New media lesson of the day
Oklahoma Political News Service posted yesterday at 1:00 in the afternoon that Drew Edmondson's campaign had given an illegal contribution to Jeff McMahan. We actually had the tip in our inbox at 8:38, but due to other pressing commitments, we couldn't post it till early afternoon. If Simian sycophants and the mainstream OK press want to declare
this morning that Rep. Mike Reynolds discovered the discrepancy, Fine. Our readers know where they read it first.
(By the way, thanks for reading Representative!) It only illustrates another example of the lazy press in Oklahoma and the "pseudo consultants" who really don't understand the power and emergence of the blogosphere and the "new media."
Blogs will always be more timely and scoop the old school press simply because of the immediacy of the internet. While the old school media have a staff of reporters, blogs have legions of citizen reporters, tipsters, and insiders who have access to vast amounts of information a beat reporter will never have. Sorry to have to break news to you that you probably already know old school press, but your industry is dying, and unless you become more "progressive" (a word we hate but is applicable here) you will go the way of the Dodo bird and the Ford Edsel. Blogs ARE your competition but don't necessarily have to be your enemy; they can and actually do compliment your efforts.
You now see all around the country, major newspapers embracing the blogosphere. In the neighboring state of Missouri, the newspapers in
St. Louis,
Kansas City,
Springfield and
Columbia, each have political blogs and a reporter assigned to update that blog. They frequently link to posts by popular local and statewide bloggers and have no problem giving a "hat tip" to a blogger who breaks a story before they do. They've learned you can either try to beat the blogs (impossible) or join them. Unfortunately as incestuous as the relationship is between the press and Democratic politicians in Oklahoma, don't expect much change anytime soon.
Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Jeff McMahan, OK Media, Press Bias
Posted at 4/07/2007 10:23:00 AM