Today, a bicameral group of Senators and Congressman presented a positive alternative to the current majority in Congress. Members of Reagan21 are committed to the advancement of a new and invigorated Republican Party fighting for Reagan’s principles of liberty and a 21st Century vision for America, including individual freedom, free enterprise and common-sense values. The Partnership’s goal is to give Americans a positive choice in public policy by advancing the integrity and optimism of the Republican Party.
Senator Tom Coburn:
“At a time when Congress’ approval rating is at an all-time low, it is vital that elected officials regain the trust and confidence of the American people. Reagan21 provides a way for members of Congress to commit themselves to a clear set of common sense principles about freedom and limited government that are not merely Republican values, but American values.”
London Telegraph: Coburn Rated United States' 43rd Most Conservative Politician
Labels: Sen. Tom Coburn
Posted at 11/01/2007 09:10:00 AM