Now that the primaries are over, civility and Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment is
almost back in vogue. Republican governor candidate Ernest Istook has received the endorsement of two of his former rivals for the nomination at a press conference at the Capitol Thursday. Tulsa oilman Bob Sullivan, who finished second with about 31 percent of the votes, gave Istook the maximum amount allowed, $5,000.
Oklahoma Political News Service wonders if an apology accompanied the check. Sullivan joked that
"The check hasn't cleared [yet]". Sullivan went on to say,
"We have a candidate who is not only capable but determined to beat Brad Henry. I want to throw my support 100 percent behind Ernest Istook because he will carry those good conservative values into the fray, and I'm convinced that he will prevail."
Party Chairman Tom Daxon read a statement of support for Congressman Istook from Jim Williamson saying,
"I have the utmost respect for Congressman Istook, and I am certain he will be a conservative, pro-growth governor." Jim Evanoff, the last place finsher in Tuesday's contest, (who was absent at the press conference) said he is undecided whom he'll be supporting November. Rumor has it that he was miffed for not being invited. I can't imagine the party or Istook not wanting a photo op or statement of support from his vanquished foes. Grow up Jim, you lost!
Posted at 7/28/2006 11:28:00 AM