Governor Henry gets back from spring break just in time to veto bipartisan-crafted budget. Critics speculate why a do-over necessary after Senate and House overwhelmingly agree on general appropriations bill
Throughout his career as Oklahoma's chief executive officer, Gov. Brad Henry has built a reputation as a voice for bipartisanship. He reiterated his standing call for cooperation between the two parties in this year's State of the State address when he appealed to the evenly split Senate to put politics aside in order to be about the people's business.
"There are some skeptics who predict little of worth will come from this legislative session. They expect to see only political gamesmanship and partisan bickering," he said.
"Divisiveness destroys success, and too much is at stake for us to surrender to the pitfalls of partisanship. There is no glory in gridlock, but the rewards of working together--of joining forces on behalf of our fellow Oklahomans--are truly without limit."
Some might find it ironic now that, despite the fact that the Senate has indeed heeded his call to bipartisan cooperation by coming to unanimous agreement on the state budget along with House leadership, Henry is sending the Legislature back to square one by vetoing it.
Read more... Labels: Brad Henry, Budget
Posted at 4/09/2007 02:00:00 PM