards in the LG race. The Oklahoma Political News Sevice recommends you check it out.
Posted at 7/21/2006 11:01:00 AM

The Oklahoma Political News Service has recieved a copy of an email that is being sent out by veterans who are opposed to Democrat Pete Regan for Lt. Governor. Veteran organizers at okdemocrat.com inform us that 2,000 emails have already been sent out with another 5,000 expected to be sent soon. OKPNS will continue to keep you updated on this developing story.
Dear Veteran,
We have tried in vain to communicate with a Democrat candidate running for
Lt Gov. He or a member of his staff has cancelled every meeting we tried to
or had scheduled with him. He refuses to answer any of our calls and will
not return calls to us even when he promises to do so. His material mentions
nothing of the needs of Veterans who defended our country. The pleas of
wounded and disabled Veterans have fallen on the deaf ears of Pete Regan.
We ask in the upcoming primary this next Tuesday you tell your family
members, friends, neighbors, work associates, and anyone you can talk with
to ask them not to support the person who refuses to support Veterans. In
short, "Anybody but Regan".
We must stand together to be heard. The politicians have only given us lip
service. We banded together 2 years ago in the Congressional 2 race. Let our
voice be heard again this Tuesday by voting, "Anybody but Regan".
The Boys
Vet Tent City
Posted at 7/21/2006 10:45:00 AM

Thursday, July 20, 2006
 Robert Novak of the Evans-Novak Political Report offers predictions in Human Events for Oklahoma's hot races.
Oklahoma Governor: Rep. Istook will easily win the Republican primary and go on to face Gov. Brad Henry (D). This will be a very competitive race. Henry won his position in 2002 with a plurality over Rep. Steve Largent (R), an easy favorite at first who hurt himself with profane public remarks and odd behavior. Likely Istook.
Oklahoma-5: The GOP primary to succeed Rep. Ernest Istook (R-Okla.) as he runs for governor will likely go to a runoff between two of the top three candidates -- Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin (R), Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode (R), and Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett (R). The seat has a Democratic registration edge, but like all of Oklahoma, it votes strongly Republican. Likely Runoff.
Posted at 7/20/2006 05:18:00 PM

Congressman Ernest Istook has a new ad in his gubernatorial primary.
In the ad, Istook says he will "repeal Brad Henry’s policies that give state benefits to illegal immigrants". Istook also says that he intends to "make English our official language.”
Posted at 7/20/2006 03:54:00 PM

 From Howard Barnett, GOP candidate for State Treasurer, email response to Dan Keating's charges against him (excerpts):
Regarding Keating's claim that Barnett gave to Democrats:
"I am accused of donating to Democrats. It is true: I have contributed to some Democrats in the past, and I have never denied it. "
Regarding Keating's claim that Barnett gave to Democrats:
"I did serve on the board of Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma more than 20 years ago when the organization focused on providing pro-family planning services to the poor, not on providing abortions."
Will Oklahoma Republicans nominate a candidate with this background? Next Tuesday will tell.
Posted at 7/20/2006 11:06:00 AM

Below is a copy of an e-mail the Barnett campaign is sending to Republican activists statewide. The e-mail is responding to the recent "negative campaign" of his opponent Dan Keating. The Barnett camp released these ads two days ago detailing Keating's past financial problems.
July 19, 2006
Fellow Republicans,
My opponent has launched a vicious, negative campaign against me in the past two days. I am writing to you today to let you know the truth, rather than the gross distortions he has presented.
I am accused of donating to Democrats. It is true: I have contributed to some Democrats in the past, and I have never denied it. The contributions were to those who helped promote economic development in eastern Oklahoma. However, my support of the Oklahoma Republican Party and Republican candidates is undeniable.
In the current election cycle, I have contributed $6,000 to individual Republican legislative and statewide candidates, $1,000 to the Republican State House Committee, and $2,500 to the Oklahoma Republican Party. My opponent has given little to Republican candidates.
My opponent insinuates that I am not pro-life. Nothing could be further from the truth. I did serve on the board of Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma more than 20 years ago when the organization focused on providing pro-family planning services to the poor, not on providing abortions. When the national organization began its radical promotion of its views on abortion, I resigned in disgust. My pro-life beliefs are well known and most recently were published in a report from Oklahomans for Life.
My opponent claims my involvement with Planned Parenthood was “highlighted on (my) application for state employment.” This is a lie. I never applied for state employment. I was appointed by Governor Frank Keating first as the Secretary of Commerce and later tapped to be his chief of staff. I did provide Governor Keating with information about myself, including that I had served on that board. Do you genuinely think Governor Keating would have appointed someone who wasn’t pro-life to either position, particularly that of his chief advisor and representative?
In his recent email, my opponent writes, “Oklahoma Republicans do not respond well to negative advertising.” However, that is exactly what he is guilty of. It’s offensive to me that he has chosen character assassination over a discussion of the qualifications one needs to be State Treasurer. I am sure it is offensive to other Republicans across the state, like your self. Our goal in this race should be beating Scott Meacham. That is what I am focused on and why I am campaigning hard across the state.
I hope you will reject this vicious, negative campaign for what it is – a gross distortion of the truth – and that you will give me the opportunity to represent you in November’s general election with your vote on July 25th.
Howard Barnett
Candidate for State Treasurer
PS: To learn more of the truth about me and my campaign for State Treasurer, visit my website – www.barnettforstatetreasurer.com – or feel free to call me at 918-499-5295.
Posted at 7/20/2006 11:00:00 AM

 Politics is all about timing. That bodes ill for State Rep. Kevin Calvey and Gubernatorial candidate Bob Sullivan. Calvey has “banked” his campaign for Congress on the endorsement of Minuteman founder and president Chris Simcox. So much so in fact, that the final television advertisement of the Calvey Campaign features Simcox endorsing Calvey and calling on voters to join help elect Calvey to Congress.
Wednesday Bob Sullivan put out a press release touting a Simcox Minuteman Enorsement and even has a picture with Simcox on his website (shown above). When asked about Simcox's racist comments, a Sullivan spokesman called those "unfortunate" and denied having contributed to Simcox or the Minuteman organization.
Today, The Washington Times covers an ongoing story that millions, rather than hundreds of thousands of dollars, in contributions to Simcox’s Minuteman Civil Defense Corps may have now gone missing and unaccounted for. According to the Times, the former national director of the Minutemen says “he was removed by Mr. Simcox as a national director after the April 2005 border campaign "for asking too many questions about the money.”
Will this affect Calvey’s or Sullivan's campaign plans in the final days of the race?
OKPNS will continue to update you on this breaking story as it unfolds throughout the day.
Posted at 7/20/2006 10:56:00 AM

 The Tulsa World today admitted errors in their statewide survey that ran in Sunday's paper.
You'll remember the Tulsa World Poll as the one poll that predicted a landslide for Brad Carson two years ago and somehow consistently favors Democrat candidate. Most recently, the World Poll predicted a landslide victory by Kathy Taylor over Bill LaFortune, causing many political pundits to suggest the World Poll depressed Republican turnout enough to elect Taylor in what proved to be a very close election (very different from the World's numbers).
They seem to be at it again in the Governor's race: Error alters figures in poll.
Posted at 7/20/2006 10:41:00 AM

 The head of Oklahoma's public television network said recent negative campaign attack ads by Senator Scott Pruitt took news reports out of context.
"Although OETA reported facts in the story ... neither the reporter nor the news anchor drew any conclusions nor did they state in any way that the claims made in the Hiett ads were false," OETA Executive Director John McCarroll stated in an email on July 18th.
McCarroll indicated Pruitt's most recent attack ads distort reports by the public network's newscasters. He said OETA reports were taken out of context in Pruitt commercials.
"We've seen one misleading attack after another by Scott Pruitt," said Speaker
Todd Hiett (R-Kellyville). "Now, Mr. Pruitt has been exposed for dishonest and malicious attacks. Unfortunately, what we're seeing from Pruitt is the last gasp of a desperate campaign. I'm saddened that Senator Pruitt would stoop to this new low, and he shouldwithdraw his negative attack ads immediately."
Earlier this week, Pruitt began running a second negative and misleading attack
ad that misrepresents statewide media sources -- including OETA and The
Last week, Pruitt launched the first negative ad in the Republican lieutenant
gubernatorial primary race when he attacked the accomplishments of the new
Republican majority in the state House of Representatives.
Posted at 7/20/2006 10:15:00 AM

Weight of political endorsements depends on the name
By MICK HINTON World Capitol Bureau (excerpt)
OKLAHOMA CITY -- A telephone recording to Democrats this week on behalf of candidate Pete Regan invokes the names of David and Dan Boren.
Delivering the message is former Gov. George Nigh. He ends the message with: "And speaking of champions, Coach Barry Switzer will be calling you."
Lieutenant governor candidate Regan's telephone message is the epitome of candidates capitalizing on political endorsements, said Keith Gaddie, University of Oklahoma political science professor.
Switzer, who coached the University of Oklahoma football team to three national championships, is "sort of a folk hero" in Oklahoma, and any politician would want his backing, Gaddie said.
"Barry Switzer is credited with helping put Brad Henry in the governor's seat," said Bob Darcy, political science professor at Oklahoma State University.
Darcy said Regan needs Switzer's help "because nobody knows who Regan is."
On the campaign trail, Regan often points out that he worked for then-Sen. David Boren in Washington, and was chief of staff for Dan Boren, U.S. congressman.
Sometimes endorsements are very beneficial, Gaddie said. "But sometimes they don't work at all."
Ed Meese has come out in support of U.S. Fifth District congressional candidate Denise Bode "Who is Ed Meese? Nobody remembers who he is," Gaddie said.
Meese was attorney general under former President Ronald Reagan.
On her Web site, Bode says her jump to second place in the polls was due to the "amazing endorsement of Ed Meese" along with her "good old-fashioned grass roots campaign."
This week, former U.S. Rep. J.C. Watts endorsed Todd Hiett, the Republican speaker of the state House running for lieutenant governor.
Darcy and Gaddie said they thought Watts has been out of the limelight for so long that his endorsement has marginal benefit.
U.S. Fifth District congressional candidate Mick Cornett, Oklahoma City's mayor, brought to town conservative Indiana U.S. Rep. Mike Pence for an endorsement.
The Web site for Ernest Istook, Republican candidate for governor, contains several endorsements from out-of-state politicians.
They include Jack Kemp, Republican nominee for U.S. vice president in 1996, and Colorado congressman Tom Tancredo.
Kemp said in his endorsement that Istook embodies "the ideas and ideals of Ronald Wilson Reagan."
Posted at 7/20/2006 10:08:00 AM

Wednesday, July 19, 2006
We've all heard the saying that "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." It's one of those nice platitudes you agree with until the imitation affects you personally. A local consultant is airing a radio ad purported to be from the "Oklahoma Political News Service." The ad is COMPLETELY FALSE! Oklahoma Political News Service has no immediate plans to advertise on the radio, television, or any other medium. Below is a letter faxed to KQCV.
July 19, 2006
To whom it may concern:
It has come to our attention that you are currently airing a political advertisement on your station (KQCV) paid for by Tim Gray & Associates. In the advertisement, an announcer claims to be giving an “update from the Oklahoma Political News Service”, a statement that is completely false! Oklahoma Political News Service strives to be non partisan and independent. As our mission statement states: “No content herein has been authorized by any candidate or political party.” We respectfully ask you cease airing this advertisement which falsely associates itself with our organization.
If you fail to do so, we will explore our legal options.
Christopher Arps
Posted at 7/19/2006 06:09:00 PM

 The Political New Service received a tip that the spouse of one of Congressional Candidate Denise Bode's chief consultants made an open records request for the City of Oklahoma City's Federal legislative priorities ( which is online by the way and does not require a request). That request was fulfilled by the City Manager's office yesterday.
As an interesting aside, following are quotes from Bode consultant Ron Black on the OKGOP Chat message board:
"Denise has pledged to run a clean, issues-oriented race, and to her credit, she has done so. "
"You have not only Denise's word, but my word. Denise will NOT attack first."
Does this Open Record Request mean those promises have changed? Interestingly, we have learned the priorities are set by the City Manager in conjunction with the Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce. Will Bode risk angering the business leadership in an attempt to make the runoff? As always, the Political News Service is investigating...
Posted at 7/19/2006 10:52:00 AM

 From the August issue of America's 1st Freedom, official publication of the National Rifle Association, noting an increase in its regular "Freedom Index":
Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett became one of the first big-city mayors to sign NRA's pledge to never forcibly disarm law-abiding firearms owners during an emergency (as happened in New Orleans).
Cornett, a candidate for Congress, said on NRANews.com, "You either believe in the Second Amendment or you don't."
Posted at 7/19/2006 10:21:00 AM

By World Capitol Bureau
OKLAHOMA CITY -- State Rep. Jari Askins, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for lieutenant governor, has given her campaign $250,000.
Askins previously gave the campaign $100,000, meaning that more than half of her contributions are her own money.
Her report filed late Monday with the state Ethics Commission shows that she has raised a total of $536,396 and has $108,752 remaining.
During the April through June reporting period, Askins, of Duncan, raised about $62,000.
Askins, who must leave her House seat because of term limits, has led the minority Democrats in the House.
Among other Democrats, Pete Regan has raised $416,818, and Sen. Cal Hobson of Lexington has raised $177,909.
A fourth Democrat, Jim Rogers of Midwest City, filed for the lieutenant governor's race but has not campaigned.
The Democrats will face off in Tuesday's primary, and the winner will face the GOP victor in the Nov. 7 general election.
Posted at 7/19/2006 10:10:00 AM

 Group says they "hope to make history in Alabama, Iowa, and Oklahoma, while keeping hard-won seats in places like Washington State, Georgia, and California. "
The article points to a recent Zogby poll found that 70% of Americans would vote for an openly gay or lesbian candidate if that person shared their political views.
Posted at 7/19/2006 10:00:00 AM

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) The negative television ads are coming fast and furious as the July 25the primary election nears, with one commercial showing a grainy image of a candidate slipping greenbacks into his pocket.
It's not the big races for governor or Oklahoma's 5th Congressional District that are dominating the T-V screens with negativity in the final days of the primary races.
Instead, it's the campaigns for down-ticket state offices, especially for lieutenant governor. In that race, ads run on behalf of outgoing House Speaker Todd Hiett and state Senator Scott Pruitt make accusations about everything from shaking down lobbyists to being missing in action from the legislature.
Pruitt's latest negative commercial shows a photo illustration of Hiett that appeared on the cover of the Oklahoma Gazette in which the speaker appears to be sticking money into his inside coat pocket.
See the primary political ads in our "Ad Watch" section
Posted at 7/19/2006 09:52:00 AM

By ANGEL RIGGS World Capitol Bureau
Howard Barnett says his opponent, Dan Keating, has a history of mishandling his finances.
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Treasurer candidate Howard Barnett launched a negative advertising campaign Tuesday, pointing to opponent Dan Keating's financial problems.
"I think this information is pertinent to voters who are deciding who is going to handle the state's checkbook," Barnett said in a news release Tuesday.
Barnett, 56, who worked as former Gov. Frank Keating's chief of staff for more than three years, is competing against Dan Keating, 62, the governor's twin brother, for the Republican nomination in the treasurer's race.
"My opponent has a history of mishandling his finances, while I have an unblemished history of financial success," Barnett said.
Dan Keating said he has no financial problems now and that Barnett is "trying to drudge up anything that happened in my 35-year career."
The strategy shows that Barnett thinks he is losing, Keating said.
"Howard is desperate," he said. "The front-runner never goes negative."
Barnett's ads, which began Tuesday, claim that Keating has been sued six times for not paying bills and that he had an account garnished for nonpayment.
The ads also point to foreclosure proceedings on Keating's house and tax liens filed against his property for 1 failing to pay state income taxes.
Barnett released copies of Oklahoma Tax Commission documents detailing Keating's financial problems.
Keating, now president of Summit Consolidated Group in Tulsa, said he has received a presidential appointment and that his record has withstood inquiry from the FBI.
He said his financial problems stemmed from his involvement as an underwriting member of Lloyd's of London, which faced major losses in the 1980s.
Keating said he "never expected Lloyd's to be the fraud that it is and certainly was" and that the process took about 15 years and $300,000 "to get away from."
The experience has made him a proponent of tort reform, he said.
Keating said his campaign will begin ads this week that will "focus a little bit more on Howard's record."
Keating has raised about $183,270, and has about $4,341 left. Barnett has raised more than $734,580 and has $158,790 unspent.
Barnett's funds include nearly $504,000 that he loaned to his own campaign, according to a quarterly finance report.
Keating, who did not list any loans on his report, questioned Barnett's move.
"He's put around half a million of his own money in the campaign, and he's going to lose it," Keating said.
"You have to say, as a smart businessman, what kind of a return is that?"
Posted at 7/19/2006 09:45:00 AM

Look beyond tobacco flap, treasurer urges tribes
By S.E. RUCKMAN World Staff Writer
Scott Meacham and other candidates for a variety of state offices appear at the fourth tribal summit.
OKMULGEE -- State Treasurer Scott Meacham told tribal leaders at a summit Tuesday that he "almost regretted" being assigned as a state negotiator to deal with complicated Indian tobacco compacts.
Meacham, a Democrat who is running for re-election, was one of more than a dozen candidates for state offices who solicited voter support during the tribal summit, hosted by the Muscogee (Creek) Nation.
In his presentation, Meacham apologized to tribal leaders for statements he made during tobacco compact negotiations, but he did not elaborate. He said tobacco compact issues primarily arose from maintaining an equitable market and did not indicate harsh feelings on the behalf of the state.
"If one side prospers, then the other side prospers, but if one side suffers, we all suffer," Meacham said. "I fully, 110 percent, support tribal sovereignty."
Meacham also urged voters to view him in another light.
"Unfortunately, I've been defined by that role, and we should look at the sum of who I am rather than my task," he told the roomful of tribal leaders and members.
Meacham's task of coordinating sometimes
difficult tobacco compact terms led to stalemates between the state and the Osage, Creek and Cherokee nations. The Osage and Cherokee nations are now in tobacco arbitration with the state, and the Creek Nation has yet to sign a tobacco compact.
Another candidate for the state treasurer's post, Republican Dan Keating, also attended the forum and said Meacham's tribal compact negotiations were "very flawed."
"I'll try to turn the clock back and remove the contentiousness out of the tobacco debate," he said.
Later, Osage Nation Principal Chief Jim Gray said he was surprised to see Meacham at the headquarters of a tribe with which tobacco negotiations have stalled.
"But I'm glad he came," said Gray, who sat with Meacham during a noon meal.
Candidates for the state House of Representatives, attorney general, lieutenant governor and auditor also outlined their political platforms.
Creek House speaker George Tiger, who invited Meacham to the summit, later said it was because of frustrating compact negotiations that the intertribal meetings developed.
"We all may not be sitting right here discussing issues central to us if we hadn't run into troubles with our compacts," he said.
Tuesday's meeting was the fourth in a series among the state's tribes. Leaders of about a dozen tribes attended.
Posted at 7/19/2006 09:35:00 AM

One candidate mentions his “one-eighth Creek/Seminole wife.” Another confides that he has “always had respect for Native traditions.” One candidate said, “One of my best friends in high school was Native American .”--Does that sound patronizing to anyone besides us here at the Political News Service?
Politicians seeking statewide office sought to connect with a crowd of Native leaders and their supporters during a tribal summit in Okmulgee.
“I have great respect for those Native nations and what they are doing to move our state forward,” said Lisa Pryor, head of the Oklahoma Democratic Party.
Posted at 7/19/2006 09:26:00 AM

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
 The Oklahoma Political News Service has learned that a group of OKC investors led by Mick Cornett Finance Chairman and advisor Clay Bennett has reached agreement to purchase the Seattle SuperSonics. There will be a Tuesday afternoon press conference to announce the sale. The Seattle Times and the Fox Sports Northwest both reported the purchase.
While the Political News Service assumed the tips we recieved were about the Mike Pence endorsement, we may have jumped too soon as this is clearly another significant feather in the Cornett for Congress cap.
Posted at 7/18/2006 02:23:00 PM

From Roll Call: Pence Backing Cornett in Crowded GOP Race
Rep. Mike Pence (Ind.), chairman of the Republican Study Committee and a key conservative spokesman, was set to endorse Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett
(R) today in the crowded and closely fought 5th district GOP primary.
Because all six Republican primary candidates lean conservative and generally agree on the issues, Pence¹s endorsement is noteworthy and could prove significant.
Mick Pence, Chairman of the Republican Study Committee and a leader of the House Conservative Fund was named Man of the Year by the conservative publication Human Events and has been talked about as a Republican candidate for President in the future
Posted at 7/18/2006 02:22:00 PM

 Representative Ernest Istook (R-Warr Acres) voted this afternoon to protect the sanctity of marriage. Congressman Istook's office released this statement earlier today:
"Out of control judicial activism threatens traditional marriage in America." If activist judges change it in one state, those persons will move and spread the problem nationwide. We need uniform protection of traditional marriage. You can't have different definitions on something as fundamental as marriage. The Marriage Protection Amendment is the only solution to this problem."
Rep. Istook was the primary author of a letter -- signed by the entire Oklahoma delegation in the House -- sent 14 June 2006 to Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert and Majority Leader John Boehner urging them to bring this resolution to a vote on the House floor.
That letter read in part:
"Families and children deserve the protection that the Marriage Protection Amendment provides. The best home for children is one with a mom and a dad. Single parents work valiantly to raise their children, but it is a struggle whenever a child does not have both a mom and a dad at home. Our laws should recognize and promote that stability in our homes."
"Voting on this amendment would give us the opportunity to stand up both for marriage, and also for the people's right to govern themselves. It is sad that a constitutional amendment is necessary, but without it we fear that Americans will be under endless assault by those who want to destroy traditional marriage."
"The Senate has already voted on this important issue this year, and the House of Representatives should be on record as well."
Congressman Istook joins over 100 other Representatives in cosponsoring the Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) - H.J. Res. 88 - which reads as follows:
"Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman."
Posted at 7/18/2006 02:15:00 PM

 The July 25 primary may prove to be more important to Gov. Brad Henry than some might think. Henry is expected to easily defeat his opponent for the Democratic nomination for Governor, Andrew Marr of Norman, but election night may provide a peek into the Governor’s support among his Democrat base. When George W. Bush ran for re-election for Governor of Texas in 1998, he drew a primary opponent, who was overwhelmingly defeated by then Governor Bush who received 96% of the Republican vote. Brad Henry will hope to show similar strength given some Democrats’ dissatisfaction with Henry’s first term. In 2002, Henry had the help of an initiative to ban cock fighting which increased turnout in more rural, Democratic areas. This year, he will have to rely on his popularity to provide incentive to vote. With Oklahoma turning a darker shade of red with every election cycle, will Governor Henry get Democrats to unite behind him? July 25th may give us an early answer.
Posted at 7/18/2006 02:02:00 PM

 Press release from the Hiett campaign:
OKLAHOMA CITY (July 18, 2006) One of Oklahoma's top conservative leaders, former U.S. Congressman J.C. Watts, today announced his endorsement of Todd Hiett as the state's next lieutenant governor.
Watts praised Todd Hiett for his outstanding record of accomplishments he put together while a state representative and as the state's first Republican Speaker of the House in more than 80 years.
A unique leader in his own right, Todd Hiett pushed through the largest tax relief package in state history for the second straight year, said Watts. His record speaks for itself.
Todd Hiett is a dairy farmer and rancher who rose to lead Republicans to a historic majority in the state House. He shares the same traditional values as the majority of Oklahomans, and he advanced the most significant pro-life reforms in Oklahoma in three decades.
Watts also described Hiett as a modest and decent man who cares deeply about
working Oklahomans. Under Todd Hiett's leadership in the state House, Oklahoma has literally set a new course, said Watts.
In June, Hiett capped two years of Republican control of the state House of Representatives by passing the largest tax relief package ever for Oklahoma taxpayers, totaling a record $750 million in tax relief every year “ a more than $6 billion boost for taxpayers over the next decade.
I'm honored and humbled by the support of J.C. Watts, said Hiett, who is
a dairy farmer and rancher from Kellyville.
J.C. Watts has moved Oklahoma forward with his leadership. His endorsement is
further confirmation of what we've heard from hardworking families across this
state: Oklahoma is on the move, and we must keep our momentum.
Did the release mention that Todd Hiett is a dairy farmer and rancher?
Posted at 7/18/2006 12:38:00 PM

Complainant herein is Martha Hayes, a registered voter in Oklahoma Congressional
District 5 and a resident of Oklahoma County.
This complaint is filed against Calvey for violation of the Federal Election Campaign Actof 1971, as amended (“the Act” or “FECA”) and the regulations of the Federal Election Commission (“the Commission” or “FEC”), specifically for failing to duly and timely register the Calvey Committee as required by federal law, for solicitation of contributions by Calvey and the Calvey Committee prior to establishment of a principal authorized campaign committee under FEC regulations and for maintaining contributions in an illegal bank account, not properly and timely registered with the FEC as required by federal law and receipt and disbursement of campaign funds when no treasurer is designated.
Read Full Text here
Posted at 7/18/2006 11:16:00 AM
