Friday, July 21, 2006 National Review on CD 5Oklahoma Five [Ramesh Ponnuru] Mike Pence, the head of the Republican Study Committee in the House of Representatives, wants Mick Cornett to join the conservative group next year. Cornett is the mayor of Oklahoma City, and he is running to replace Ernest Istook in Oklahoma’s fifth congressional district. Pence’s stand aligns him with former congressman David McIntosh, another well-known conservative. But both Pence and McIntosh are at odds with their usual allies at the Club for Growth, who have endorsed Kevin Calvey. Ed Meese and Paul Weyrich, meanwhile, have endorsed a third candidate, former lobbyist Denise Bode. Calvey, the Club for Growth’s candidate, is in fourth place with 10.5 percent of the vote, according to the local Fox affiliate. Don’t be surprised if some of his supporters switch to Cornett by Tuesday’s election. The run-off will be in August. Cornett, oddly, is the only candidate to endorse Istook’s bid for governor. Istook is expected to win his primary. Read entire piece here... Posted at 7/21/2006 02:51:00 PM |