Friday, December 14, 2007 Update: Boy Wonder Plans On Using The McCaskill, Webb, Tester ModelState Senator Andrew "Boy Wonder" Rice the lone announced Democrat challenger to Senator Jim Inhofe discussed his 77 County strategy for beating Senator Inhofe.
We have a 77 county strategy like the national 50 state strategy....we have counties that will be tough to win, but we can increase our numbers in those counties, like Webb, MaCaskill, and Tester did in 06. We can and are raising the money. - State Senator Andrew Rice The liveblog was nothing more than a bunch of pot smoking tree huggers (Mostly out of state and in San Fransisco) patting the Boy Wonder on the back as a fellow liberal and imbecile. Most Oklahomans can see that A) Global Warming is a hoax B) We have two of the best Senators in the country C) Andrew Rice is wasting a lot of peoples hard earned time and money. Andrew Rice represents the worst of the Democrat party and it would be a detriment to Oklahoma if he is elected to the US Senate. Could you imagine a world with Hillary Care or Obama Care? What sense does it make to tax cigarettes if that is being used to pay for SCHIP? This is the type of logic that the Boy Wonder represents. He is nothing more than a Nancy Pelosi Democrat. Just take a look below at why Andrew Rice shouldn't be elected and why we should keep Jim Inhofe.
Labels: Andrew Rice, Decision '08, Sen. Inhofe Posted at 12/14/2007 01:39:00 AM |