EXCLUSIVE: Edmondson campaign illegally gives to Jeff McMahan (Go figure???)
One would think that the chief law enforcement official for the state of Oklahoma would know that it is illegal for a campaign committee to contribute to another candidate. Edmondson's campaign gave the embattled and ethically challenged state auditor
$500 back in '05. Was this a simple oversight, or another example of the sheer audacity and arrogance of Edmondson?
Edmondson and his cronies probably assumed they didn't have to worry much about the OK press, especially when you have the
Tulsa World publisher giving you $2,000. Don't expect the OK lapdogs to cover this story or follow up on it. The
Oklahoma Political News Service will continue to investigate.
Related: Edmondson Says He Plans to Keep $1,000 Contribution From StipeLabels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Jeff McMahan, Press Bias
Posted at 4/06/2007 03:04:00 PM