Wednesday, July 26, 2006 The Hill: CD 5 Runoff Analysis; AJS Calls Investigated
State Attorney General Drew Edmondson issued a release Tuesday saying the calls might have broken the law because they didn’t give recipients a contact phone number for the organization placing them, Americans for Job Security, which is based in Alexandria, Va. The release said the calls might violate the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and could lead to action in criminal or civil court.
Americans for Job Security is nonprofit issue-advocacy group and is exempt from the TCPA. Reached by The Hill yesterday, President Michael Dubke said the attorney general’s office told him it was not investigating his organization but instead making sure one of the other candidates wasn’t behind the calls.
Dubke said the attorney general’s office told him one of the candidates had done prerecorded calls incorrectly in the past, and he got the impression the office was making sure that candidate wasn’t responsible for the calls.
Dubke said only Americans for Job Security paid for the calls.
Posted at 7/26/2006 09:57:00 PM