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Friday, November 30, 2007 The Federal Government's Role In Education Today Is Far Too Intrusive and Counterproductiveby Senator Tom Coburn The federal government's role in education today is far too intrusive and counterproductive. I believe our Constitution empowers parents, teachers and local communities — not federal bureaucrats — to manage our children's education. Congress should do everything in its power to limit the federal role in education and return education dollars and decisions to local communities. America became a great and prosperous nation in part through strong local education that was controlled by parents, families, faith-based groups and community organizations. I do not believe it is a coincidence that as the federal government's role in education has greatly expanded test scores across our country have stagnated or declined. The bureaucratic administration of education in Washington, D.C., has resulted in widespread waste and duplication among more than 760 different federal education programs with virtually no benefit to our children. Congress needs to reconnect our children's education with the local resources and caring individuals who will make a difference in their lives. The education tax dollars we are sending to Washington would be better spent if they were controlled and managed by our local communities. Labels: Education, Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 11/30/2007 10:14:00 AM |![]() ![]() U.S. Rep. Fallin To Speak To First Responders At SeminarEDMOND, Okla. - Hundreds of Fire, Law Enforcement and Emergency Managers from a three state area are expected to attend the Minnesota Bridge Collapse Seminar, hosted by the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism (MIPT), to be held November 30 at the Nigh University Center on the University of Central Oklahoma campus from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. U.S. Rep. Mary Fallin (R-Oklahoma City), who sits on the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, will open the seminar with remarks to the first responders on infrastructure and preparing for emergencies as part of the day long event. The seminar is the first of its kind since the eight-lane bridge for I-35W collapsed into the Mississippi River on August 1, 2007. Labels: First Responders, Mary Fallin Posted at 11/30/2007 09:59:00 AM |![]() ![]() More Support Needed To Bring Troops Home For HolidaysBancFirst, along with Gov. Brad Henry and state military and veteran affairs leaders, are supporting the statewide initiative “Operation Holiday Homecoming,” which aims to bring home National Guard troops for the holidays.
Donations will allow members of the 45th Infantry Brigade, training at Fort Bliss, Texas, to be transported home for the holidays, all expenses paid, before the troops’ deployment to Iraq in January. BancFirst is the official depositor of the project, and donations can be made at any BancFirst location to the “Operation Holiday Homecoming” account.
Labels: BancFirst, Brad Henry, Troops Posted at 11/30/2007 09:36:00 AM |![]() ![]() Quote Of The Week![]()
Labels: HB 1804, Immigration Reform, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 11/30/2007 09:17:00 AM |![]() ![]() 'Super Highway' Would Infringe On State's Rights, Senator Saysby Bob Campbell
Midland Reporter-Telegram
An Oklahoma state senator said Thursday that he led opposition to a plan like the Trans Texas Corridor this year because it would have surrendered his state's sovereignty to the federal government.
Sen. Randy Brogdon, R-Owasso, said at a morning news conference at the Rohill Building at 3100 N. "A" St. that Oklahoma House Bill No. 1819 would have helped create a "NAFTA super highway" by waiving Oklahoma's 11th Amendment right not to be sued in federal court.
He told participants in a Thursday night program offered by the Midland Business and Professional Chapter of the John Birch Society that the road would be regulated under international law. Read MoreLabels: NAFTA, Sen. Brogdon, Trans Texas Corridor Posted at 11/30/2007 09:03:00 AM |![]() ![]() Dear OUR: told you so in ‘88
Labels: ORU Posted at 11/29/2007 12:48:00 PM |![]() ![]() Wilson Research Strategies Surveys Edwards Ad![]() ‘Politics of Parsing’ Web ad a hit, survey says By Aaron Blake Former Sen. John Edwards’s (D-N.C.) attempt to label Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) as a parser was a hit across the board, according to a survey of political insiders by Wilson Research Strategies. Edwards’s Web video, titled “The Politics of Parsing,” features clips of Clinton saying apparently contradictory things at a presidential debate in Philadelphia in late October. As might be expected, Republicans scored it highest — a 7.9 on a scale of zero to 10. But Democrats and independents both scored it 6.6 or higher, which is well above the average for the survey. Read more... Labels: WRS Posted at 11/29/2007 12:30:00 PM |![]() ![]() There's Joy In Secular Progressive Land TodayFrom the Mother Jones Blog: God Does A Flip-Flop—Tells Richard Roberts To Resign From ORU Richard Roberts resigned as president of Oral Roberts University today. He did so against his will, because, he said, God told him to do it. According to Roberts, the son of ORU founder Oral Roberts, God has been waffling lately with regard to Roberts' future. A lawsuit accuses Roberts of lavish spending while the university faced more than $50 million in debt. According to the suit, he went on shopping sprees, bought a stable of horses, and sent his daughter to the Bahamas aboard the university jet. Referring to the three former professors who filed the suit as his "persecutors," Roberts said that God had originally instructed him to deny all allegations, but on Thanksgiving Day, did a turnaround and told him to resign his post. Read more... Labels: Richard Roberts Posted at 11/29/2007 12:17:00 PM |![]() ![]() Law-Breaker Lawmaker?NEWS RELEASE Oklahoma Republican Party Contact: Gary Jones 405-528-3501 OKLAHOMA CITY (November 28, 2007) Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Gary Jones commended Fort Sill officials today for their quick response to an inquiry regarding a political fundraising golf tournament scheduled and advertised in the Lawton Constitution by Rick Wolfe, who has announced his candidacy as a Democrat for Senate District 31. Jones, a Comanche County resident himself, said he has attended numerous charitable golf tournaments at the Fort Sill golf course but in over 30 years of attending such events had never once heard of a political fundraiser being held at the course. "It is common knowledge that political fundraisers are strictly prohibited on federal property and when this was brought to the officials at Fort Sill they were quick to investigate and take measures to cancel the event," said Jones. Jones asserted that he was told someone other than Wolfe scheduled the event, and that it was not represented as a fundraiser for Wolfe. "Fort Sill is a tremendous asset to Southwest Oklahoma and has been gracious to work with the community and its civic organizations to help raise much needed funds to help causes benefiting the areas children and needy. If Rick Wolfe has aspirations of becoming an Oklahoma lawmaker and replacing Senator Don Barrington who has done a wonderful job representing the citizen’s of Southwest Oklahoma he might start by following the law himself," concluded Jones. Labels: Decision '08 Posted at 11/28/2007 11:55:00 AM |![]() ![]() Faith Based Programs Get OK from Ayatollah Edmondson“This is a real victory for the important reform of offering faith-based solutions to the problems that we face in society today,” said Cargill, R-Harrah.” These faith-based programs can make a real difference in a person’s life in a way that no big-government program ever could,” he added. In his ruling, Attorney General Drew Edmondson noted that the Legislature had required the Department of Corrections “to actively solicit faith-based and secular providers” for a prisoner re-entry program that would review policies and identify gaps in service. Labels: Drew Edmondson, Faith Based, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 11/28/2007 11:26:00 AM |![]() ![]() Mint Unveals Design Of Oklahoma Quarterby Jim Meyers
The U.S. Mint announced the state quarter designs Tuesday for Oklahoma and four other states, marking the end of the most popular coin program in U.S. history. Oklahoma's quarter will kick off the final five and is expected to be available in late January.
Its design features Oklahoma's state bird, the scissortail flycatcher, in flight with its distinctive tail feathers spread as it soars above the state wildflower, the Indian blanket, and a field of similar wildflowers. The coin also will bear the inscriptions "Oklahoma" and "1907."
"It's fitting that Oklahoma's commemorative quarter has been unveiled during this year of our centennial," Gov. Brad Henry said. "I want to thank the tens of thousands of Oklahomans who took part in the voting process and made their voices heard."
Read More
Labels: Brad Henry, Oklahoma Quarter Posted at 11/28/2007 11:03:00 AM |![]() ![]() Touched By An Angel.........or can we say a Millionaire![]() Days after Richard Roberts steps down as President of the scandal ridden Oral Roberts University, the flood gates have opened and the blessings are being poured out on the University. If this is reminiscent of Malachi 3:10 then there really is a God who sits high and looks low.
OKPNS hopes that the Board of Regents at ORU, which includes a whose who of prosperity pimps...oops I mean men of Greed...oops what I meant to say was preachers, learn their lesson. No longer can you proclaim to be a man or woman of God and live a lavish life on the backs of the helpless and needy students and parishioners for that matter. ORU needs a new leader that will take the university to a higher dimension of leadership. This can only be done when the students are put first and foremost.
Related news: Accountant Sues TV Evangelist's Son.
Labels: ORU, Richard Roberts Posted at 11/28/2007 10:43:00 AM |![]() ![]() Oil & TaxesTrying To Stop Property Taxes From IncreasingBy Rep. Jason MurpheyDuring the last few days, chances are that you received your property tax bill. I would also guess that this bill reflects a 5% increase in your assessment over last year. This is the time of year when my office receives calls from citizens experiencing the challenge of coming up with a larger than ever property tax payment. Second only to the issue of road improvements, I believe the issue of higher property taxes is the one I hear about the most. I believe the property tax to be the most unfair form of taxation. This tax punishes a person for simply daring to own something and taxes them over and over again for the same property. In 2007, I co-authored a bill by Oklahoma City State Representative Guy Liebmann which would have decreased the 5% assessment increase cap to 3% or the increase in the consumer price index, whichever is lower. Liebmann's bill passed in the House but, unfortunately, has been held up in the Senate. It is my hope that the Senate will take action on the bill this year, as it is clear that people are getting more and more frustrated with the increases they are experiencing. As property taxes continue to rise, more citizens are being priced into buying a house beneath what they could otherwise afford. Others are faced with the dilemma of whether to sell their property or pay the high tax rate. The challenges faced by individuals with fixed incomes is forcing the legislature to make exceptions to the number of people who have to pay increased rates. These exceptions place the burden of paying property tax onto a shrinking base of property owners. Read more... Deep Drilling Tax Credit Making Difference in Economy Labels: OK Legislator's Blog, Rep. Jason Murphey, Sen. Gumm Posted at 11/27/2007 12:20:00 PM |![]() ![]() Video: Former Political Prisoner Discusses Edmondson Indictment
Sam Adams Foundation senior advisor and term limits champion Paul Jacob discusses his politically-motivated indictment in Oklahoma and the potential criminalization of politics. Our Constitutional rights of free speech, association and the right to petition are in jeopardy. Find out more at www.samadamsalliance.org and www.freepauljacob.com.
Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Paul Jacob TABOR Posted at 11/27/2007 11:53:00 AM |![]() ![]() Son Of A Bill...1804 That IsAfter passing one of the most taxpayer friendly bills in the nation, Rep. Randy Terrill is coming up with yet another sweeping reform. This time the bill will focus on making ENGLISH the official language as well as denying birth certificates to the children of Illegal Aliens. If the blues artist Chick Willis is right, it's a whole lot of fun being the Son.
"I'm calling this bill the 'Son of 1804,' " said Terrill, the House author of House Bill 1804, the sweeping immigration reform measure passed last session. The centerpiece of Terrill's new legislation will be making English the official language of Oklahoma, he said, although he is considering other proposals. Terrill said he would like to find a way to stop the state from issuing birth certificates to the Oklahoma-born children of illegal immigrants. Instead, he said, the state could acknowledge the birth by sending a notice to the country where the parents are citizens. Read More Labels: Rep. Randy Terrill, Son of 1804 Posted at 11/27/2007 11:29:00 AM |![]() ![]() ORU Leaders Meet To Discuss Robert's Resignation![]() Labels: Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts Posted at 11/27/2007 11:16:00 AM |![]() ![]() Quote Of The Day"I don't hear a drumbeat that 'We're not effective and I don't like it here anymore,' " said National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Cole (Okla.). Read More Labels: Cong. Tom Cole, Decision '08 Posted at 11/27/2007 11:04:00 AM |![]() ![]() Civil Rights For O.K![]()
Last November, as Republicans across the country suffered a sweeping defeat, voters in the blue state of Michigan gave conservatives at least one reason to celebrate by passing the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, a ballot measure to abolish racial preferences in public education, public employment, and public contracting. Buoyed by their success in California, Washington. and Michigan, opponents of preferences, led by the American Civil Rights Institute, are moving forward on their most ambitious project yet: a drive to pass similar ballot initiatives in five states in 2008. Of course, they face organized and entrenched opposition in all five states. But surprisingly, they face a uniquely difficult set of challenges in the red state of Oklahoma, where institutional and political forces conspire against those who would put ballot measures directly before the people.
Oklahoma’s initiative and referendum process is among the most onerous in the United States. If a citizen or group wants to put a measure on the ballot, they only have 90 days to gather over 165,000 signatures (only Massachusetts limits petitioners to a shorter time frame). In addition, only residents of Oklahoma can circulate petitions, so out-of-state groups are limited to an advisory and/or fundraising role. Other states have similar residency requirements, but Oklahoma is unique in that a recent Oklahoma court decision interpreted the law to mean that only people who intend to be “permanent” residents of the state can gather signatures. Anyone who moves to Oklahoma temporarily to help put an initiative on the ballot does so at his peril.
Read More Labels: Oklahoma Initiative and Referendum, Paul Jacob TABOR Posted at 11/27/2007 10:47:00 AM |![]() ![]() Blogging Baptist Pastor Censured by Southern Baptist Convention
From Alternative Tulsa:
Wade Burleson, a Baptist minister and blogger from Enid, has been censured by the Southern Baptist Convention for his public disagreement with the congregational leadership. According to a story in the Nov. 21 issue of the Oklahoma Gazette, Burleson was censured by the trustees of the congregation's International Mission Board because he has continued to criticize some of the trustees' actions. Read more... Labels: Blogging News Posted at 11/26/2007 03:05:00 PM |![]() ![]() Cut Spending, Not Raise Taxes
The great ancient philosopher Plato is said to have told one of his pupils, "give me a man of experience over a man of theory." Professor Hochenauer over at Okie Funk illustrates today in a post why the wise philosopher probably believed this:
"There is no argument over the fact the wealthiest people in Oklahoma and the country have seen under state and national tax cutting initiatives over the last several years. Meanwhile, middle class people have been stuck with stagnant wages, rising health care and energy costs, and skyrocketing college tuition increases." Read more...Like most idealistic liberals in academia, Mr. Hochenauer has probably never conceived an idea for a business, put together a business plan, implement it, and watch an enterprise that started out as an idea in your head eventually grow and prosper. Most wealth in the United States is garnered in one of two ways; you either inherit it or its self made. It is a fact that the "old money" fortunes have declined in their percentage of the wealth of this nation. Most wealthy people today became wealthy because of what we described above, not because they're lucky, have a favored skin color, or because they have had their taxes reduced. A reduction in your taxes is not the government giving you money from the treasury, it is the government letting you keep more of what you lawfully earned! Unfortunately, the socialist/collectivist mindset shared by Mr. Hochenauer and his minions will never understand this most basic of economic principles. Related: Red Stater: Okie Funk Calls for Second Hole to Drain Boat Labels: Brad Henry, OK Legislature, Scott Meacham Posted at 11/26/2007 10:42:00 AM |![]() ![]() "Rep. Terrill, How Dare You Make Me Be Responsible!"![]() If your license expires, you will not be able to renew it at the local tag agency as before. Instead, you will be required to present your documentation to a certified driver’s license examiner – more often than not in northwest Oklahoma that’s going to mean a 70-mile trip to Enid. The examiner only visits Alva on alternating weeks – if nothing (like a holiday) interferes with the schedule. In cases like happened this week where the computer crashed and the officer couldn’t complete the necessary paperwork, that means a 2-week wait for renewal or a trip to Enid.OKPNS regrets that the open borders crowd - and a few irresponsible people - are upset that Rep.Terrill believes in secure borders and Oklahoma jobs for Oklahoma citizens. Labels: HB 1804, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 11/26/2007 09:54:00 AM |![]() ![]() Richard Roberts Resigns As President Of ORU![]() A campus not unused to controversy must weather another storm as Richard Roberts steps down as president of the 5,700 student university. Washington DC. (Catholic Online) – Yesterday, Richard Roberts resigned, effective immediately, as president of Oral Roberts University amid allegations of financial misappropriation, that he utilized school funds for personal use. Richard is son of the universities founder, Televangelist Oral Roberts, 89, who began ORU in 1963.
Concerns about the financial management by Roberts surfaced when, on October 2, three ORU professors filed a lawsuit against ORU charging wrongful dismissal and alleging inappropriate use of influence and university funds by President Roberts and his family. They alleged that he had used the university aircraft for personal trips and had spent school funds to buy horses for his children, according to John Swails, one of the plaintiffs.
Read More
Labels: Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts Posted at 11/26/2007 09:41:00 AM |![]() ![]() Oklahoma U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe's Democratic Opponent Befriends CAIRLabels: Andrew Rice, Decision '08 Posted at 11/23/2007 04:09:00 PM |![]() ![]() Dec 8 Ward 7 Candidate Forum - OKC Non-Partisan Race
Ward 7 Candidates Forum, Saturday, December 8, 2007, 3:00 PM-5:00 PM. The event will be held at the McFarland Branch of the YWCA, 1701 N Martin Luther King, Blvd, OKC. Presenting candidates running for Ward 7 City Council Seat, vacated by Willa Johnson.
Candidates include William Hollis Jr., Ronald "Skip" Kelly, Ebony Muhammad and John A. Pettis. Free to the Public.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Labels: Decision '08 Posted at 11/23/2007 10:49:00 AM |![]() ![]() Paul Jacob Indictment Dismissed![]() Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Paul Jacob TABOR Posted at 11/22/2007 01:51:00 PM |![]() ![]() More Blessings Right Around the Corner![]() Labels: OK Legislator's Blog, Sen. Gumm Posted at 11/22/2007 01:39:00 PM |![]() ![]() Did You Know?![]() More than 80 percent of the Oral Roberts University faculty do not want Richard Roberts to continue as president of the evangelical school, a new survey shows.
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Labels: Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts Posted at 11/21/2007 10:54:00 AM |![]() ![]() This Sounds Very Familiar![]() A spokeswoman for the Poultry Community Council said it is “unfortunate that the state’s top law enforcement official has resorted to scare tactics and exaggerations in his latest legal maneuver against poultry producers.” Read More Labels: Drew Edmondson, Poultry Lawsuit Posted at 11/21/2007 10:42:00 AM |![]() ![]() Quote of the Day
The Stillwater NewsPress asked a few legislators this question last week. "What would be the biggest challenge if you were a legislator 100 years ago?' Sen. Mike Morgan, D-Stillwater brought us this gem which is our quote of the day.
“Thinking about my ancestors, it was adjusting to wearing shoes.”
Labels: Quote of the Day, Sen. Mike Morgan Posted at 11/20/2007 03:32:00 PM |![]() ![]() Tip Line: McMahan to Take Plea Deal?![]() Labels: Jeff McMahan Posted at 11/20/2007 03:24:00 PM |![]() ![]() Mayor Mick Cornett Discusses the Success of Centennial Events on News 9Monday, November 19, 2007Paying Oklahoma PoliticiansLabels: OK Legislator's Blog, Rep. Jason Murphey Posted at 11/19/2007 05:05:00 PM |![]() ![]() Edmondson Trying to Intimidate OKPNS?
In the post below, we excerpted and linked to an Arkansas newspaper article that detailed Drew Edmondson using fake FBI agents to serve a summons to a local chicken farmer. Later, we received this email from the editor of the paper. We're taking bets that someone from the AG's office contacted this editor and told her we were using their "copyrighted" material. Iran's president Ahmadinejab would be proud Drew!
From: jlindsey@arkansasonline.com
Sent: Fri 11/16/07 7:46 PM
To: okpns_editor@hotmail.com
Cc: jlindsey@arkansasonline.com
The story on your site at the following URL is copyrighted by the Arkansas
Democrat-Gazette in Little Rock Arkansas and cannot be used online for any
reason. The maximum linkable text to our copyrighted text is one sentence
and one headline. Please remove our copyrighted material from your site and
contact me at jlindsey@arkansasonline.com or 501-399-3664 for details. If
I do not receive an email or call by Wednesday and if this content is not
removed, it will be assumed you are refusing to honor our copyright, We will
proceed to defend our copyrighted material by other legal means. Please contact
me as soon as possible.
Thank you,
Jeff Lindsey
News Editor
WSJ Online: Oklahoma's Most Wanted
Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Mike Turpin, Poultry Lawsuit Posted at 11/19/2007 09:15:00 AM |![]() ![]() "Ayatollah" Edmondson Condemns Legislators Who Refuse Qurans![]() Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Paul Jacob TABOR, Poultry Lawsuit Posted at 11/19/2007 08:39:00 AM |![]() ![]() Gov. Keating: "I Was Against the Estate Tax Before I Became the Life Insurance Industry's Chief Lobbyist"![]() Labels: Frank Keating Posted at 11/19/2007 08:03:00 AM |![]() ![]() Health-Insurance Scams; Holland Quoted in WSJ![]() ![]() Labels: Kim Holland Posted at 11/19/2007 08:00:00 AM |![]() ![]() J.C. Watts: Congress Turns a Blind Eye to the Financial Elephant in the Room![]() ![]() Labels: Congress, J.C. Watts, Oral Roberts Posted at 11/19/2007 07:58:00 AM |![]() ![]() Exclusive Video: Oklahoma Petition Circulator Being Harassed
Recently, an Oklahoma petition circulator was accosted by a opponent who harassed and intimidated her while she was collecting signatures to support the Oklahoma Civil Rights Initiative. The circulator was supporting the Oklahoma Civil Rights Initiative, a straight forward initiative to amend the Oklahoma constitution. The gist of the initiative is as follows:
This measure seeks to add a new section to Article 2 of the Oklahoma Constitution. The new section prohibits discriminating against or granting preferences to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting by the state or any of its agencies, institutions, or political subdivisions. The new section will not prohibit qualifications based on sex that are reasonably necessary to the normal operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting. The new section will not prohibit any action necessary to obtain federal funding for the state. The new section will not conflict with any currently existing court order. The new section will only apply to actions taken after the section is approved by the people.
Unfortunately, the opponent of the Oklahoma Civil Rights Initiative continued shouting, name calling, and generally intimidating the circulator who was doing nothing other than exercising her first amendment right to petition the government. This is a disgusting example of an advocate of race preferences trying to silence Oklahomans that believe that the government should not discriminate or give preference to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting by the state or any of its agencies, institutions, or political subdivisions.
Labels: Decision '08 Posted at 11/16/2007 04:07:00 PM |![]() ![]() OKPNS Flashback: Burns Hargis to Oklahoma State University Is a "Done Deal" (7/13/07)![]() Labels: Burns Hargis Posted at 11/16/2007 01:03:00 PM |![]() ![]() Ron Black: "Speaking of Televangelism, What Will Be The Fate of ORU?
"The sharks are circling, smelling blood in the evangelical waters and are ready to devour Christian-based educational institutions because they are, well, Christian. While not being a fan of Oral Roberts or his style of 'blab-it-and-grab-it' message, I would not at all rejoice in seeing ORU crumble as a result of a handful of bad apples. Oral Roberts, Richard Roberts, Robert Tilton, Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Rod Parsley, Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch and the rest of the modern-day Johann Tetzels are at the bottom of the spiritual food chain as far as I'm concerned but it is tragic to see an Oklahoma university fail because of poor (spiritual, not financial) leadership." Read more...
AP: Oral Roberts Provost to Resign if School's President Stays
Labels: Oral Roberts, Ron Black Posted at 11/16/2007 12:52:00 PM |![]() ![]() Mrs. Miftah Responds to Islamic Society of Tulsa Press Conference
From Batesline.com:
I received an e-mail from Nageena Shahnaz Miftah, the wife of Jamal Miftah, responding individually to the seven people who spoke at the recent "press conference" (really a rally) held at the Islamic Society of Tulsa for the purpose of denouncing State Rep. Rex Duncan and other legislators who declined to receive a Koran from the Governor's Ethnic American Advisory Council. The seven speakers were there to condemn Duncan and the others as intolerant and bigoted.
Jamal Miftah was confronted at IST's mosque in a threatening way, called anti-Islamic, and then expelled from the Islamic Society of Tulsa's mosque, all because of an op-ed piece he wrote condemning those who commit terrorist acts in the name of Islam. The incident took place a year ago Saturday on November 18, 2006. Read more...
Labels: Tulsa Posted at 11/16/2007 11:39:00 AM |![]() ![]() Report: State Not Transparent Enough
Can this be a surprise when the Governor promises "a government of complete openness and transparency," yet he still hasn't revealed where he went on his vacation back in March?
From The Journal Record:
![]() Labels: Sen. Brogdon Posted at 11/16/2007 09:02:00 AM |![]() ![]() Rep. Fallin Commemorates Oklahoma's CentennialWednesday, November 14, 2007Quote of the Day![]() Labels: Denise Bode, Quote of the Day Posted at 11/14/2007 03:36:00 PM |![]() ![]() Gays and God Can Get Along Says Documentary![]() Labels: Gay Parents Posted at 11/14/2007 03:16:00 PM |![]() ![]() Should Private Companies Be Allowed To Own Our Roads?Labels: OK Legislator's Blog, Rep. Jason Murphey Posted at 11/14/2007 03:10:00 PM |![]() ![]() House of Praise![]() Labels: Oral Roberts Posted at 11/13/2007 12:49:00 PM |![]() ![]() Steve Forbes: "Has North Korea Annexed Oklahoma?"![]() ![]() Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Paul Jacob TABOR Posted at 11/13/2007 12:40:00 PM |![]() ![]() Video: Brent Rinehart Attends HearingFriday, November 09, 2007Technical Difficulties
Dear Readers:
We apologize for the light posting and for the lack of spacing in our recent posts. We are changing our format from Blogger to Wordpress, and as usual when it comes to these type of things, it has not been a smooth transition. We hope to have the kinks worked out by Monday. Thank you for you support and patience!
Labels: OKPNS Posted at 11/09/2007 03:56:00 PM |![]() ![]() Lucas: Farm Bill needs a miracleBy Jaclyn Houghton
OKLAHOMA CITY — Jon Leeds will tell you weather is a farmer's greatest adversary.
“That ranges from drought to fires to floods to tornados,” said Leeds, a corn, soybeans and wheat farmer in Webbers Falls.
This year, weather won the battle over Leeds’ wheat crop.
“When times are good, do your best and not slack off,” he said. “It’s been very tough between flood and drought.”
He lost his entire wheat crop this year and said he has insurance to cover the cost of the seeds and fertilizer, but not the cost of what he would have made by selling the crop.
Leeds does not depend heavily on federal commodity programs to provide a boost for farmers but does depend on another federal program that helps when crop prices drop.
The new Farm Bill — which is designed to help farmers, enrich conservation and feed low-income population through food stamp and nutrition programs — is stalled in the U.S. Senate and may not meet its 2007 reauthorization deadline if senators don’t act quickly, one legislator warns.
May take a miracle
U.S. Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Okla., is a member of the House Agriculture Committee and a farmer and rancher in the state’s 3rd District. He played a role in drafting the House version of the Farm Bill, which is reauthorized every five years. He said this year’s House version is similar to the 2002 Farm Bill, except that House Democrats inserted a tax increase. He agrees with the content of the bill but not the tax increase, so he voted against the bill. Read more...
Labels: Cong. Frank Lucas, Congress Posted at 11/09/2007 03:48:00 PM |![]() ![]() QA With Sen. Tom Coburn, the Earmark Foe![]() Labels: Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 11/09/2007 03:35:00 PM |![]() ![]() Terrill, Morrissette Lock Horns Over Immigration Law
Red Dirt Report:
OKLAHOMA CITY -- The principal author of the state's new immigration law and one of the measure's chief critics debated the new law Thursday during a meeting of the state's political scientists.
Speaking at the annual conference of the Oklahoma Political Science Association, state Reps. Randy Terrill, R-Moore, and Richard Morrissette, D-Oklahoma City, spent the better part of Thursday afternoon arguing the pros and cons of House Bill 1804 -- the state's new immigration bill.
The event, billed as a roundtable discussion, also included Linda Allegro, a professor from the University of Tulsa, and Carol Helm, a representative of the group Immigration Reform for Oklahoma Now.
The discussion drew a full crowd to the House of Representatives chamber and was, at times, tense. Read more...
Labels: HB 1804, OK Legislature, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 11/09/2007 03:21:00 PM |![]() ![]() Corporation Commission Candidate Dana Murphy "Energized by Early Support
Contact: Jaylynn Richardson, 405-607-6677
OKLAHOMA CITY) Since I launched my campaign last week, I have been overwhelmed with support from across the state. It is a humbling feeling to have many Oklahomans already encouraging and supporting me.
Oklahomans need to know that I am an agent of change, someone who will look out for everyday Oklahomans and can be trusted to make decisions which are fair and for the highest good of all citizens; someone who understands both rural and urban areas and the impact of energy on both family and business budgets and ways of life.
With energy costs chewing a hole through the pocketbook like never before, we must develop Oklahoma resources in new and different ways to provide today and tomorrow's affordable power. Oil and gas will always be important, but we must advance the use of wind, hydro, bio-fuels, solar and other evolving fuel sources in Oklahoma.
Experienced, honest, visionary leadership is a must if we are to grow our state in reaching its energy potential. As a geologist, oil and gas attorney and former OCC Administrative Law Judge, I am ready to step up and help lead the charge to make Oklahoma an energy innovator in the U.S. and the world.
For more information about my campaign for Corporation Commission, please visit www.danamurphy.com ..
# # #
Labels: Dana Murphey, Decision '08 Posted at 11/09/2007 03:13:00 PM |![]() ![]() Rep. Cole on National Public Radio
Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) talks with Robert Seigel yesterday on the All Things Considered radio program about looking ahead to 2008, what does this mean for the Republican Party and its effort to win back Congress?
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Labels: Cong. Tom Cole, Decision '08 Posted at 11/09/2007 03:03:00 PM |![]() ![]() Paul Jacob Discusses the Criminalization of Politics Part 1 & 2Dunn: Politicians Fighting People’s Will on Term Limits
Yes on Term Limits Chairman James Dunn says a flurry of news coverage this week shows that entrenched politicians are frightened of term limits, and that there is no line some won’t cross to stop the will of the people.
“News reports indicate two Tulsa-area Democrats are crafting measures to thwart the people’s will when it comes to term limits,” says Dunn. “It is a fact that nearly 80% of Oklahomans want term limits, and no matter how hard Senator Easley and Representative Shumate work to deny that wish, the people’s will on this issue will prevail,” says Dunn.
Easley wants to repeal term limits on state legislators, and Shumate wants to make it harder for citizens to petition their government. “It’s a fine bit of rhetorical nonsense, but no matter how you slice it or pretend to be fighting voter “fraud,” there are entrenched political forces dedicated to criminalizing the process by which voters can petition their government. We’re beginning to see the plan our opponents will use to try and stop term limits: obfuscation, bogus legislation and indictments. We intend to fight these anti-democratic measures and allow the citizens to regain control of state government,” Dunn says.
Dunn says if the entrenched politicians want to truly fight corruption, they will support, not fight, term limits. “Yes for Term Limits believes the best antiseptic for limiting the power and corrosive nature of unlimited terms of office is to return power to the people and enact term limits on statewide office holders. The political bosses and their allies in the press and the courts will say and do anything to stop the will of the people, but we will not stop working until the will of the people is manifested in the law.
Tulsa World term limits poll
Labels: OK Legislature, Term limits Posted at 11/08/2007 04:41:00 PM |![]() ![]() Pay your dues or lose in Nov., Tom Cole says![]() Labels: Cong. Tom Cole, Congress Posted at 11/08/2007 02:00:00 PM |![]() ![]() Video: Oklahoma's Closed Democracy: Ballot Access Reform
Hat tip: Oklahomans for ballot Access Reform
Oklahoma voters were the only Americans restricted to only two choices for president in 2004. This is because Oklahoma has the nation's most restrictive ballot access laws, keeping voters from having more choices with third party candidates. An effort is preparing an initiative petition so Oklahoma voters can decide if they want an open democratic process.
Labels: Ballot Access, Decision '08 Posted at 11/05/2007 11:49:00 AM |![]() ![]() Republican Leader Dana Murphy Announces Candidacy for Corporation Commission
Contact: Jaylynn Richardson, 405-361-2992
![]() Labels: Dana Murphey, Decision '08 Posted at 11/05/2007 09:15:00 AM |![]() ![]() Sen. Gumm Honors VeteransLabels: OK Legislator's Blog, Sen. Gumm Posted at 11/05/2007 08:10:00 AM |![]() ![]() 'Cash-Us Clay' tries to KO Seattle fans![]() ![]() Labels: Supersonics Clay Bennett Posted at 11/03/2007 12:13:00 PM |![]() ![]() Dems Wishful Thinking![]() ![]() Labels: Andrew Rice, Decision '08, Sen. Inhofe Posted at 11/02/2007 09:47:00 AM |![]() ![]() Coburn: Deficit Spending is Bigger Moral Issue Than Abortion![]() Labels: Congress, Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 11/02/2007 09:17:00 AM |![]() ![]() Gambling With The Choctaw Nation
From the Red Stater blog:
Swimming Upstream:
A blogging friend is going through some tough times. Without getting into too many details, lets just say that he was basically punished for having opinions and for expressing those opinions online.
Oh sure, they used the fact that he has had medical problems which took him away from his job a day here and a day there...(waiting in line at government run hospitals) they always find a "professional" reason for firing what they consider to be "an insubordinate", however if he had been on the left side of things... he would probably be known as a "whistle blower" and held up as a hero and champion of all things good. Instead he finds himself on the outside looking in for daring to criticize the once great and powerful Choctaw Nation. (I'm part Cherokee, so I can get away with saying that)
His reaction to losing his job and income? "When God closes one door, another is always waiting to be opened". Like most conservatives, he isn't a whiner or crybaby, he didn't go running to the local press, a lawyer or the ACLU, but instead accepts the personal responsibility for his actions, meets the challenges head on... with gusto and anticipation for what the future brings. Read more...
Labels: Choctaw Nation Posted at 11/01/2007 03:42:00 PM |![]() ![]() Daily Kos: The Crazy Radical Andrew Rice"
Gasp. The Oklahoma Republican Party has just blown this race away by exposing State Sen. Andew Rice's (D) connection to the most radical of radical organizations. The most leftest of leftist groups. We're talking shit so far out of the mainstream, that I have the vapors just thinking about it.
What groups can these be? Well, please sit down before you click over to see. It's groups like:
Sierra Club ("Global warming alarmists")
Twenty-First Century Democrats ("ultra-liberal [...] leaders from Planned Parenthood and labor unions")
ACLU ("Civil Libertarians")
MoveOn ("Betrayus")
Some group called "Hollywood" ("Jeanine Garofalo")
Democracy for America ("They share the same values and vision as Howard Dean")
Stonewall Democrats ("Gay agenda")
The Communist Party (he is a Democrat, after all)
And don't get me started on the Progressive Alliance Foundation. "Rice founded The Progressive Alliance Foundation. Its goal is to convince Oklahomans that anti-war, pro-gay liberal values are actually our values. The group’s slogan is "Progressive Values, Mainstream Values, Oklahoma Values."
Imagine the horror! Damn it -- Oklahoma values are all about war mongering and gay-bashing! You know, good, and wholesome values like that!
But there's more!
Okie Funk: GOP, Inhofe Will Not Run On Record
Red Stater: Run Andrew Run... Run Away
Labels: Andrew Rice, Decision '08, Sen. Inhofe Posted at 11/01/2007 09:26:00 AM |![]() ![]() "Reagan21" Introduced Today![]() Labels: Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 11/01/2007 09:10:00 AM |![]() ![]() |
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