"There's a new Web log for political junkies in Oklahoma -- the Oklahoma Political News Service." -- Roll Call
“A source confirms the report in the Oklahoma Political News Service that the Ethics Commission had started looking into alleged campaign donation irregularities.”Jerry Bohnen - News Radio 1000 KTOK-AM (Oklahoma City)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
DSCC Video: Andrew Rice: Why I'm Running
In this latest Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee propaganda video, aspiring U.S. senator Andrew Rice, gives his reasons why he's embarked upon his suicide mission against Senator Inhofe.
If you don't have the time to watch the entire minute and a half video, we'll save you a little time and give you the Cliff Notes version. First 30 seconds, Rice is riding in a car talking about losing his brother on 9/11. The next ten seconds, a Democrat activist is surprised that Rice remembers his name. From what we can surmise in the short segment, the activist is going to vote for Rice because he's a "friendly and likeable guy." (Glad he didn't let issues get in the way)
The last 50 seconds, Rice is speaking with another gentleman about - losing his brother in the World Trade Center on 9/11. And we thought only Republicans used 9/11 for political advantage?
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