While our nation is still fighting Ronald Reagan's "War on Drugs," it seems the Tulsa legal system is waging a war on that war on drugs.
KOTV's Lori Fullbright recently interviewed Tulsa Police Officer Tim O'Keefe, who has had to learn how to walk again after a brutal attack by a suspect high on PCP. The report details how his attacker has been arrested and released after serving a fraction of his sentence six times, just since the incident nine years ago...all of the arrests involved drugs:
O'Keefe has never once been notified when Taylor was released, as victims are supposed to be and has finally had enough.
"I kept quiet, thought it's part of the system, part of the game, what I signed up for, but to see this on and on, see him committing more crimes, put him in jail again and again and again. There's got to be a stop to it," said Tulsa Police Officer Tim O'Keefe.
TPD blog)
Labels: drug trafficking
Posted at 4/10/2008 10:50:00 AM