The Oklahoma Political News Service would like to congratulate on acquiring blog credentials for the Democrat Convention this summer. How ironic that, which put out the below racist tripe two years ago on future Rep. T.W Shannon, will cover their party's convention that will nominate the first African American for president. Has Dr. Dean seen this?
"The members of the DemConvention State Blogger Corps represent a broad spectrum of voices that illustrate the 'big tent' nature of our Party."-
DNCC CEO Leah D. Daughtry
The Reese Brothers and Comanche County Democratic chair "Cut & Run" Mike Weddington, are continuing to demonstrate their limitless and
racist "sense of humor." This latest attempt to imply that District 62 candidate T.W. Shannon is only "qualified to be a chauffeur," was posted on on October 27th. The picture mysteriously disappeared yesterday after a self described African American woman Democrat labeled the pictures - in a post on October 29th - as
"reminiscent of the Jim Crow caricatures of my youth." Equally mysterious is that the poster -
"Running on Empty" - is a "new" member with only two posts. The Reese Brothers are infamous for accusing another owner of a competing chat site of using multiple screen names to hide his identity. Hmmm.
She continues in her post:
"Anyone sensitive to the history of African Americans in this country should find these photos deplorable or at least in poor taste."
"These Shannon attack caricatures remind me of a couple of month's ago when the Weekly Standard's cover featured Al Sharpton in "Driving Miss Daisy" fashion. Democrats--including me--called the Standard's attack ad everything from racially insensitive to out-and-out racism. The fact that Mr. Sharpton is a (D) and Mr. Shannon is a (R) doesn't change the fact that the photos are in poor taste (in my humble opinion) and are racially insensitive." Read entire post
It's almost hard to fathom that a Democratic county chair and Tim Reese - a delegate to the 2004 Democratic convention - would stoop to this level of race baiting to win an election. It begs the question. Does the Oklahoma Democratic Party - the self described party of "tolerance and diversity" condone this offensive behavior? The
Oklahoma Political News Service emailed the above picture to Chair Lisa Pryor and called party headquarters for a statement. Our intern was met with a rude response from ODP Headquarters and no statement. We guess that about says it all.
OKPNS: (9/20/2006) BUSTED! Posts Edited Recording Of DA Wes Lane
Labels: Decision '08,
Posted at 5/15/2008 12:18:00 PM