Tuesday, October 30, 2007 Here We Go Again: Anti-Incumbent Wave Next Year?
by Stuart Rothenberg
Some story lines never go away. This year, once again, there is buzz that 2008 might be an anti-incumbent election that will sweep out sitting House Members of both parties. National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Cole (Okla.) has been making that case for months, and more than a few journalists and talking heads have picked it up as well. A little more than a year ago in this space ("An Anti-Incumbent Election? This Year? Of Course Not," Sept. 14, 2006), I argued that 2006 would be an anti-Republican, not an anti-incumbent, year. I never thought that we'd be hearing the same anti-incumbent argument so soon. It's like a bad penny that keeps turning up. Labels: Cong. Tom Cole, Decision '08 Posted at 10/30/2007 12:11:00 PM |