TV News Station KFOR captured Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett confronting fellow candidate Denise Bode about her negative attack ad and ran the above piece at 6:00. Interestingly, on the 10:00 news KFOR changed the story and called the ad "mudslinging."
In releated news, Oklahoma City Business Leader, activist Republican and Secretary of Commerce under former Governor Frank Keating, Russell Perry had a letter hand delivered to Commissioner Bode calling on her to pull her "negative attack ads", saying they “mischaracterize the issue.”
The letter reads:
“As a friend, I am writing to tell you that there is far too much negative campaigning already, and you are too classy to be a part of it. I respectfully ask you to take the particular ad off the air.”
Perry points out Cornett’s position “empowers local governments by keeping the federal government at bay.”
Perry ends the letter by saying, “I stand with Mick Cornett of this issue and ask again that you pull the ad in question directly, and that you relinquish your position on this for the good of Oklahoma.”
As the Oklahoma Political News Service has pointed out before, Denise Bode pledged on multiple occasions not to run attack ads. Her media consultant, Ron Black, even wrote, "You have not only Denise's word, but my word. Denise will NOT attack first.”
Click here to read the entire Russell Perry letter to Bode.
Posted at 7/24/2006 11:28:00 AM