By John Gizzi
One case in point that was cited to me was the President’s veto of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA), which is an authorization rather than a spending measure. In taking the action he did, the President did not talk to Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe (Okla.), former chairman of the Senate Environment Committee and now its ranking Republican.
Mr. Bush’s apparent refusal to talk to Inhofe before the veto was something I brought up at yesterday’s press briefing at the White House. I also asked Press Secretary Tony Snow whether the President consults with ranking Members of any Senate committees before he issues a veto.
“Well, how do you know he didn't consult Senator Inhofe?” Snow retorted.
I replied: "Senator Inhofe told me.”
Muskogee Phoenix Editorial:
"Spend Senate time judiciously"Labels: Congress, Sen. Inhofe
Posted at 8/06/2007 02:07:00 PM