We have an update to a
story we posted yesterday from
The Center for Competitive Politics (CCP) which supposedly highlighted serious First Amendment concerns with
H.B. 2196, the
"Oklahoma Clean Campaigns Act of 2008. The group sent a letter to Governor Brad Henry yesterday expressing their Constitutional concerns with the pending legislation awaiting Henry's signature.
KTOK Capitol reporter Peter Ruddy provides us with a correction:
As heard on KTOK radio, this group has it all wrong.
They were looking at Senate amendments to the bill, not the enrolled version that is on the governor's desk.
The House rejected those Senate amendments and sent the bill to a conference committee. In that committee, the bill was changed so that the only thing it deals with is contributions to lawmakers or canidates for the legislature by lobbyists during the session and five days afterwards.
I talked with the spokesman for the Center for Competitive Politics and he was not aware the bill had been changed.
You can see for yourself by going to http://webserver1.lsb.state.ok.u...tatus/ main.html and reading the nerolled version of the bill which is on the governor's desk.
Or you can take the word of someone in Washington who puts out a press release.
Your choice.
Peter J. Rudy
KTOK Radio
State Capitol reporter
Labels: OK Legislature
Posted at 5/30/2008 02:29:00 PM