By Senator Jay Paul Gumm, D-Durant
Hello again, everyone! Thanksgiving is a time my thoughts turn to my late mother, Harlene Taylor Gumm. It was the most special of all the holidays for her because she had one of her prayers answered over Thanksgiving Weekend 1963.
Just like Deena and me, my parents were told they could never have children. All that changed on Thanksgiving Weekend 1963, and this story is one that gave Deena and me hope during our struggle to become parents.
Bear in mind that this happened when medical science was not as advanced as it is today. My parents had been married for three years, and mom taught home economics at Calera High School.
Doctors told my mother she could not bear children. Despite every effort known to medical science at the time, Mom was given the same prognosis Deena and I once heard: "You cannot have children."
In early 1963, my mother started feeling unwell. Countless trips to doctors followed and several series of tests were inflicted upon her. Specialists in Dallas and Oklahoma City were stumped.
Mom thought she might be expecting, but every test available at the time came back "negative." Read more...
Labels: OK Legislator's Blog, Sen. Gumm
Posted at 11/22/2007 01:39:00 PM