Days after Richard Roberts steps down as President of the scandal ridden Oral Roberts University, the flood gates have opened and the blessings are being poured out on the University. If this is reminiscent of Malachi 3:10 then there really is a God who sits high and looks low.
Oklahoma City businessman Mart Green said Tuesday that he planned to donate $70 million to the debt-ridden university.
Green, founder of Mardel, a Christian office and educational supply store chain, said he decided to help after watching media reports about the school, which recently revealed that it was more than $50 million in debt. He never attended the university and does not know the Roberts family, he said. Read More
OKPNS hopes that the Board of Regents at ORU, which includes a whose who of prosperity pimps...oops I mean men of Greed...oops what I meant to say was preachers, learn their lesson. No longer can you proclaim to be a man or woman of God and live a lavish life on the backs of the helpless and needy students and parishioners for that matter. ORU needs a new leader that will take the university to a higher dimension of leadership. This can only be done when the students are put first and foremost.
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Labels: ORU, Richard Roberts
Posted at 11/28/2007 10:43:00 AM