Thursday, July 20, 2006 Novak: Likely Istook; Likely CD 5 Runoff
Robert Novak of the Evans-Novak Political Report offers predictions in Human Events for Oklahoma's hot races.
Oklahoma Governor: Rep. Istook will easily win the Republican primary and go on to face Gov. Brad Henry (D). This will be a very competitive race. Henry won his position in 2002 with a plurality over Rep. Steve Largent (R), an easy favorite at first who hurt himself with profane public remarks and odd behavior. Likely Istook.
Oklahoma-5: The GOP primary to succeed Rep. Ernest Istook (R-Okla.) as he runs for governor will likely go to a runoff between two of the top three candidates -- Lt. Gov. Mary Fallin (R), Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode (R), and Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett (R). The seat has a Democratic registration edge, but like all of Oklahoma, it votes strongly Republican. Likely Runoff.
Posted at 7/20/2006 05:18:00 PM