By Kelly McCormack
If you could fire one lawmaker, who would it be?
“I can’t think of anybody I’d fire. I have a great respect for [all lawmakers] even though I may differ. They are representing their districts.”
If you could be one other lawmaker, who would you want to be?
“[There are] many lawmakers that I have a great [amount of respect for]. They each have strengths in [their] various individual personalities. I can’t name one I’d want to be exactly like.”
What five people, dead or alive, would you want to go to dinner with?
“[Secretary of State] Condoleezza Rice. I really admire her. She’s smart, capable, savvy and has a good heart. Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi (D-Calif.). Although we come from different political parties, I respect her elevation as a woman to Speaker of the House. [House Minority Leader John] Boehner (R-Ohio). He’s got knowledge to share. Margaret Thatcher — one of the early women to work in a man’s world. First lady Laura Bush.”
What’s your middle name?
“Oh, don’t ask me that! My daddy’s name: Newt. Whenever I see Newt Gingrich I tell him that we have something in common.”
Have you ever had a near-death experience?
“No, not to the point of being injured. I came close in car wrecks. Last year, [I was on a flight that] almost had a midair collision [with another plane]. I haven’t had any injuries.”
What do you do to stay in shape?
“I like to walk, work out and lift weights. It’s very important for one’s health and alertness, [especially] working the congressional hours that we do. My mom became ill at 73 and was bedridden. [It’s important] to enjoy life in the golden years.”
Labels: Congress, Rep. Fallin
Posted at 4/26/2007 09:17:00 AM