The Political New Service received a tip that the spouse of one of Congressional Candidate
Denise Bode's chief consultants made an open records request for the City of Oklahoma City's Federal legislative priorities (
which is online by the way and does not require a request). That request was fulfilled by the City Manager's office yesterday.
As an interesting aside, following are quotes from Bode consultant
Ron Black on the
OKGOP Chat message board:
"Denise has pledged to run a clean, issues-oriented race, and to her credit, she has done so. "
"You have not only Denise's word, but my word. Denise will NOT attack first."
Does this Open Record Request mean those promises have changed? Interestingly, we have learned the priorities are set by the City Manager in conjunction with the
Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce. Will Bode risk angering the business leadership in an attempt to make the runoff? As always, the Political News Service is investigating...
Posted at 7/19/2006 10:52:00 AM