Friday, November 09, 2007 Corporation Commission Candidate Dana Murphy "Energized by Early Support
Contact: Jaylynn Richardson, 405-607-6677
OKLAHOMA CITY) Since I launched my campaign last week, I have been overwhelmed with support from across the state. It is a humbling feeling to have many Oklahomans already encouraging and supporting me.
Oklahomans need to know that I am an agent of change, someone who will look out for everyday Oklahomans and can be trusted to make decisions which are fair and for the highest good of all citizens; someone who understands both rural and urban areas and the impact of energy on both family and business budgets and ways of life.
With energy costs chewing a hole through the pocketbook like never before, we must develop Oklahoma resources in new and different ways to provide today and tomorrow's affordable power. Oil and gas will always be important, but we must advance the use of wind, hydro, bio-fuels, solar and other evolving fuel sources in Oklahoma.
Experienced, honest, visionary leadership is a must if we are to grow our state in reaching its energy potential. As a geologist, oil and gas attorney and former OCC Administrative Law Judge, I am ready to step up and help lead the charge to make Oklahoma an energy innovator in the U.S. and the world.
For more information about my campaign for Corporation Commission, please visit ..
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Labels: Dana Murphey, Decision '08 Posted at 11/09/2007 03:13:00 PM |