The screw-job that is the NBA Sonics coming to town will explode in more detail this week, insiders tell the
Oklahoma Political News Service.
Gov. Henry floated a trial balloon yesterday for the millionaire owners of the Seattle Sonics, who continue their double-cross of Oklahoma taxpayers.
Henry is quoted today as saying that Oklahoma must
"do more" to bring the NBA to Oklahoma City, despite the fact that Sonic ownership has repeatedly told the Seattle media that the Sonics are coming to Oklahoma City, period.
Insiders say some
outrageous liberal proposals will be introduced in the next few days. First, the state's Quality Job Programs, an incentive to lure new business to Oklahoma, will be expanded to include professional sports teams. Second, the incentive will be expanded from 5.% of a company's taxable wages to 5.5%. Third, an outrageous state income tax 'rebate' will be quietly included, which will result in the
Sonic's multi-millionaire players sending their Oklahoma state income tax not to the state treasury, but rather to the pockets of the team's owners.
Watch for more trial balloons this week. Our insiders say Republicans will carry this latest taxpayer rip-off legislative effort, and that members of all
caucuses are divided as to what to do about this brazen money grab. Once insider tells
OKPNS that if the taxpayers ever pay attention to what's going on, "There will be blood."
To refresh your memory, it was
broke the story of the sell-out to millionaires.
Stay tuned to
OKPNS to see how state leaders spin and dissemble on the public. For the latest in Sonics propaganda/corporate welfare news, click
Lazy OK Press Follows OKPNS Lead (2/18/2008)
OK Media Wakes Up: Double Crossers In Cross Hairs? (3/ 07/2008)
Labels: HB 1804, Rep. Randy Terrill, Supersonics Clay Bennett
Posted at 3/25/2008 09:31:00 AM