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Wednesday, October 31, 2007 Getting LOST![]() by Senator Jim Inhofe
What if I were to tell you that at this very moment in the halls of the Senate, legislation is being considered that will govern 70 percent of the earth's surface, threaten the very sovereignty of our country and, worse, without the efforts of a select few, would have become law years ago? What if I added that our enemies are waiting in the wings for us to make this historic blunder by accepting legislation that effectively cedes our autonomy to international organizations such as the United Nations? If you are of the small percentage of Americans who has heard of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, or simply the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), I congratulate you on being ahead of the curve. If you have not heard of LOST, you soon will, as we are gearing up in the Senate for a fight against one of the most far-reaching international challenges to American sovereignty we have ever faced.
LOST was conceived in the late 1970s as a way of governing all activities that occur on and beneath the surface of the world's oceans. The treaty's central aims, those of defining the corridors of water surrounding a country and standardizing the rules of navigation through these corridors, are innocent enough and are probably needed to govern and safeguard the ever-increasing use of the high seas.
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Labels: LOST, Sen. Inhofe Posted at 10/31/2007 12:12:00 PM |![]() ![]() Taxpayers Go Trick Or Treating![]() Labels: Pork, Sen. Barack Obama, Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 10/31/2007 12:01:00 PM |![]() ![]() Oklahoma Companies Confused Over H.B. 1804![]() The attorney general's office filed a motion Monday to dismiss a lawsuit challenging House Bill 1804, which goes into effect on Thursday, November 1. The law bars illegal immigrants from getting jobs and state benefits and makes it a felony to harbor or transport illegal immigrants. While the new law has received a great deal of attention, there is still some confusion over what effect it will have. The News On 6 has received several e-mails from private business owners, asking what they have to do this week to comply with the new law. The News On 6’s Chris Wright reports the simple answer is nothing, for now. "Well confusion is rampant for sure, people really don't understand the law," said Homebuilders Association President Glen Shaw. As head of the Homebuilders Association, Glen Shaw has received plenty of calls from local contractors about House Bill 1804. He says many are not sure what changes, if any, they need to make before the November 1 deadline. "Technically it won't have an effect on us this week, but it's had an effect on us for several months now," Shaw said. Labels: HB 1804, Immigration Reform, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 10/31/2007 11:48:00 AM |![]() ![]() OK Republican Party Exposes Rice's Web![]() State Republican Chairman Gary Jones announced a new web site today detailing the extreme liberal positions of State Senator Andrew Rice, the only announced opponent to Republican Senator Jim Inhofe. Using a Halloween theme, Jones started AndrewRicesWeb.com calling Rice’s liberal connections “the spookiest fright of this Halloween.”
Labels: Andrew Rice, Democrat Fact Check, Gary Jones Posted at 10/31/2007 11:36:00 AM |![]() ![]() Here We Go Again: Anti-Incumbent Wave Next Year?![]() Some story lines never go away. This year, once again, there is buzz that 2008 might be an anti-incumbent election that will sweep out sitting House Members of both parties. National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Cole (Okla.) has been making that case for months, and more than a few journalists and talking heads have picked it up as well. A little more than a year ago in this space ("An Anti-Incumbent Election? This Year? Of Course Not," Sept. 14, 2006), I argued that 2006 would be an anti-Republican, not an anti-incumbent, year. I never thought that we'd be hearing the same anti-incumbent argument so soon. It's like a bad penny that keeps turning up. Labels: Cong. Tom Cole, Decision '08 Posted at 10/30/2007 12:11:00 PM |![]() ![]() Healthy Americans Act Not Freedom Says Tom Coburn
Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma, says the Healthy Americans Act's mandate for insurance "is not freedom."
Coburn has his own plan, which he is sponsoring with North Carolina GOP Sen. Richard Burr, which would change the tax code to give every person the refundable tax credit for health care. They could purchase insurance through their employer or go out and get it on their own. States could create a blanket plan to cover those who don't sign up on their own. Those who fell into this default plan wouldn't be penalized, but they would have a high deductible, making them responsible for a sizable chunk of the final bill.
Both of these proposals would provide financial incentives for people to get preventive health care.
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Labels: Healthcare, Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 10/30/2007 11:58:00 AM |![]() ![]() Hanging tough in Oklahoma
by Diana West
Something downright incendiary is happening in Oklahoma. First one, then 17, and now 24 state lawmakers have declined a copy of the Koran offered to all 149 members of the legislature by an official Muslim advisory group to Oklahoma’s governor. State Representative Rex Duncan, Republican, explained his rejection of the Koran this way: “Most Oklahomans do not endorse the idea of killing innocent women and children in the name of ideology.”
That’s one way. Or I could start it this way: Something downright incendiary is happening in Oklahoma. Gov. Brad Henry’s Muslim advisory council is offering personalized Korans to lawmakers to mark the state’s centennial, with each copy to be embossed with the Oklahoma state seal and the recipient lawmaker’s name. The all-Muslim group — plain-vanilla-named the American Ethnic Advisory Council — asked lawmakers to notify it if they didn’t want a Koran, which the group described as “the record of the exact words revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad.” So far, 24 have declined. Read MoreLabels: Brad Henry, Muslims, Rep. Rex Duncan Posted at 10/30/2007 11:46:00 AM |![]() ![]() Randy Terrill for President![]() In just days HB 1804 will take effect and we have one fearless man to thank, Rep. Randy Terrill. He is by far one of the tax payers best friends that Oklahoma has. Critics have hurled the race card and it has bounced off of him like bullets on Superman's chest. The best part was when he told a group of lawyers, " "Not all of them are putting roofs on your houses, I assure you,".
After visiting this website he was right, not all of them want to put roofs on your house and cut your 14 acre plot of land for $20.00.
OKPNS would like to thank Rep. Terrill for standing up for Oklahomans and Americans by being proactive and not waiting on the Federal government to do its job.
Related: Tough New Immigration Law Coming
Labels: Immigration Reform, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 10/30/2007 11:27:00 AM |![]() ![]() From Grass To Gas![]() As soon as Oklahoma became a state it led the nation in oil production. Things have fallen off since, but King Oil still brings a pretty penny to the state's coffers. Those in the know say Oklahoma's poised to lead a second energy boom, fueled by the majestic grasses of our native prairies. News On 6 anchor Scott Thompson reports in our next hundred years, it looks like we'll be paying homage to King Switchgrass. It's been a mainstay of Oklahoma's tall grass prairies since those grasses first sprouted eons ago. Plowed under for farming, switchgrass today stands at a new frontier. All that grass could make Oklahoma the Saudi Arabia of biofuels. “There are stands of switchgrass from the old days that some agronomists have that are 18 to 20-years-old. Well that's got to be a benefit that's a big benefit,” said Dr. Joe Bouton of the Noble Foundation. “See, corn and some of the other biomass crops like sorghum have to be planted every year, and so that's a risk the farmer has to take.” Labels: Oil, Switchgrass Posted at 10/30/2007 11:22:00 AM |![]() ![]() Overcrowding Plagues County Jails
By John Walker
The Duncan Banner
DUNCAN — Stephens County is not the only county with overcrowding problems in its jail.
“I’ve talked with other county commissioners around the state,” said Commissioner Dee Bowen, “and many have a far worse problem than we do.”
About a month ago, the inspector of county jails for the Oklahoma Department of Health told Stephens County that it needed to build a new and bigger jail because the older jail that is still being used is unhealthy.
“We are still using the older jail,” said Sheriff Jimmie Bruner, “because the new jail is filled to capacity with men. We have to utilize the old jail for women, juveniles and the overflow from the new jail.
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Labels: Dee Bowen, Jails, Jimmie Bruner Posted at 10/29/2007 11:25:00 AM |![]() ![]() Trying To Improve Tulsa Streets![]() (TULSA, Okla.) October 28 - Mayor Kathy Taylor and city councilor Bill Martinson formed a panel that will come up with a Complete Our Streets plan.
The panel is holding a town hall meeting on October 29th, giving you the chance to share your comments.Potholes and bad roads are a common sight for some drivers in Tulsa.
The Complete Our Streets plan will involve a comprehensive survey of road conditions and the maintenance required.
Many drivers say the sooner the plan is put into place the better. And drivers say it's for so many reasons. “Everywhere we turn we have to avoid this or that,” says one driver.
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Labels: Kathy Taylor, Tulsa Posted at 10/29/2007 11:15:00 AM |![]() ![]() Congress' Halloween Agenda: Safeguard Cross-Dressing 'Rights'![]()
By Ernest Istook "Doesn't Congress have anything better to do?" Conservatives are asked this when they pursue legislation to curb abortion or pornography. So what have liberals in Congress put on the agenda instead? Cross-dressing. They're fighting about this in Congress, although few media are reporting it. Self-selected "gender identity" would become the law of the land, supplanting what activists deride as "gender assigned at birth." Employers would be punished if they didn't accept cross-dressing. Even to the point that guys dressed as gals could use the ladies' room. And gals dressed as guys could use the men's room. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was planning a vote for the week of Halloween. How fitting. But now she and other supporters have gotten spooked. Labels: Cross Dressing Liberals, Ernest Istook Posted at 10/29/2007 10:38:00 AM |![]() ![]() Suit Aims To Stop Illegal-Immigrant Law![]() by Emily Bazar
One of the toughest state laws targeting illegal immigrants takes effect Thursday in Oklahoma, prompting efforts by immigrants trying to block it and work by state agencies to comply. The law makes it a felony to transport or shelter illegal immigrants. Businesses, which are barred by federal law from hiring illegal immigrants, can be sued by a legal worker who is displaced by an illegal one. The measure denies illegal immigrants certain public benefits such as rental assistance and fuel subsidies. Related: Priest present petition to Gov. Henry vowing to break the law. Labels: Immigration Reform, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 10/29/2007 10:17:00 AM |![]() ![]() Reynolds: "Why Is a Liberal, Out-of-State Group Praising Edmondson?”FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:
Contact: State Rep. Mike Reynolds
Capitol: (405) 557-7337
OKLAHOMA CITY (October 26, 2007) – Although the Washington, DC-based Ballot Initiative Strategy Center (BISC) claims to be a "progressive 'think-and-do' tank" eager to "reinvigorate the initiative process among state and national progressive organizations...." it’s actions undercut that claims, state Rep. Mike Reynolds said today.
BISC statements imply that it upholds the values of democracy and citizen initiative rights, and is a friend of the rule of law.
"But it seems this is only true when BISC wants to advance its own political agenda through initiatives," said Reynolds, R-Oklahoma City, responding to a recent statement issued by the Center. "BISC is apparently all in favor of hauling supporters off to prison if they work for initiatives BISC doesn't like."
An October 22 press release issued by the organization applies its BISC-quicked logic to the case of Paul Jacob, Susan Johnson, and Rick Carpenter, leaders in a recent Oklahoma initiative to limit state spending often referred to as a Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR). If convicted of participating in democracy they could go to prison for up to 10 years.
According to BISC, the Oklahoma three are "crooks [who] have worked in this arena long enough to know the laws. They just thought they could get away with ignoring them. In fact, we have found that most right-wing ballot initiative players operate with complete disregard for state laws meant to ensure an open and honest process of putting issues on the ballot."
BISC's blanket characterization of "right-wing ballot initiative players" immediately suggests an ideological bias, Reynolds said.
But worse, said Reynolds, "BISC is dishonest to claim that the Oklahoma Three 'thought they could get away with ignoring' Oklahoma's law that petition circulators be residents. BISC links to Paul Jacob's statement of self-defense but ignores his explanation of how the state changed the rules, after the fact, on what constitutes residency. At freepauljacob.com, Mister Jacob reports in detail on the effort he and others made to ensure that they were complying with the law, a law that contrary to BISC's assertions does not in fact do anything to ensure an open and honest ballot process.
"If BISC thinks Jacob is wrong on the facts, why don't they answer him?" Reynolds asked. "Why don't they refute him? Their attack is clearly not about facts or objective law. It's sad that political activists who make use of the initiative process themselves refuse to see the glaring injustice and unconstitutionality here, which could be extended to them too one day. And it is an Orwellian inversion to imply that abetting the exercise by Oklahoma citizens of their constitutionally guaranteed citizen initiative rights is in and of itself a form of sabotage of those rights."
BISC Executive Director Kristina Wilfore has even gone so far as to submit a letter of praise to Attorney General Edmondson stressing that the TABOR campaign was funded and enjoining Edmondson to look into the "network of funders" that has supported this and other petition drives.
“BISC is not a credible source of information,” said Reynolds. “It’s on the extreme left, supported by donations from the National Abortion Rights Action League and billionaire George Soros's Open Society Foundation. BISC is about using the initiative process to promote the leftwing agenda of its donors. Contrary to its rhetoric about ‘out of state’ interests, BISC itself provides direct donations to ballot measures in multiple states.
“BISC ideologically opposes TABOR initiatives,” said Reynolds. “In 2006, Nebraska campaign filings show that BISC was paid to train people in blocking a TABOR petition drive. A federal judge issued a temporary restraining order against three Nebraska cities because they violated the 1st Amendment rights of TABOR petitioners."
“BISC should be ashamed enough of its admitted role in campaigns designed to harass petitioners and block voters from deciding issues like TABOR,” Reynolds concluded. “But now we see their desire to help in the AG’s witch-hunt against the initiative process, to actually throw their political opponents in prison. That's a sad commentary on BISC.”
The state representative pointed to BISC’s own statement that their help in the prosecution of these three individuals by the AG is “a continuation of those efforts” to block TABOR from the ballot.
### Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Paul Jacob TABOR, Rep. Mike Reynolds Posted at 10/26/2007 10:16:00 PM |![]() ![]() Statement By George Faughtby Rep. George Faught In an e-mail sent to all of Oklahoma’s state senators and representatives by Marjan Seirafi-Pour, the chairperson of the Governor’s Ethnic American Advisory Council, we were notified that copies of the Quran decorated with the state’s centennial seal were going to be distributed to all Oklahoma state legislators. The e-mail closed with the statement: “If you do not wish to receive a copy, please feel free to let me know.” In fact, the books have yet to be distributed. For the council to offer an opt-out option, then imply in the media that lawmakers who declined the gift are being racially or ethnically insensitive is unfair, and seems politically charged. Many legislators, including myself, have notified Ms. Seirafi-Pour – by e-mail, as she requested – that we would like to politely decline the offer of this book. Labels: Muslims, Quran, Rep. George Faught Posted at 10/26/2007 10:54:00 AM |![]() ![]() Oklahoma's Legislator Wants No Part of Terrorist's ReligionGreat commentary on our Legislators reaction in regards to Quran's being passed out in the Oklahoma legislators.
Generally we here in Texas give Oklahoma a hard time, all in jest. But today, I stand up, praise and applaud them for they have done what a lot of dhimi politicians should do, they sent back Korans that were given to them.
Posted at 10/26/2007 10:48:00 AM
(CNSNews.com) - An Islamic Advocacy group on Friday plans to respond to "Islamophobic remarks" by state lawmakers in Oklahoma who rejected Korans sent to them as gifts by a state panel on diversity. "In rejecting the Qurans, Islam's revealed text, some lawmakers made stereotypical and offensive remarks that falsely linked the faith of Islam to violence," the Council on American Islamic Relations said. According to press reports, two dozen Oklahoma lawmakers plan to return copies of the Koran given to all 149 state legislators by the Governor's Ethnic American Advisory Council. The council is chaired by a Muslim woman. "Most Oklahomans do not endorse the idea of killing innocent women and children in the name of ideology," the Associated Press quoted Republican Rep. Rex Duncan as saying. CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper called Duncan's statement "disturbing" and "offensive" to Muslims. Oklahoma's Republican House Speaker Lance Cargill said he would accept the Koran -- and give the governor's advisory council a Bible in return. Groups of various faiths plan to appear at Friday's news conference, CAIR said. Read More ![]() ![]() Rep. Cole Welcomes Announcement from DeltaWASHINGTON, D.C. - Today Congressman Tom Cole (OK-04) released the following statement after receiving word that Delta Airlines has announced they will begin offering twice daily flights between Lawton, Okla. and Atlanta, Ga., starting March 2008. "This is great news for Lawton and Southwest Oklahoma," Congressman Cole said. "Not only will these flights add to the convenience of our citizens in and around Lawton, it also makes it easier for others around the country to do business in Lawton. I want to welcome Delta to the city of Lawton and thank them both for their commitment to Southwest Oklahoma." Delta Air Lines announced this morning that it will offer flight access to a network of destinations through a nonstop service to the airline's hub in Atlanta. Lawton/Ft. Sill customers will be able to use the only jet service to and from the area through Delta Connection's carrier Atlantic Southeast Airlines service. Delta Air Lines is one of the largest airlines in the world with service to 310 destinations in 54 countries worldwide. Labels: Cong. Tom Cole, Delta Posted at 10/26/2007 10:27:00 AM |![]() ![]() Gifts Are For AcceptingMore sensible minds and softer hearts have redeemed some of Oklahoma’s dignity.
State Rep. Dan Sullivan, R-Tulsa, said he would accept gift copies of the Quran that 24 other state legislators have chosen not to accept. Sullivan said he would find homes for them. Speaker Lance Cargill, R-Harrah, said he will offer gift Bibles to members of the Governor’s Ethnic American Advisory Council to encourage goodwill between Oklahoma Christians and Muslims. The council offered each state legislator earlier this week an Oklahoma Centennial copy of the Quran. Gov. Brad Henry authorized the council in 2003 at the request of Oklahomans of Middle Eastern descent. Other ethnic groups in the state have similar councils. Labels: Quran, Rep. George Faught Posted at 10/26/2007 10:22:00 AM |![]() ![]() Flaming Lips Alley Sparks Controversy![]() BRICKTOWN, Okla - Bricktown is now home to Flaming Lips Alley.On Thursday, Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett, along with the Oklahoma rock band, unveiled the new street signs.The renaming did cause some controversies. One such controversy was after whom Oklahoma City streets can be named.
And some said they are upset that the band got just an alley.But to lead singer Wayne Coyne, it's still an honor."I'd say come to Oklahoma City and walk down Flaming Lips Alley, even though it has Dumpsters and some trucks unloading beer in the back," Coyne said.
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Labels: Flaming Lips, Mick Cornett Posted at 10/26/2007 10:16:00 AM |![]() ![]() New SCHIP Proposal Falls Short of Original Goal![]() Labels: Mary Fallin Posted at 10/25/2007 03:36:00 PM |![]() ![]() H.R. 2003: Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007
The following letter was sent to Sen. Inhofe by the Ethiopian American Civic Advocacy (EACA) organization.
Dear Honorable Senator Jim Inhofe:
We are grateful for your passionate commitment to alleviating poverty, promoting human rights and good governance in Africa specifically in Ethiopia, as you eloquently stated in your recent speech to the United States Senate. However, we are writing to you to express our deep disappointment about your statement on the Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability bill (H.R.2003) which was unanimously passed by the House of Representatives. In particular, we are concerned that your statement on H.R.2003 appears to be based on distorted information that may have been provided to you, and reflects a lack of accurate data from independent sources on developments in Ethiopia
Ethiopia's political and social environment has been deteriorating at an alarming rate over the last few years. The ongoing systematic repression and the unspeakable crimes against civilians by the dictatorial government, which are too long to list in this letter but are carefully documented in multiple reputable sources, including the recent U.S. State Department country report on human rights, will, if not condemned and stemmed, ultimately make pockets within the country a breeding ground for terrorism. The unchecked and hardline government repression will increase the number of Ethiopians who choose to take up or support armed struggle against injustice in all parts of the country, for lack of any hope that the international community would take action against the atrocities committed by the government. Historically, Ethiopians have been a peaceful and staunchly pro-American society. The US must not turn against the people of Ethiopia by siding with a repressive regime that does not respect the dignity of its citizens, as this would be counterproductive and aggravate the currently prevailing instability. Our U.S. national interest will be sustainably protected and secured if our US government continues to stand with the 78 million Ethiopians, who in May of 2005 stood at the polling station for hours to cast their ballot and choose liberty over tyranny rather than live under a dictatorship that is skillful in maintaining a façade of democratic appearances.
During your speech on the United States Senate floor you stated: Read more...
Labels: Sen. Inhofe Posted at 10/25/2007 09:15:00 AM |![]() ![]() News 9 Report on Quran Flap
Hussam Ayloush blog:
A recent Associated Press story stated that about two dozen Oklahoma lawmakers plan to return copies of the Qur'an to a state panel on diversity created by Gov. Brad Henry after a lawmaker claimed the Muslim holy book condones the killing of innocent women and children.
The lawmaker, Rep. Rex Duncan, is obviously ignorant. Hey, there is no shame in being ignorant. We all are ignorant about many things. But it is a disaster when one is in denial of his/her ignorance and even makes judgments and bigoted decisions based on that ignorance. Read more...
The Red Dirt Political Report: COMMENTARY: Rep. Duncan should shut up
Labels: OK Legislature Posted at 10/25/2007 08:51:00 AM |![]() ![]() Former Governor Keating Pushes for Federal Insurance Regulator![]() Labels: Congress, Frank Keating Posted at 10/25/2007 08:50:00 AM |![]() ![]() Counterpoint: Progressive Presumption
Oklahoma Gazette:
Labels: Ron Black Posted at 10/24/2007 11:48:00 AM |![]() ![]() Illegals May Do OK in Oklahoma Despite New Law
From the zTruth blog:
![]() Labels: Immigration Reform, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 10/24/2007 09:35:00 AM |![]() ![]() News from Oklahoma![]() Labels: Brad Henry Posted at 10/24/2007 09:06:00 AM |![]() ![]() GOP Senators Hunt for Democratic Earmarks![]() Labels: Congress, Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 10/24/2007 08:49:00 AM |![]() ![]() Murphey Legislative Update![]() Labels: OK Legislator's Blog, Rep. Jason Murphey Posted at 10/24/2007 08:38:00 AM |![]() ![]() Cole's Water Shortage Legislation Passes HouseThe Norman Transcript
The House of Representatives passed Fourth District Congressman Tom Cole's bill Monday to authorize $900,000 to administer a water feasibility study in order to find future water sources for Norman, Midwest City and Del City.
Now it's on to the Senate.
"This was a critical step in the process of securing water resources for cities in central Oklahoma," Cole said in a prepared statement. "Because these areas are growing rapidly, the demand for additional water is only going to get greater as time goes on. I believe it is vital that these needs are anticipated early so that Oklahomans will have access to water as they need it. I am pleased that this legislation has passed the House, and I look forward to seeing it signed into law."?
H.R. 1337 directs the commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation to conduct a feasibility study of the amount of water used by the Central Oklahoma Master Conservatory District and the cities served by it.
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Labels: Cong. Tom Cole Posted at 10/23/2007 12:31:00 PM |![]() ![]() Members Dare To Ride The Metro, But Not Often![]() By Jenny Gross
The Hill
Rep. Mary Fallin (R-Okla.) had finished brunch at Georgetown’s hip Italian restaurant Filomena when she realized she was nowhere near the Metro. Still clad in the chic Sunday church dress that she had worn to a service at the National Cathedral earlier, she hopped on a passing Metrobus and rode to the closest stop on the blue line, which took her home to Crystal City.
People rightly assume that lawmakers, often seen sliding into cabs and sometimes limos after votes, tend to use upscale methods of transportation. But they sometimes use less expensive modes, such as the Metro, to get around D.C. Eighty-four percent of members of Congress who responded to a survey conducted by The Hill said they had ridden the Metro before; 63 percent said they had used it within the past year.
Of the 107 House members who responded, 88 said they had ridden the Metro. Of the 14 senators who responded, all said they had used the Metro, although four had not ridden it in the past year.
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Labels: Mary Fallin Posted at 10/23/2007 12:17:00 PM |![]() ![]() Challenge To House Bill 1804 DismissedBy MICK HINTON and ALTHEA PETERSON World Staff Writers
OKLAHOMA CITY - A federal judge dismissed on Monday a constitutional challenge to House Bill 1804, a state law aimed at illegal immigrants.
U.S. District Judge James H. Payne said the Tulsa Hispanic group, two churches, a restaurant group and anonymous plaintiffs who filed the suit can't challenge the law now because they cannot show that it has damaged them before it takes effect.
The law is due to take effect Nov. 1, and Payne's decision seems to set the stage for another challenge then.
''The court has no doubt that Plaintiffs fervently believe in the unconstitutionality of HB 1804,'' Payne says in his order. ''The court's holding today does not close the courthouse door to those wishing to challenge the constitutional soundness of HB 1804.''
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Labels: Immigration Reform, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 10/23/2007 12:12:00 PM |![]() ![]() Senator Rice looks to Capitol HillJackson To Assume House Leadership Position
By Robert Barron Staff Writer
Monday, October 22, 2007
Enid’s Mike Jackson will assume a House Republican leadership position next legislative session when he becomes co-majority whip.
Jackson was named to the post along with current majority whip, Rep. Rob Johnson, R-Kingfisher. Johnson’s job, according to House Speaker Lance Cargill, will be to train Jackson to take over the position. Cargill made the appointment during a recent party caucus in Ardmore.
“With the addition of Rep. Jackson, we have a solid team of talented individuals ready to accomplish great things for Oklahoma,” said Cargill, R-Harrah.
“I’m honored to be asked by Speaker Cargill to serve in the position and will to my best to serve not only our caucus, but my Enid constituents,” Jackson said.
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Labels: Mike Jackson, Rep. Rob Johnson, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 10/23/2007 11:50:00 AM |![]() ![]() What Rights?![]() A very great commentary from BubbaWorld
Last week the National Coalition of Latino Clergy filed suit in federal court in Tulsa challenging the constitutionality of Oklahoma HB 1804 which is scheduled to take effect on November 1st. Thursday, after business hours, the same group filed electronically an emergency motion seeking a temporary restraining order that will prevent this new immigration law from taking effect until the lawsuit is resolved. In both legal moves, the National Coalition of Latino Clergy maintains that the new law is unconstitutional and violates illegal immigrants’ rights. Which of course gives rise to the question, “What rights?”. Labels: Immigration Reform Posted at 10/22/2007 12:42:00 PM |![]() ![]() Tell Me Something I Don't KnowSenator Jim Inhofe is leading the way in funds for re-election against Liberal state Senator Andrew "Where Have You Been" Rice. The report says Inhofe's campaign has $1.6 million cash on hand.
Labels: Andrew Rice, Decision '08, Sen. Inhofe Posted at 10/22/2007 12:23:00 PM |![]() ![]() CCAGW: Sen. Coburn Rocks; Rolls Million Dollar Earmark Out Of Spending BillWASHINGTON -The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) today celebrated Sen. Tom Coburn’s (R-Okla.) successful removal of a $1 million wasteful earmark in H.R. 3043, the fiscal 2008 Labor-HHS-Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. Sen. Coburn’s amendment eliminated $1 million targeted to the Bethel Performing Arts Center Museum in New York, which includes a tribute to the 1969 Woodstock Festival, and transferred it to the Maternal and Child Health block grant program. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), a sponsor of the earmark along with Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.), attempted to table or kill the amendment, but was rebuffed 52-42. The amendment was then passed on a voice vote. Sen. Coburn said in a statement, “I’m pleased my colleagues took a bold stand today in defense of common sense and rejected the self-interested parochial politics that have disillusioned millions of Americans. Maybe this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius for taxpayers.” Read More Related: Keeping A Place At The Trough Labels: Pork, Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 10/22/2007 11:05:00 AM |![]() ![]() Flip-Flopping Is Very ContagiousFlip-Flopping: In a style reminiscent of John Kerry's back-and-forth vote on the Iraq War, U.S. Rep. Dan Boren, D-Okla., changed his vote on the controversial SCHIP bill last week. The House fell 13 votes short of overriding President Bush's veto of the $35 billion spending increase for health insurance for low-income children. Boren voted initially against the increase, but evidently changed his mind and voted to override the veto. Read More Labels: Cong. Dan Boren, SCHIP Posted at 10/22/2007 10:43:00 AM |![]() ![]() States In Rebellionby Ernest Istook
Once again, the states are rebelling against Washington. Fed up with dithering in D.C., states are proving enforcement works. Enforcement not only can prevent illegal immigration, but actually reverse it. Illegal immigrants by the tens of thousands are leaving states that have adopted tough new laws — Colorado, Georgia, Arizona and now Oklahoma. Local efforts are being launched too quickly to count, involving more than 100 communities so far. When denied jobs or public benefits, many illegals return to Mexico. Others move within the United States to areas with local amnesty policies. That migration may spark a new outcry from citizens in amnesty cities. Labels: Ernest Istook, Immigration Reform Posted at 10/22/2007 10:39:00 AM |![]() ![]() Picture of the Day
Courtesy of freepauljacob.com
Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Paul Jacob TABOR, Picture of the Day Posted at 10/19/2007 03:52:00 PM |![]() ![]() Sen. Coburn on Flashpoint![]() Labels: Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 10/19/2007 02:14:00 PM |![]() ![]() AG Opinion Delayed on Immigration Reform
We guess the Attorney General is too busy harassing poultry farmers and citizens trying to excercise their constitutional rights.
The O'Collegian:
By Valarie West
Attorney General Drew Edmondson’s opinion on recent immigration reform will be delayed, a representative from the attorney general’s office said Thursday.
The delay is due in part to 24 questions regarding the bill that must be answered and because the opinion will have little effect until a lawsuit against the reform is decided. The decision in the lawsuit could overturn Edmondson’s opinion, said Karen Bray, opinion coordinator at Edmondson’s office.
A Tulsa-based Latino group filed a lawsuit Monday claiming the Oklahoma Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act violates due process and equal protection rights guaranteed by the United States and Oklahoma Constitutions. The National Coalition of Latino Clergy Inc./CONLAMIC also filed a temporary restraining order Thursday to prohibit the act from taking effect until the lawsuit is decided. Read more...
Labels: Drew Edmondson, Immigration Reform Posted at 10/19/2007 01:45:00 PM |![]() ![]() Democratic Strategists Wary of Overconfidence![]() Labels: Cong. Tom Cole, Decision '08 Posted at 10/19/2007 01:30:00 PM |![]() ![]() Friends React To Deadly Plane CrashThe National Transportation Safety Board’s probe into Wednesday’s plane crash near Glenpool will likely take six months to complete. A minister, a doctor and the doctor’s three children died in the crash. News On 6 anchor Omar Villafranca reports Rev. Bill Wiseman, Jr., Dr. Rhonda Lunn and her three children were aboard the plane. Rev. Wiseman was a former state representative who helped make the lethal injection the state's form of the death penalty. Dr. Rhonda Lunn was a respected OB-GYN in Tulsa. Today, their families and friends are in shock. One plane crash took the lives of five people close to Father Stephen McKee. Labels: Drew Edmondson Posted at 10/19/2007 09:54:00 AM |![]() ![]() Inhofe Condemns HR 2003 "The Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability of 2007"WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) today made the following statement criticizing legislation passed by the U.S. House of Representatives last week titled “The Ethiopia Democracy and Accountability Act of 2007” (H.R. 2003):
“Though this legislation states that its purpose is to ‘encourage and facilitate the consolidation of peace and security’ in Ethiopia, in reality it focuses only on shortcomings while blatantly ignoring the unprecedented progress the country has made,” Senator Inhofe said. “Ethiopia takes great pride in being the oldest independent country in Africa. They continue to be a close friend of the United States and a strong ally in the War on Terror in the Horn of Africa.
Read More
Labels: Sen. Inhofe Posted at 10/19/2007 09:46:00 AM |![]() ![]() House Vote Upholds Bush Veto Of SCHIP ExpansionI would like to thank our Republican delegation for voting to uphold the SCHIP veto.
Labels: Cong. Frank Lucas, Cong. John Sullivan, Cong. Tom Cole, Mary Fallin, SCHIP Posted at 10/19/2007 08:46:00 AM |![]() ![]() Smoke On This Hippies!!![]() by Andrew Roth
Congrats to Senators Tom Coburn and Jon Kyl who offered an amendment today to defund the $1 million earmark to the Woodstock Museum in New York. The Senate just accepted the amendment, 52-42.
Actually, that Woodstock guy -- billionaire Alan Gerry -- is scheduled to be on CNBC's Squawk Box tomorrow morning to debate Senator Tom Coburn on this wasteful pork project. Should be interesting.
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Labels: Pork, Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 10/18/2007 07:23:00 PM |![]() ![]() Tipline Video: Raye Dawn Smith Was Railroaded Into PrisonQuote of the Day![]() Labels: Decision '08, Sen. Inhofe Posted at 10/17/2007 04:52:00 PM |![]() ![]() Commentary: Doing the Right Thing a Moral, Not Political Judgement
Red Dirt Political Report: A political blog from M. Scott Carter, political reporter for the Norman Transcript and the Moore American
It doesn’t take an act by the Oklahoma State Legislature to know it’s wrong to steal. Nor do we need a gubernatorial proclamation that lying, cheating on your spouse or killing someone are not the best of ideas.
Because, long before members of the Oklahoma House and Senate convened in their marble chambers at 23rd and Lincoln there were rules of conduct.
The Bible’s 10 commandments were a pretty good start.
From there, society was given the “Golden Rule” — based on Matthew 7:12. “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”
That simple idea has been the basis for our modern concept of human rights since the time of Christ.
But right now it’s taking it on the chin.
Especially here in Oklahoma.
With state Representative Randy Terrill’s anti-immigrant bill now law, Oklahoma has set aside its moral principals and, in the process, lost its humanity. Read more...
Labels: Immigration Reform, OK Legislature, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 10/17/2007 03:54:00 PM |![]() ![]() Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery![]() Labels: OKPNS Posted at 10/17/2007 11:52:00 AM |![]() ![]() Jim Inhofe on Jim InhofeCoburn's Crusade: Bending Ears Against 'Earmarking'By Ken Dilanian, USA TODAY
Two years ago, when Sen. Tom Coburn proposed killing funding for two projects known as the "Bridges to Nowhere," senators from both parties reacted with fury. That sort of thing just wasn't done. "If you want a wounded bull on the floor of the Senate, pass this amendment," thundered Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who inserted money for two bridges in a transportation bill — a practice known as congressional earmarking. Democrat Patty Murray of Washington warned: "If we start cutting funding for individual projects, your project may be next." Coburn's amendment failed, but it contributed to a wave of bad publicity that eventually doomed one of the Alaska bridges. It also kicked off the senator's crusade against what he considers wasteful earmarks. Elected in 2004 after spending six years in the House, he has spent the past two years making life difficult for colleagues trying to steer money to local pet projects. Read MoreLabels: Pork, Sen. Tom Coburn Posted at 10/17/2007 11:11:00 AM |![]() ![]() Voice of Defeat Headlines Oklahoma Democrat Fundraiser![]() From Red Oklahoma Oklahoma Democrats’ 13th annual Carl Albert awards banquet won’t be headlined by a war veteran with a message of staying the course for victory. It won’t be headlined by a legislative leader who supports our troops and is an advocate for responsible policy in Iraq, either. Instead, Oklahoma Democrats have chosen Congressman James Clyburn (D-S.C.), an unwaivering voice of defeat in the War in Iraq, to be their honored guest. Though Oklahomans may be divided on whether going into Iraq was the best decision, they are united in supporting our troops to get the job done now that they’re there. Yet this is another example of how the extreme liberal 1% of Oklahoma Democrats who are currently in control of the Oklahoma Democratic Party are spreading defeatist liberalism to party faithful. Read MoreLabels: Democrat Fact Check, Iraq War, Oklahoma Democrat Party Posted at 10/17/2007 10:58:00 AM |![]() ![]() Inhofe on Glenn Beck Radio
Over on the JimInhofe.com blog, Senator Inhofe's campaign has posted their first audio clip. It's an interview with the Senator on Glenn Beck's nationally syndicated radio program. They discuss the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), and Global Warming.
Click here to check it out.
Posted at 10/17/2007 09:36:00 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
![]() ![]() The Lord Is Still in the Prayer Answering Business!
Ron Black: "SUZ IS RECOVERING: The surgery went well, ran a little long which drove me insane, and now she is recovering in her hospital room."
We're glad everything went well!
Labels: Prayers Posted at 10/16/2007 04:47:00 PM |![]() ![]() House GOP Caucus Designates Cargill for Second Term as Speaker
OKLAHOMA CITY (October 16, 2007) – Oklahoma House Republican caucus members Tuesday elected Lance Cargill as Speaker-designate for the 2009-10 session, giving Cargill a second term in the House’s top post.
“I’m grateful to my fellow caucus members for their support, and I thank them for this vote of confidence as we move forward with important conservative reforms,” said Cargill, R-Harrah, who currently serves as Speaker. “I also want to say how much I respect Representative John Wright. He's a valuable member, and as a unified caucus we're poised for real progress this coming year. I see tremendous opportunities in the areas of state fiscal accountability, state government modernization, and performance pay for teachers.”
Rep. John Wright, R-Broken Arrow, joined Cargill as a candidate in seeking the Speaker-designate position.
"I congratulate Speaker Cargill on his election by the caucus to continue to serve the House of Representatives as Speaker, and I dedicate to working with him to continue to advance good policies for the state of Oklahoma," said Wright, who serves as chairman of the caucus.
Cargill’s first term as Speaker will end after the upcoming 2008 session. The Harrah native has served in the House since 2000, representing large portions of eastern Oklahoma County. Provided Republicans retain their majority in the House in the 2008 election cycle, Tuesday’s caucus vote means that Cargill will serve as Speaker for another two years in 2009 and 2010.
“Today’s vote is a victory for the entire caucus, and puts us in a strong, unified position,” said Speaker Pro Tempore Gus Blackwell, R-Goodwell. “By maintaining our current Speaker, we’re giving the House Republican majority the ability to press for needed conservative reforms in the upcoming session and beyond.”
House Majority Leader Greg Piatt, R-Ardmore, also praised Tuesday’s vote saying, “By designating Lance Cargill for a second term as Speaker, the House Republican majority is well-prepared for the upcoming legislative session, and we have real momentum.”
Labels: OK House, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 10/16/2007 01:36:00 PM |![]() ![]() The Revenge of the Uncurious Press
As House GOP members meet in Ardmore today in the midst of a campaign finance scandal, only two reporters are covering the event. Embattled House Speaker Lance Cargill is seeking to add two more years to his current term, but only News9’s Stacey Cameron and the Gazette’s Scott Cooper are actually in Ardmore to report on the top political news story of the year.
As always, while the vast majority of the press ignores this monumental story, we will do all we are able to bring you updates as we receive them.
UPDATE: Channel 9 Story Disappears from their website minutes after we posted it this morning.
UPDATE(x2) Video Back Up!
Labels: investigations, OK Media, OKPNS, Spkr. Cargill Posted at 10/16/2007 01:35:00 PM |![]() ![]() Why Won't the OKC Police Chief Follow the Law?
News 9 Report: Rep. Terrill vs OKC Police Chief Bill Citty
OK Legislators' Blog: Rep. Jason Murphey: "Taking Your Money And Giving It To Illegal Aliens"
Labels: Immigration Reform, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 10/16/2007 01:00:00 PM |![]() ![]() Taking Your Money And Giving It To Illegal Aliensby Jason Murphey A board of unelected state officials recently shocked some of us in the legislature by taking action to approve a proposal to spend taxpayer dollars in the creation of a permanent and unconditional expansion of the welfare system. This was in violation of the clear legislative intent expressed in this year’s illegal immigration reform bill. The Oklahoma Health Care Authority, which administers Oklahoma’s Medicaid program, voted to approve emergency rules granting taxpayer-subsidized medical coverage to pregnant illegal aliens on the theory that the new child will be a U.S. citizen upon birth. As it is now, illegal aliens are prohibited from Medicaid prenatal services. This is being done despite the fact that federal law dictates this action may occur only after a state’s legislature has given approval. The Oklahoma Legislature has not authorized any expansion of Medicaid for illegal aliens. Labels: Immigration Reform, Rep. Jason Murphey Posted at 10/16/2007 11:54:00 AM |![]() ![]() Oral Roberts Professors Provide Evidence
Hat tip: Et Cetera: Publick and Privat Curiosities:
"Three former Oral Roberts University professors made public on Friday what their lawsuit against Oral Roberts University describes as “the exact packet of information” that they allege got two of them fired and resulted in one’s resignation. Previous versions of the lawsuit contained only a summary of the report, which was partially written by the sister-in-law of ORU’s President Richard Roberts."
"The full, unsubstantiated report now attached to the professors’ lawsuit now contains new charges that Lindsay Roberts, Richard Roberts’ wife, spent the night in a university guest house with an underage male nine times, was photographed 29 times in her car with an underage male after midnight and after minors’ curfew, visited Victory Christian School with an underage male 81 times in 2004, smoked with an underage male at her house and repeatedly moved her “male 16-year-old friend” into her family’s house." Read more...
Video: Larry King Live: Richard and Lindsay Roberts Defend Themselves (Pt. 1)
Hat tip: MedBlogged:
Not Even a Hand Slap?
As noted below, Toby Huyssen, the ORU student who was alleged to have written an e-mail calling on approximately 350 of his fellow students to come to the Government Department offices to sign up to volunteer in the Randi Miller for Mayor campaign, hasn't seemed to have suffered too much from his admitted ethical lapse.
On the surface, the email appeared to have been written by government professor Tim Brooker [you can see a scanned version of the e-mail here]. However, when the proverbial item this the proverbial fan, and someone suggested the IRS might want to look into ORU in general and Dr. Brooker in particular, the explanation was given that young Toby actually wrote the e-mail, using Dr. Brooker's university owned computer and neglecting to remove Dr. Brooker's electronic signature from the bottom. Read more...
Monday, October 15, 2007
Labels: Oral Roberts Posted at 10/16/2007 09:00:00 AM |![]() ![]() Moderation for Everybody
By Paul Jacob
The idea behind measures like term limits and TABOR and Stop OverSpending is born from a practical realization. Let’s start with small steps in the right direction and prove to people the direction is indeed the right one.
That’s what spending growth limitation measures do. In a context of current out-of-control spending, where programs are almost never abandoned even after proven ineffectiveness, and where taxes and commitments almost always go up, that’s when nearly everyone should be able to agree on a program of controls.
So why don’t those on the left embrace such measures? They would not be forced to take each next step, towards actually reducing the size or scope of government. Those steps would have to be proven anew each turn.
They say they fear that voters will be misled by simple arguments. (You hear this a lot; and their distrust for the people is quite amazing . . . and perhaps even more stark when one considers that one popular feature of TABOR and Stop OverSpending were provisions to allow a vote of the people to set aside the growth limits, in separate votes.) Or that basic services will get cut. (Not so, of course: that would only happen when politicians prioritize in favor of less-than-basic services). But the truth is more likely this: They fear that citizens will get used to demanding less from government.
Could that be it? Could they fear what I hope for — mounting evidence that society works better with less government, cascading support for cutting back on government? Read more...
Labels: Paul Jacob TABOR Posted at 10/15/2007 07:03:00 PM |![]() ![]() The Left Loves S-CHIP![]() Big government pays for many things. One side-effect is the enrichment of groups who get the money, enabling them to afford more lobbying on behalf of even bigger government. Now they’ve joined the most brazen voices of the liberal Left in the S-CHIP debate.
S-CHIP — the State Children’s Health Insurance Program — is actually financed mostly with federal tax dollars, and the issue is whether to enlarge it, costing tens of billions of dollars.
Government already pays for almost half of all health care in America. We’re close to a tipping point where most health care is funded by tax money and government essentially dictates everything to the already-over-regulated health industry.
Read MoreLabels: Ernest Istook, SCHIP Posted at 10/15/2007 10:50:00 AM |![]() ![]() If You Can't Beat Them Do You Join Them?![]() The Oklahoma Health Care Authority voted Thursday to extend health benefits to Illegal Aliens and in essence giving Illegals yet another reason to come across our Southern and Northern borders. Hat's off to Rep. Randy Terrill for trying to curb the number of Illegals invading Oklahoma and thumbs down to the Health Care Authority.
There was only one voice in support of Oklahomans on that board and it was the chairman. He voted against providing incentives for breaking the law. Brad Henry and his lackeys don't understand that if we continue to allow illegals to invade our country we will lose our identity and culture. These illegals simply come over here to make money and send it back to their home country weakening our system and strengthening their own economy. If we are not careful we may soon be speaking Spanish, Chinese, or maybe even Arabic. We need more stand up leaders like Rep. Randy Terrill in office to stand up to the Illegal Immigration lobby. Or maybe we should all renounce our citizenship and come back to the country Illegally so that we don't have to pay income taxes and receive free health care and free whatever. Readers you be the judge and let me know what you think in the comments section.
Beat Them or Join Them?
Labels: Immigration Reform Posted at 10/15/2007 10:23:00 AM |![]() ![]() Gay parents pleased that fight is over![]() "When we say homosexual agenda, we just mean a deliberate push or movement of some activist homosexual who wants their lifestyle to be considered mainstream and normal, which flies in the face of the Judeo-Christian ethic that this nation has lived under for more than 200 years," Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma CityRead More Labels: Gay Parents, Rep. Sally Kern Posted at 10/15/2007 10:13:00 AM |![]() ![]() Prayers for Gorilla and His Family
Jesus said, 'Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst.' Matthew 18:20”
We've had our share of back and forth ribbing with talk show host Ron Black over the months. Contrary to what our critics write and believe, the aim of our ribbing was mostly for fostering competition and readership for the Oklahoma Political News Service. Granted, there were other differences between Mr. Black and OKPNS, but those differences were over events that have now long passed.
On a serious note, Ron has on his website today a request for prayers for his wife Suzanne. She is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning. We are firm believers in the Biblical quote above so please keep Ron and his family- especially Suzanne in your prayers.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Labels: Prayers Posted at 10/15/2007 09:56:00 AM |![]() ![]() Oklahoma's Swinging Gate of Double Standards:Don't be Found on the Wrong Side of the Political Gate![]() One Oklahoman and two residents of other states now know about the double standard of the Oklahoma Supreme Court and State Attorney General, Drew Edmondson. We are Oklahoma residents and have found the Oklahoma Supreme Court decisions on signature gathering for initiative petitions to amount to a two sided coin. It is as if they ask which side of the gate you want this group on.
When opposing the referendum on cockfighting, we found that many individuals came in from outside Oklahoma to become residents, in order to gather signatures for the petition to ban cockfighting. The Supreme Court was aware of this and so was Drew Edmondson. Not one of those found to have broken Oklahoma law was arrested, nor were their signatures disallowed except in one case where the petitioner put an out of state address on the petition's affidavit. During this time, the question of outside petitioners and organizers were called to the attention of our State Attorney General. Here is where the gate was locked. We were told it was not against Oklahoma law for outside signature gathers to claim residency and collect signatures.
It was as if the same law that put three people under arrest this last week, in leg chains, did not apply to the exact same thing done during the signature gathering of the cockfighting petition. We now ask, is it law or politics? We lost our rights, who will next? It may be tax reform, cockfighting or any other issue important to the citizens of Oklahoma that will be decided by which side of the gate they choose to place you.
As Oklahomans, we feel that the day of double sided interpretation of the law needs to end. We hope all Oklahomans when voting for Attorney General and retaining those seated in our Supreme Court, question if we want them in or outside of the gate. The press reported Governor Brad Henry won with the cockfighting vote when first elected. We are committed as an organization and as Oklahomans to now turn our efforts to making sure at election time, to elect those who uphold our laws in a consistent and fair manner. We pray our fellow Oklahomans will do the same. I will assure you the only common ground we have with those who petitioned for the Tabor bill is bewilderment about how a law can have two completely different outcomes, for the exact same action. Justice is not blind in Oklahoma. Labels: AG, Drew Edmondson, Paul Jacob TABOR Posted at 10/14/2007 10:24:00 PM |![]() ![]() OKPNS Moves Up to 2nd Most Influential Blog
From McCarville Report Online:
"Blogging with meat cleavers seems to be the norm on some sites; slash and cut, the nastier the better, the more outrageous the posts and the more misleading the headlines, the more salacious the allegations, the more fractured the English, the worst logic imaginable...all marks of some sophomoric blogs that offer little." Read more...
Oklahoma's Most Influential Political blogs
1. Stan Geiger
2. Oklahoma Political News Service
3. blue oklahoma
4. TPD Blog
5. SoonerThought
6. Living On Tulsa Time
7, Okiedoke - Vintage Okie opinion
8. BatesLine
9. Library Stories: Libraries & Librarians in the News
10. The McCarville Report Online
11. meeciteewurkor
12. Bounded Rationality
13. The Lost Ogle
14. The Red Dirt Political Report
15. Oklahoma Legislator's Blog
16. My Tulsa World Blog
17. MedBlogged
18. Satellite Sky
19. Speaker Cargill's Blog
20. Sidebar Blog: Law and Disorder, Okie Style
Friday, October 12, 2007
Labels: OKPNS Posted at 10/14/2007 11:44:00 AM |![]() ![]() Legal Website Takes Shot at Drew Edmondson![]() ![]() Labels: Drew Edmondson Posted at 10/12/2007 01:29:00 PM |![]() ![]() Gov. Henry Expected To Sign Prenatal Rule Into Law![]() "There is no hard evidence of any cost savings at all, so I would certainly call upon the governor not to sign the rule. I know he said he would. I would ask him to reconsider his position on that," said state Rep. Randy Terrill Read More Labels: Brad Henry, Rep. Randy Terrill Posted at 10/12/2007 12:30:00 PM |![]() ![]() Jenks Takes Tulsa Mayor To Court Over Proposed Toll BridgeTulsa - The City of Jenks is filing a lawsuit against Tulsa Mayor Kathy Taylor and Public Works Director Charles Hardt over a proposed toll bridge that would run from 121st and South Yale in Tulsa to 131st and South Yale Place in Jenks. Jenks officials accuse Tulsa officials of stalling the project.
The lawsuit alleges Mayor Taylor has not signed an engineering services contract that the City of Jenks needs to move forward on the bridge project.
Jenks city leaders say the contract must be signed in order for engineers to do very important studies. Jenks City Attorney Stephen Oakley says the contract has been on Mayor Taylor's desk since the end of April. He says he didn't want to take it as far as a lawsuit, but he has no other choice.
Read More
Labels: City of Jenks, Lawsuit, Toll Bridge, Tulsa Posted at 10/12/2007 12:04:00 PM |![]() ![]() |
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