Wednesday, October 17, 2007 Voice of Defeat Headlines Oklahoma Democrat FundraiserFrom Red Oklahoma Oklahoma Democrats’ 13th annual Carl Albert awards banquet won’t be headlined by a war veteran with a message of staying the course for victory. It won’t be headlined by a legislative leader who supports our troops and is an advocate for responsible policy in Iraq, either. Instead, Oklahoma Democrats have chosen Congressman James Clyburn (D-S.C.), an unwaivering voice of defeat in the War in Iraq, to be their honored guest. Though Oklahomans may be divided on whether going into Iraq was the best decision, they are united in supporting our troops to get the job done now that they’re there. Yet this is another example of how the extreme liberal 1% of Oklahoma Democrats who are currently in control of the Oklahoma Democratic Party are spreading defeatist liberalism to party faithful. Read MoreLabels: Democrat Fact Check, Iraq War, Oklahoma Democrat Party Posted at 10/17/2007 10:58:00 AM |