From Our Oklahoma Legislators' Blog:
Dorman Calls for Additional Protections from Credit Card Companies
Although lawmakers voted this week to restrict the sale of college students' private information to credit card companies, state Rep. Joe Dorman said additional safeguards are still needed.
"We took a step in the right direction today, but too many loopholes remain that allow credit card companies to target college freshmen," said Dorman, D-Rush Springs. "The door is still open for teenagers to be lured into a debt spiral that will take years to escape."
Stopping Our Tax Dollars From Financing Terrorists
By Rep. Jason Murphey
As your State Representative it is my goal to work hard in advocating for the concerns of House District 31 constituents.
The most frequent requests I receive are for a change in the law or advocacy for a new piece of legislation. Over the first few months in office, I fielded a number of suggestions and developed a long list of potential legislation. I believe it is important to give every constituent's proposal due and fair consideration.
Such was the case earlier in the year when a citizen contacted me with a request to investigate whether or not Oklahoma pension funds were being used to invest in foreign companies doing business in the terrorist-sponsoring countries of Iran, Syria, North Korea and Sudan.
This type of information is rather hard to come by, but after some research, I obtained a 2004 report developed by The Center for Security Policy, showing several startling facts.
Read more...Labels: OK Legislator's Blog, Rep. Jason Murphey, Rep. Joe Dorman
Posted at 4/19/2007 05:59:00 PM