Conspiring to cut off and freeze a woman's head, kill another man and shoot eight people is protected "free speech," according to Attorney Jackson M., Zanerhaft, defense attorney for Tywone Dion Parks. Parks is facing a felony charge of planning or conspiring to perform acts of violence, reports
The Oklahoman.
Parks is a (now former) Rogers State University student, and the people targeted in the murder plot were associated with Rogers State University in Claremore, OK. The Case File
CF-2008-123 records the account of Parks' alledged plans included in the police report:
...Planned to cut off the head of Paula Blalock and stick it in his freezer by obtaining a small ax and practicing the same by cutting off the head of a dog.
Planned to commit violence of kill Brandon Gaffney by having weapons and outlining plans in writing.
Further planning to commit a Rogers State Massacre involving the shooting of eight students and having weapons and having a plan of action.
Ironically, if Parks had not been apprehended prior to carrying out his plans, law-abiding students at Rogers State University, under current Oklahoma law, would not have been able to excercise their constitutional rights to bear arms and protect themselves; yet Parks is asserting a rather bizarre interpretation of his constitutional right to free speech as his defense in this case.
is currently being considered in the Oklahoma legislature to allow students with military training and Oklahoma concealed-carry permits to carry weapons on campus to protect themselves in the event of just such an attempted massacre.
Labels: Free Speech, Gun Bill, gun law
Posted at 3/21/2008 09:42:00 AM