Yes on Term Limits Chairman James Dunn says a flurry of news coverage this week shows that entrenched politicians are frightened of term limits, and that there is no line some won’t cross to stop the will of the people.
“News reports indicate two Tulsa-area Democrats are crafting measures to thwart the people’s will when it comes to term limits,” says Dunn. “It is a fact that nearly 80% of Oklahomans want term limits, and no matter how hard Senator Easley and Representative Shumate work to deny that wish, the people’s will on this issue will prevail,” says Dunn.
Easley wants to repeal term limits on state legislators, and Shumate wants to make it harder for citizens to petition their government. “It’s a fine bit of rhetorical nonsense, but no matter how you slice it or pretend to be fighting voter “fraud,” there are entrenched political forces dedicated to criminalizing the process by which voters can petition their government. We’re beginning to see the plan our opponents will use to try and stop term limits: obfuscation, bogus legislation and indictments. We intend to fight these anti-democratic measures and allow the citizens to regain control of state government,” Dunn says.
Dunn says if the entrenched politicians want to truly fight corruption, they will support, not fight, term limits. “Yes for Term Limits believes the best antiseptic for limiting the power and corrosive nature of unlimited terms of office is to return power to the people and enact term limits on statewide office holders. The political bosses and their allies in the press and the courts will say and do anything to stop the will of the people, but we will not stop working until the will of the people is manifested in the law.
Tulsa World term limits pollLabels: OK Legislature, Term limits
Posted at 11/08/2007 04:41:00 PM