"Left leaning" and "Liberal professor" Mickey Hepner responds to our post today on his coordination with anti 1804 forces:
From Mickey's Musings:
Today the
Oklahoma Political News Service website posts a charge that I have been coordinating with State Sen. Harry Coates on efforts to repeal HB 1804....
I don't mind that OPNS called me "left-leaning" or a "liberal professor". As I have said before my conservative friends think I'm too liberal, and my liberal friends think I'm too conservative. I think I am a little of both. But before OPNS states something as fact, they should at least get the facts straight. In this case, it is clear that OPNS did not.
Read more...Labels: HB 1804, Sen. Harry "Turn" Coates
Posted at 4/17/2008 06:12:00 PM