Politics is all about timing. That bodes ill for State Rep. Kevin Calvey and Gubernatorial candidate Bob Sullivan.
Calvey has “banked” his campaign for Congress on the endorsement of Minuteman founder and president
Chris Simcox. So much so in fact, that the final television advertisement of the Calvey Campaign features Simcox endorsing Calvey and calling on voters to join help elect Calvey to Congress.
Wednesday Bob Sullivan put out a press release touting a Simcox Minuteman Enorsement and even has a picture with Simcox on his website (shown above). When asked about Simcox's racist comments, a Sullivan spokesman called those "unfortunate" and denied having contributed to Simcox or the Minuteman organization.
The Washington Times covers an ongoing story that millions, rather than hundreds of thousands of dollars, in contributions to Simcox’s Minuteman Civil Defense Corps may have now gone missing and unaccounted for. According to the Times, the former national director of the Minutemen says “he was removed by Mr. Simcox as a national director after the April 2005 border campaign "for asking too many questions about the money.”
Will this affect Calvey’s or Sullivan's campaign plans in the final days of the race?
OKPNS will continue to update you on this breaking story as it unfolds throughout the day.
Posted at 7/20/2006 10:56:00 AM