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Monday, April 30, 2007 Gas Company Sets Sights on Washington![]() ![]() Labels: American Clear Skies Foundation, Chesapeake Energy, Denise Bode Posted at 4/30/2007 02:21:00 PM |![]() ![]() Istook-isms: "Lose Thousands of Dollars from Your Own Home In Your Spare Time!"
. . . and then thank Barney Frank
You can lose thousands of dollars every week -- right from the privacy of your own home!
Thanks to the modern miracle of Internet gambling, you don't have to plan ahead for a trip to a casino far-far away! Just imagine the gambling convenience:
Labels: Ernest Istook Posted at 4/30/2007 08:52:00 AM |![]() ![]() Oklahoma Consortium Bids to Land $450 Million Research Center
TULSA, Okla. (AP) A consortium led by Oklahoma State University hopes to land for the state a 450 million dollar research center for the federal Department of Homeland Security.
Twenty-nine bids originally were made for the National Bio and Agro Defense Facility, and earlier this year, that number was trimmed to 14 after the first round of the selection process.
A list of three to five finalists for the facility is expected to be released in June.
Those who back the Oklahoma bid say winning the competition for the facility will be difficult, but that the state is one of the top contenders.
The proposal would place the facility at a 67-hundred-acre U-S Agriculture Department research laboratory west of El Reno.
Among Oklahoma universities, O-S-U, the University of Oklahoma, the University of Tulsa and Langston University are involved in the bid.
The state's two largest private research organizations, the Noble Foundation and the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, also are part of the consortium.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Labels: Homeland Security Posted at 4/30/2007 08:42:00 AM |![]() ![]() Loveless to Run For State Senate![]() Labels: Decision '08, Kyle Loveless Posted at 4/26/2007 11:04:00 AM |![]() ![]() Rep. Fallin "The HiIl" Interview![]() ![]() Labels: Congress, Rep. Fallin Posted at 4/26/2007 09:17:00 AM |![]() ![]() OCRI-homa!![]() ![]() Labels: Decision '08 Posted at 4/26/2007 08:56:00 AM |![]() ![]() First Democratic Presidential Debate Watch Party![]() Labels: Decision '08 Posted at 4/26/2007 08:32:00 AM |![]() ![]() OU Donates to Soldier's Angels![]() Labels: OU, Soldier's Angels Posted at 4/25/2007 06:59:00 PM |![]() ![]() Williamson Vows to Continue Effort to Override Henry Veto of Pro-Life Bill![]() SB 714 author disappointed by Senator Laster’s flip-flop on abortion issue
The evenly divided Oklahoma Senate fell one vote short today of the 32 votes needed to override Gov. Brad Henry’s veto of a pro-life bill after Democrat Senator Charles Laster of Shawnee flip-flopped by voting against an override motion after voting 3 previous times in favor of the legislation this session – once in committee and twice on the Senate floor.
But Senate Bill 714’s author, Sen. James A. Williamson of Tulsa, said he will press on with future attempts to override Henry’s veto.
“Today’s vote is just the beginning. Our fight on behalf of unborn Oklahomans will continue for as along as necessary until we override this veto,” Williamson said.
“Sen. Laster’s flip flop on this life-and-death issue is surprising and disappointing. Sen. Laster will likely be hearing from many pro-life Oklahomans in the coming days. There will be a lot of prayers that he will have a change of heart on the next override vote,” stated Williamson.
“Sen. Laster’s explanation for changing his vote on SB 714 involves the same arguments that were used against this bill during every previous vote, yet Sen. Laster still voted for the bill every time until today,” he said.
Senate Bill 714 is a pro-life bill that prohibits the use of state funds, facilities, and employees to perform abortions. It also requires abortionists to file paperwork with the state showing they are following laws requiring informed consent of patients and the notification of minors’ parents before abortions are performed.
Williamson noted that Democrat Sen. Nancy Riley of Sand Springs, who switched parties in 2006, has also changed positions on the abortion issue.
“In the past, Sen. Riley consistently voted pro-life as a Republican. She never told pro-life supporters that rape and incest exceptions were important to her. As a Democrat, she even voted for SB 714 in committee before opposing the bill on the floor,” Williamson said. “Sen. Riley’s waffling on the issue of life is extremely disappointing.”
Williamson said he will continue to bring up his motion to override Henry’s veto of SB 714 “as many times as necessary” until the end of next year’s legislative session. Labels: Abortion, Brad Henry, Sen. Charles Laster, Sen. James Williamson, Sen. Nancy Riley Posted at 4/25/2007 03:43:00 PM |![]() ![]() Saturday House Sessions Garner National Attention![]() ![]() Labels: OK House, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 4/25/2007 03:16:00 PM |![]() ![]() ACRC To Announce Race Neutral Ballot Initiative in Oklahoma
From The New Leadership Blog:
By Christopher Arps
I wrote several days ago that the American Civil Rights Coalition headed by Ward Connerly - a national leader striving for a "color blind society" - would be making an important announcement regarding ballot initiatives in several states next year.
Yesterday in Kansas City, I attended and spoke at the press conference announcing the formation of the Missouri Civil Rights Initiative. It was the second stop on the five state tour of Colorado, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arizona, and South Dakota. The ballot measure will seek to ban government-sponsored race and gender preferences in public employment, public education and public contracting. Here is the actual proposed language:
“The state shall not discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education or public contracting."
Recent ballot initiative victories in Michigan, Washington, and California, have shown that that these measures passed with strong grassroots support. The internet has become a logical extension of the power of grassroots organizing; with its advantages of quick and cost effective communication. No doubt, the opponents of the measure will use scare tactics and blatant mistruths to distort the purpose of the initiative, but fortuntiately, the blogosphere will be able to counter them. Read more...
Wednesday April 25, 2007
Contact: Ryan Steusloff at 405-286-6500
Or, Jennifer Gratz at (517) 281-6738 or (916) 444-2278
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - The Oklahoma Civil Rights Initiative is moving ahead with plans for a November, 2008 ballot measure banning government-sponsored race and gender preferences in the state. The Oklahoma Civil Rights Initiative will be part of a 'Super Tuesday for Equal Rights' campaign that will offer citizens of several states the chance to end such practices in public employment, public education and public contracting. Similar measures have already passed in three other states, all by overwhelming margins.
"We believe the people of Oklahoma are fair and believe in equal treatment under the law," said Rep. Randy Terrill. "Ward Connerly and his organizations have done excellent work exposing policies that divide us and now we are delighted to have his support in pursuing the Oklahoma Civil Rights Initiative," Rep. Terrill continued.
Connerly, chairman of the Sacramento-based American Civil Rights Institute and longtime crusader for a colorblind America, will also be speaking at the event. "Getting our nation to the point of applying a single standard to all Americans is one of the most crucial issues of our time," says Connerly, who helped lead the earlier successful anti-preferences campaigns in California, Washington state and, most recently, Michigan.
"Racial preferences are nothing but state-sponsored discrimination. How can we look the other way when Americans are being deprived of their right to full and equal treatment under the law? If events of the past couple of weeks have taught us anything at all, it is that race will continue to divide our nation as long as long as we insist on treating people differently based on nothing more than the color of their skin or the origin of their ancestors,” said Connerly. “Both Don Imus, in his appalling comments on the Rutgers women's basketball team, and those who rushed to judgment in the Duke lacrosse case made the same mistake: they looked at individuals and saw only skin color. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, we have to get past that kind of thinking - and we must start by getting our government out of the business of privileging some citizens because of their race or gender and penalizing others," said Connerly.
The operative clause of the proposed ballot initiative reads as follows: "The state shall not discriminate against or grant preferential treatment to any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education or public contracting."
Labels: Decision '08 Posted at 4/25/2007 10:26:00 AM |![]() ![]() "Bumper Sticker Politics" Serves State Poorly![]() Labels: OK Legislator's Blog, Sen. Gumm Posted at 4/25/2007 10:20:00 AM |![]() ![]() Worthen: Norman Lawmaker Should Apologize for Remark Insulting Teachers
Rep. Wallace Collins insults public education and his own literacy/intelligence at the same time!
An Oklahoma City lawmaker Tuesday renewed calls for Rep. Wallace Collins to apologize for insulting remarks he made about public education on the House floor.
"Collins claims he was just joking," said Rep. Trebor Worthen (R-Oklahoma City). "But I don't think professional educators find his remarks amusing. I certainly don't. If he is able to be so flippant about something like this, I think it calls into question his so-called commitment to public education."
On April 12, while discussing a bill on the House floor, Collins (D-Norman)stated, "I'm only a public school graduate, so I'm not very literate, if you could talk to me in a manner I can understand."
"This is an insult not only to public educators, but also to the students who go through Oklahoma's school system every day," said Worthen. "I don't think these kinds of comments on the House floor are becoming of a lawmaker. Instead of continuing to dismiss calls for an apology, Wallace Collins should do the right thing and say he's sorry."
Monday, April 23, 2007
Labels: OK House, Rep. Wallace Collins Posted at 4/25/2007 10:15:00 AM |![]() ![]() Sunday Morning Puff Piece
We presented a piece a couple of weeks ago on the political affiliations of the Capitol press corps. We posted a list of several reporters who were registered as Democrats. Now that's not a crime within itself, or, even suggests that these fine reporters aren't capable of writing stories without inflicting their personal biases. But a story yesterday by Tulsa World reporter Barbara Hoberock, makes us seriously question her motives behind her Brad Henry, Drew Edmondson puff piece.
OKPNS fully understands that reporters do not write the headlines for their stories, but the following headline for Hoberock's story gives you a gist of the angle of the piece: "AG Gave Advice on Abortion Bill" with the sub headline: "Henry Was Told About Problems With a Hotly Debated Abortion Measure."
Why does a story of the attorney general performing his duties - dispensing legal advice to the governor and other state agencies - warrant a 15 paragraph story? Many could surmise that this story is meant to deflect from the question of the morality or immorality of abortion, and instead, turn Henry's controversial veto last week into a question of legalities only.
Martin Luther King wrote about obeying "just and unjust laws" in his famous letter from a Birmingham jail.
"One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. I would agree with St. Augustine that "an unjust law is no law at all"
Now, what is the difference between the two? How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust."
We can't imagine aborting a fetus or a baby "squares with the moral law or the law of God."
Labels: AG, Brad Henry, Press Bias, Tulsa World Posted at 4/23/2007 08:24:00 AM |![]() ![]() Ambitious Bode Leaving After Spotty Political Career
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) After 10 years of political ups in downs, Denise Bode is leaving as a member of the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to head a foundation that will promote the use of natural gas.
``I think this is a wonderful opportunity to go change the world,'' Bode said Friday as she announced she is resigning effective May 31 to form the American Clean Skies Foundation.
She said the new group will operate primarily in Washington, D.C., joining the national debate over climate change and energy. Oklahoma City-based Chesapeake Energy Corp. will be among its sponsors.
Among the foundation's top goals will be to persuade policymakers that natural gas offers the best solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Bode said.
Only 53, Bode has had a three decades of experience in the political realm.
She is a former Democrat who was general counsel to then-U.S. Sen. David Boren, specializing in energy and tax issues. Boren is now president of the University of Oklahoma. Read more...
Friday, April 20, 2007
Labels: Denise Bode Posted at 4/23/2007 08:15:00 AM |![]() ![]() Bode Accepts Job In D.C.From The McCarville Report Online:
"Corporation Commissioner Denise Bode announced today she is resigning effective May 31st to head a new natural gas trade association, Clean Skies Foundation, in Washington. A major member of the association, she said, is Chesapeake Energy Co. of Oklahoma City." Labels: 400lb Gorilla, Denise Bode Posted at 4/20/2007 03:00:00 PM |![]() ![]() "Mainstream Baptist" Praises Abortion Veto![]() Labels: Brad Henry, OK Legislature Posted at 4/20/2007 01:57:00 PM |![]() ![]() Theater of the Absurd, Act II?
Speaker Lance Cargill issued the following statement today after Governor Henry indicated he would veto five budget bills passed today that match his own executive budget:
“Oklahomans won’t let the governor’s smoke-and-mirrors press release cloud this simple fact: The governor is getting ready to veto his own budget. The absurdity of this speaks for itself.
He doesn’t like our plan. Now he doesn’t like his own plan. And he still refuses to publicly submit a new plan.”
Labels: Brad Henry, Budget, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 4/19/2007 06:04:00 PM |![]() ![]() This Week's Oklahoma Legislators' Blog
From Our Oklahoma Legislators' Blog:
Dorman Calls for Additional Protections from Credit Card Companies
Although lawmakers voted this week to restrict the sale of college students' private information to credit card companies, state Rep. Joe Dorman said additional safeguards are still needed.
"We took a step in the right direction today, but too many loopholes remain that allow credit card companies to target college freshmen," said Dorman, D-Rush Springs. "The door is still open for teenagers to be lured into a debt spiral that will take years to escape." Read more...
Stopping Our Tax Dollars From Financing Terrorists
By Rep. Jason Murphey
As your State Representative it is my goal to work hard in advocating for the concerns of House District 31 constituents.
The most frequent requests I receive are for a change in the law or advocacy for a new piece of legislation. Over the first few months in office, I fielded a number of suggestions and developed a long list of potential legislation. I believe it is important to give every constituent's proposal due and fair consideration.
Such was the case earlier in the year when a citizen contacted me with a request to investigate whether or not Oklahoma pension funds were being used to invest in foreign companies doing business in the terrorist-sponsoring countries of Iran, Syria, North Korea and Sudan.
This type of information is rather hard to come by, but after some research, I obtained a 2004 report developed by The Center for Security Policy, showing several startling facts. Read more...
Labels: OK Legislator's Blog, Rep. Jason Murphey, Rep. Joe Dorman Posted at 4/19/2007 05:59:00 PM |![]() ![]() OK GOPers Would Sooner Wait![]() Labels: Decision '08, OKGOP Posted at 4/19/2007 11:56:00 AM |![]() ![]() Frank Keating to Stand in for McCain
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) Former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating will be the stand-in for Republican presidential hopeful John McCain at conventions in South Carolina.
McCain's campaign says his schedule prevents him from attending the conventions in which Republican delegates will meet other G-O-P presidential candidates.
Keating will speak for McCain at conventions in three counties on Saturday.
RELATED: Former Governor Among 2007 Promising Children's Book Award Winners
Labels: Decision '08, Frank Keating Posted at 4/19/2007 11:48:00 AM |![]() ![]() Henry Vetoes Abortion Funding Bill
Gov. Brad Henry vetoed yesterday - overwhelmingly bi-partisan legislation - that would have banned the use of public funds for abortions. The so called centrist governor, surrounded by doctors and other medical professionals at a Capitol press conference, chose to side with NARAL, The National Organization for Women, and Moveon.org over life. Henry claims the measure doesn't protect the rights of women who are the victims of rape or incest.
Speaker Cargill Released this statement:
"It's especially sad that on a day when the U.S. Supreme Court is advancing the cause of life, Oklahoma is moving backwards thanks to the Governor. I don't think the Governor's actions today are in line with the beliefs of most Oklahomans, who value the sanctity of life and are in favor of stronger protections.
But we can take heart in the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court's decision is a victory for efforts to protect the unborn. The idea that taxpayer dollars could be used to perform abortions is terrible. Most Oklahomans oppose it and I am very disappointed that our Governor supports it."
Senator Coburn released this statement last week after the bill's passage in the legislature:
"The reality is that every tax dollar that is spent to perform an abortion is a dollar that has been taken away from providing medically necessary health care for patients," he said.
"More than 18 percent of Oklahoma's population is uninsured, the seventh-highest rate in the country," Coburn added. "How can we justify spending limited public resources on abortion when our fellow Oklahomans cannot even afford basic health care?"
Labels: Brad Henry, OK Legislature, Sen. Tom Coburn, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 4/19/2007 10:47:00 AM |![]() ![]() Oklahoma House of Representatives Will Hold a Special Saturday Floor Session
The Oklahoma House of Representatives will hold a special Saturday floor session to make the House more accessible to the state's working families. Speaker Cargill said in a statement:
Too often, Oklahoma's citizens don't have a chance to see the work of their lawmakers. Those with regular jobs have a difficult time accessing the Capitol during the work week. So the House will give citizens a special opportunity to watch the House in session outside of regularly scheduled meeting times.
Speaker Cargill hopes working parents will attend the April 21 session with their children as one way of boosting civic literacy in the state.
After the conclusion of session, the public is invited to attend a cookies-and-punch reception on the fourth floor of the State Capitol underneath the rotunda.
Many representatives will also hold open office hours for their constituents in the afternoon following the Saturday session, to allow working citizens the opportunity to present their concerns and issues directly to lawmakers.
Labels: OK House, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 4/19/2007 10:07:00 AM |![]() ![]() Former Congressman Istook Starts Blog![]() Labels: Ernest Istook Posted at 4/19/2007 09:41:00 AM |![]() ![]() NRCC Woos Indian Tribes for 2008 Campaign Money![]() Labels: Cong. Tom Cole Posted at 4/18/2007 11:47:00 AM |![]() ![]() Jones Trailer Culprit Charged
UPDATE: Tecumseh city employee charged in campaign trailer theft
Sources tell OKPNS to stay tuned to how close this city employee is to State Auditor & Inspector Jeff McMahan. We were the first to break this story last week:
![]() Labels: Gary Jones, Jeff McMahan Posted at 4/17/2007 03:16:00 PM |![]() ![]() Edwards Campaign Raises 200K In OklahomaThe first quarter campaign finance reports have been filed, and the John Edwards presidential campaign did very well in Oklahoma. Okies gave over $220,000 to Edwards, second only to Barak Obama's $300,000 take. Seventy five percent of the $800,000 raised in Oklahoma went to the Democrats. Insiders within the Edwards campaign tell OKPNS that - although the campaign is raising competitive amounts of money, unfortunately, the campaign is burning through that money at an unsustainable clip to be competitive for next year. Instead of hiring grassroots organizers and field staff, campaign insiders say excessive amounts of money are being spent on celebrity hairstylists, hair gels, shampoos, and once a week facial sessions for the Senator. When asked about the expenditures by staff, Edwards purportedly exclaims, "Don't you know I'm the son of a millworker?" A campaign worker who got tired of the abuse and tirades, smuggled out this video of Edwards primping. Labels: Decision '08 Posted at 4/17/2007 01:26:00 PM |![]() ![]() Senate Legislation to Foster Charter Schools Clears House Committee
The measure mirrors a House bill backed by Republican leaders
Senate legislation to encourage charter schools in Oklahoma is headed for a vote of the full state House of Representatives after the measure garnered approval from a House committee Monday.
Speaker Lance Cargill praised passage of the legislation, part of the House Republican "Year of Ideas" legislative agenda.
"Charter schools encourage new and better approaches to educating our children," said Cargill (R-Harrah). "These innovative schools should be a major component of education reform in Oklahoma, which must also include meaningful testing requirements for students and the highest standards from our educators."
Senate Bill 661 closely mirrors House Bill 1589, authored by House Education committee chair Tad Jones (R-Claremore). That bill currently awaits a floor vote in the Senate, and has attracted bipartisan support by lawmakers like Shumate.
"I hear from my constituents all the time that they want more and better options for their children's education," said Shumate. "I've seen the tremendous positive impact that charter schools are having on children's lives in my own community. We should be encouraging the formation of these schools, not discouraging them."
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Labels: OK House, Rep. Shumate, Rep. Tad Jones, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 4/17/2007 01:13:00 PM |![]() ![]() Gary Jones Is New GOP Chairman![]() Labels: Gary Jones, OKGOP Posted at 4/14/2007 07:50:00 PM |![]() ![]() Cargill Calls Budget Impasse 'Theater of the Absurd'
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) House Speaker Lance Cargill sounded off today about the state budget impasse.
He is urging Governor Brad Henry to share his budget ideas with lawmakers.
He criticized Henry's refusal to sign appropriations bills that he said mirror the governor's own executive budget.
Henry has threatened to veto those appropriations bills. He says legislative budget writers have put together a spending plan without properly consulting the governor's office or many state lawmakers.
Labels: Brad Henry, OK House, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 4/13/2007 09:58:00 AM |![]() ![]() Governor Orders Study of State Employee Pay
Governor Henry shoring up votes for a Senate run in '08?
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Governor Henry is ordering a task force to study and develop a long-term pay plan for state employees.
The governor named a nine-member task force which will develop a market compensation study recommending a pay plan to attract and keep state employees.
The study is to be complete by January first.
The task force will include representatives of the Office of Personnel Management, the state finance office, the Department of Human Services, the Corrections Department and the Oklahoma Public Employees Association.
There will also be four senior-level executives from the private sector
Labels: Brad Henry Posted at 4/13/2007 09:30:00 AM |![]() ![]() Mike Mass Indicted![]() Labels: Gene Stipe, Jeff McMahan, Mike Mass, Steve Phipps Posted at 4/13/2007 08:46:00 AM |![]() ![]() OKPNS FLASHBACK: OKGOP Spends Over $130,000 on Door Hangers and $80,000 on Consultants, Staff, and Travel in Final Month of Election 2006![]() ![]() ![]() Henry Threatens Veto of Appropriations Bills
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Governor Brad Henry says appropriation bills passed by the Legislature are "dead on arrival" if they're unchanged from appropriations in the general budget bill he vetoed two weeks ago.
Leaders in the state Senate are planning to introduce five appropriation bills they say contain the same amount of money for separate state agencies that was contained the original budget.
The lawmakers would not say which agencies would be included in the bills.
But Henry says he'll veto those bills if they're just "repackaged" from the budget bill and he says legislative leaders should stop wasting time on what he calls an "exercise in futility."
Henry wants leaders in the House and Senate to negotiate with him and House Democrats on what should be included in the budget.
Labels: Brad Henry, Budget, OK Legislature Posted at 4/12/2007 08:04:00 AM |![]() ![]() Speaker Cargill Statement Regarding State Budget
Oklahoma House Speaker Lance Cargill issued the following statement yesterday, after Governor Henry threatened to veto five agency budget bills that match his own executive budget:
"The Governor continues to sit on the sidelines and throw rocks at our ideas without submitting any of his own. Our bipartisan plan has been released for weeks, and there are only six weeks left in session, butthe Governor still refuses to submit an alternative budget based on current projections. The Governor is now threatening to veto his own executive budget. The five budget bills that passed today are identical to the numbers in his executive budget. It makes absolutely no sense for him to veto these bills. This is theater of the absurd. The Governor needs to quit worrying about who gets credit and playing obstructionist games. He needs to put in the effort and show us his detailed planinstead of just criticizing ours."
Labels: Brad Henry, Budget, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 4/12/2007 05:14:00 AM |![]() ![]() Stipe's Personal Photographer Called By Grand Jury![]() Labels: Frances Stipe, Gene Stipe, Jeff McMahan, Mike Mass, Steve Phipps Posted at 4/12/2007 05:10:00 AM |![]() ![]() Sen. Coburn Speaks at Heritage![]() Labels: Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 4/12/2007 05:00:00 AM |![]() ![]() EXCLUSIVE: Stolen Campaign Trailer Mystery Solved?![]() Labels: Gary Jones, Jeff McMahan Posted at 4/11/2007 02:10:00 PM |![]() ![]() Capitol Press Corps Party Affiliations![]() Labels: Press Bias Posted at 4/11/2007 12:52:00 PM |![]() ![]() PAC to PAC Transfers Questionable![]() Labels: Ethics Reforms, OK Legislature Posted at 4/11/2007 12:35:00 PM |![]() ![]() "What In Blue-Blazes Is Going On?"
This anonymous mass email was apparently sent by a delegate to all the delegates.
First, the "Not Again Gary" email, then the "Buchanan gave money to Democrats" YouTube video, and now the "Daxon's moral character is in questioned"(sic) article on the biased OKPNS website. So, what is next? Will there be a real fist fight on the convention floor? 'Cause we've definitely moved past the mudslinging. It's been more like stoning and crucifixion. Besides, after reading everything that's going on I'm ready to watch some real action. Enough with the written word...let's see some flesh hitting flesh, Fight Club style.
So what in blue-blazes is going on? I mean, come on...this is Oklahoma for crying out loud. It's not like we're Florida, New York, or Texas where real power lies. Seriously, what's to gain by the chairmanship that's made one (or two) candidates (and their cohorts) so desperate that they've become avarice?
So cut the crap out. For the person who sent out the "Not Again Gary" email, let your candidate be man enough to say those things in public. For the person who posted the "Buchanan gave money to Democrats" YouTube video, kudos to you for being smart enough to record that meeting. But shame on you for being tacky in parading the video around with amateur editing and funny music. As for OKPNS, you've lost significant credibility with your reporting and journalism. This country was founded on the principle that every one is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. And not only was Daxon acquitted in a court of law, there was a serious lack of evidence to support the accusations. Posting an affidavit that's several years old and deemed unreliable by our justice system shows a serious lack of journalism credibility on your part. If you were going slander any of the two candidates that you do not support, at least have the decency to present hard evidence like the two individuals with their email and video.
As a concerned delegate, it greatly bothers me to see all the GOP diarrhea showing up so close to the convention. I pray this is not a symptom of a deeper internal problem, 'cause if it is, we're not going to be "Republican Rising" or "Oklahoma Rising" anytime soon. I imagine that I am not the only delegate who feels like sleeping in on Saturday and working peacefully in my garden as I till the manure in with the dirt.
Stopping the OK GOP Horse Manure Foundation
Labels: Gary Jones, Grassroots Activists, Jerry Buchanan, Tom Daxon Posted at 4/11/2007 08:32:00 AM |![]() ![]() By Default, Mugging Taxpayers![]() Labels: Congress, Ernest Istook Posted at 4/11/2007 08:21:00 AM |![]() ![]() Can Tom Daxon Lead His Party?![]() "[The] investigation revealed sufficient evidence to establish that charging party was retaliated against for engaging in protected activity....She was subsequently discharged, and investigation has established a causal connection between protected activity and adverse action taken. Respondent's justification for the discharge is not believable and has been considered by the Commission as pretext to cover retaliatory motive."The former employee makes disturbing allegations against Mr. Daxon regarding her very first meeting with him: She later describes her second meeting with Mr. Daxon: Tomorrow: We will post the entire affidavit. Labels: Tom Daxon Posted at 4/10/2007 09:55:00 AM |![]() ![]() Anybody Miss Me?![]() ![]() Labels: Brad Henry, Budget Posted at 4/09/2007 02:00:00 PM |![]() ![]() Day 17 & Counting: Where'd You Go On Your Vacation Governor?
"Most of us in this chamber are here because our constituents sent us here. They placed their trust in us, and in return we must pledge to them a government of complete openness and transparency." Gov. Brad Henry - 2007 State of the State Address
"Henry spokesman Paul Sund says the location of first family outings are kept secret to avoid interruptions from people who want to talk or perhaps have dinner with the governor.
Sund says the governor's office will reveal the location when the governor returns..." (AP) March 23, 2007
RELATED: Gov. Henry & Family Vacationing at Trial Lawyer's Vacation Home?
Labels: Brad Henry, Paul Sund, Terry West Posted at 4/09/2007 10:37:00 AM |![]() ![]() Sen. Coburn Strips Pork From War Appropriations Bill![]() Labels: Congress, Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 4/09/2007 09:45:00 AM |![]() ![]() Oklahoma House Ignores Doctor in Abortion Debate
By Tim Talley
Associated Press Writer
OKLAHOMA CITY — As the Oklahoma Legislature’s only physician, Rep. Doug Cox often is sought out for counsel and advice on matters of public health.
But Cox’s colleagues in the state House have largely ignored him and other medical professionals as they debate proposed anti-abortion regulations that, among other things, would bar state hospitals, clinics and workers from performing abortions at state expense unless the mother’s life is threatened.
Cox and other doctors believe the measure, overwhelmingly passed by the House and awaiting final passage in the Senate, will drive a wedge between them and their pregnant patients and cut off treatment for women with troubled pregnancies who are uninsured or underinsured.
“I consider myself to be pro-life. But I want to be pro-life with compassion,” said Cox, R-Grove, an emergency medicine physician at Integris Grove General Hospital who said he has delivered hundreds of babies and never performed an abortion. Read more...
Labels: OK House, Rep. Doug Cox Posted at 4/09/2007 09:21:00 AM |![]() ![]() Draft Brad Henry for U.S. Senate?
The anonymous Dem4ever - or most likely a Henry staffer - wrote on the Swing State Project blog over the weekend that they have started a "Draft Brad Henry" website to convince Henry to take on conservative Senator Jim Inhofe next year. Dem4ever has proclaimed Inhofe as the "worst Senator around right now" and an "embarrassment" to Oklahoma.
Excuse us, but Gene Stipe, Jeff McMahan, Drew Edmondson, and Carrol Fisher- to name a few- are role models for our kids? We warn you to put your coffee down while you read this so you don't spit it all over your computer. Funny!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
"I do not want my state to suffer under another six years of embarrassment. We do have plenty of Democrats that could give Inhofe a run for his money. Our Attorney General, Drew Edmondson, would definitely make for a strong candidate." "Not only is Henry one of our state's most popular Democratic politicians, he has also been a solid governor. Frank Keating, his wingnut Republican predecessor, ran one of the worst, if not the worst, budget deficits in state history. Put simply, our state was a total mess. Henry amazingly turned this deficit into a surplus without massive cuts to education and health care." (I'm sure $70 a barrel oil helped) Read more Labels: Brad Henry, Sen. Inhofe Posted at 4/09/2007 08:33:00 AM |![]() ![]() OK Press: Day Late, Dollar Short
New media lesson of the day
The Oklahoma Political News Service posted yesterday at 1:00 in the afternoon that Drew Edmondson's campaign had given an illegal contribution to Jeff McMahan. We actually had the tip in our inbox at 8:38, but due to other pressing commitments, we couldn't post it till early afternoon. If Simian sycophants and the mainstream OK press want to declare this morning that Rep. Mike Reynolds discovered the discrepancy, Fine. Our readers know where they read it first. (By the way, thanks for reading Representative!) It only illustrates another example of the lazy press in Oklahoma and the "pseudo consultants" who really don't understand the power and emergence of the blogosphere and the "new media."
Blogs will always be more timely and scoop the old school press simply because of the immediacy of the internet. While the old school media have a staff of reporters, blogs have legions of citizen reporters, tipsters, and insiders who have access to vast amounts of information a beat reporter will never have. Sorry to have to break news to you that you probably already know old school press, but your industry is dying, and unless you become more "progressive" (a word we hate but is applicable here) you will go the way of the Dodo bird and the Ford Edsel. Blogs ARE your competition but don't necessarily have to be your enemy; they can and actually do compliment your efforts.
You now see all around the country, major newspapers embracing the blogosphere. In the neighboring state of Missouri, the newspapers in St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield and Columbia, each have political blogs and a reporter assigned to update that blog. They frequently link to posts by popular local and statewide bloggers and have no problem giving a "hat tip" to a blogger who breaks a story before they do. They've learned you can either try to beat the blogs (impossible) or join them. Unfortunately as incestuous as the relationship is between the press and Democratic politicians in Oklahoma, don't expect much change anytime soon.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Jeff McMahan, OK Media, Press Bias Posted at 4/07/2007 10:23:00 AM |![]() ![]() Birds of a Feather...
EXCLUSIVE: Edmondson campaign illegally gives to Jeff McMahan (Go figure???)
One would think that the chief law enforcement official for the state of Oklahoma would know that it is illegal for a campaign committee to contribute to another candidate. Edmondson's campaign gave the embattled and ethically challenged state auditor $500 back in '05. Was this a simple oversight, or another example of the sheer audacity and arrogance of Edmondson?
Edmondson and his cronies probably assumed they didn't have to worry much about the OK press, especially when you have the Tulsa World publisher giving you $2,000. Don't expect the OK lapdogs to cover this story or follow up on it. The Oklahoma Political News Service will continue to investigate.
Related: Edmondson Says He Plans to Keep $1,000 Contribution From Stipe
Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Jeff McMahan, Press Bias Posted at 4/06/2007 03:04:00 PM |![]() ![]() Accused Former Lawmaker, County Commissioner Surrender
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) Oklahoma County Commissioner Brent Rinehart and political consultant Tim Pope surrendered to authorities Friday, one day after they were accused of felony violations of state campaign laws.
Rinehart and Pope arrived at the Oklahoma County Courthouse about 9:45 a.m. They were each with an attorney and Rinehart was also accompanied by a sheriff's deputy. They were arraigned and were to be booked at the Oklahoma County Jail.
They face accusations of perjury, conspiracy and money laundering in connection with the funneling of illegal campaign contributions to Rinehart's 2004 race for county commissioner, the state Attorney General's office said.
UPDATE: Rhinehart unexpectedly shows up at county commissioners' press conference (Video)
Labels: Brent Rinehart, Tim Pope Posted at 4/06/2007 03:00:00 PM |![]() ![]() Fallin Votes No
Tecumseh Countywide News & Sun:
Fifth District U.S. Rep. Mary Fallin called the budget which the House of Representatives passed this week “the largest tax increase in American history.” The budget allows the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts to expire while introducing $392.5 billion in new spending. It also fails to address the looming entitlement spending crisis for social security and Medicare.
“This Congress has a duty to allow American families to thrive,” Fallin said. “The budget we voted on today, brought forward by the liberal, tax and spend leaders of this Congress, does just the opposite. You cannot say you support our families while draining their bank accounts.” Read more...
Labels: Congress, Rep. Fallin Posted at 4/06/2007 02:56:00 PM |![]() ![]() Brothers Lose Round in Eminent Domain Battle
STILLWATER, Okla. (AP) A Payne County judge rules against two brothers who hold the last piece of property Oklahoma State University needs for its planned athletic village.
District Judge Donald Worthington ruled that Kevin and Joel McCloskey can't challenge the validity of O-S-U's board of regents, which initiated proceedings to acquire the home.
The McCloskeys had claimed the board was unconstitutional because it hadn't abided by a long-forgotten requirement that a majority of its members be farmers.
The judge ruled the brothers may not make this claim in their court case.
The brothers plan to continue to challenge the university's right to seize the property through eminent domain, the legal concept under which private property can be taken for public use.
The next court hearing in the case is planned for July 23rd.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Labels: Eminent Domain Posted at 4/06/2007 01:56:00 PM |![]() ![]() Sen. Brownback Speaks to House![]() ![]() Labels: Decision '08, OK House Posted at 4/04/2007 10:35:00 PM |![]() ![]() The Bumblin' Stumblin' Oklahoma PressHeaven knows we've taken our fair share of deserved shots at the lazy Oklahoma press. We've chronicled the startling conflicts of interest of major and small town newspaper publishers and television executives giving campaign contributions to the attorney general, while in return, giving negligible or non existent coverage of alleged misdeeds by the AG from a former employee in his office. We've posted audio of ethically challenged State Auditor & Inspector Jeff McMahan, admitting to a former employee that he's firing her for strictly political reasons, but promising to "find her job." The press never followed up on it. We could go on and on. Click here for more examples of Oklahoma press bias. What's the old saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words?" The above video sums up the OK press succinctly in 44 seconds. Enjoy! Labels: Press Bias Posted at 4/04/2007 06:24:00 PM |![]() ![]() Murphey Legislative Update![]() Labels: OK Legislature, Rep. Jason Murphey Posted at 4/04/2007 12:57:00 PM |![]() ![]() Picture of the DayCAP Releases Children's Health Insurance Issue Brief
Expanding access to health insurance for Oklahoma’s children would have significant, far-reaching impacts that benefit all Oklahomans, according to a new issue brief released today by Community Action Project, a Tulsa-area anti-poverty agency that conducts policy analysis on issue affecting low- and moderate-income Oklahomans.
The issue brief cites research that shows that children with health insurance are more likely to receive early, preventive health care, are less likely to visit emergency rooms or be hospitalized, are less likely to be absent from school, and are more likely to perform better academically.
The brief was released in conjunction with a press conference at the State Capitol urging the Legislature to support SB 424, a bi-partisan measure that would extend eligibility for publicly-subsidized health insurance to children in families with income between 185% and 300% of the federal poverty level.
Currently in Oklahoma, about 130,000 children, or 15 per cent, have no health insurance, the 6th highest rate in the nation. The moderate-income households targeted by SB 424 are a "gap population" that often experience the greatest obstacles to obtaining coverage, earning too much to qualify for Medicaid but too little to be offered or be able to afford family coverage through their employers.
Under the SCHIP program, the state would be eligible for an enhanced federal matching rate of $3.48 for every state dollar spent on health care costs for children between 185% and 300% of poverty.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Labels: CAP, OK Legislature Posted at 4/04/2007 12:05:00 PM |![]() ![]() BREAKING: Insurgent Challenger Jerry Buchanan Leads Field of GOP Chairman Candidates with 11 Days 'til Convention![]() The statewide survey, which was conducted over the phone March 31-April 2, 2007 to a random sampling of 300 registered State Convention delegates, shows Tulsa native Jerry Buchanan leading the pack of three. Perhaps most surprising, the survey shows that Jones is in a strong second place position, while Daxon trails in a distant third. Results also show that the race will likely be decided on the second ballot, with no candidate netting the requisite 50% of delegate votes to win. Labels: Gary Jones, Jerry Buchanan, Tom Daxon Posted at 4/03/2007 04:00:00 PM |![]() ![]() Damage Control 101![]() Labels: OK Legislature, Rep. John Trebilcock Posted at 4/03/2007 12:32:00 PM |![]() ![]() |
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