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Monday, February 18, 2008 

Lazy OK Press Follows OKPNS Lead

The Tulsa World attempted to reclaim some journalistic pride for the mainstream OK press. The World ran a story this morning (that was obviously motivated by our report last week that exposed the open borders crowd and the business lobby with their pants around their knees) that says that the business lobby will attempt to repeal or modify 1804 this legislatives session. Here's an excerpt from the story:
"But I can tell you this is not something the business community or any of the major chambers of commerce are going to be able to not engage in."
Kelly laid out two major issues with the new law: "man's inhumanity to man" and the "absolute Draconian effect" it has on the state's economy. "Without legislative action, there will have to be some sort of public awareness campaign that brings to light the very Draconian and insidious nature of this legislation," he said.
In order for this issue to be fully understood, it will require a public information campaign," said Kell Kelly, CEO of SpiritBank, who explained he could not confirm that such an effort already was under way. Read more...
"Man's inhumanity to Man??" I haven't heard that phrase since high school English class! I agree with Rep. Terrill when he said:
"If illegal aliens making the modern equivalent of slave labor wages are critical to their vitality, it makes me very, very concerned about the future of those companies.
Cliches and platitudes are passed around so cavalierly in politics these days, that astute observers ususally don't pay much attention to them any more. For example, we've all heard within the political discourse the notion that companies are greedy and are only moving jobs overseas and hiring illegals to fatten their profit margins.
I thought I was in the astute catgegory until we got wind of the "Rob Peter to pay Paul" scheme 1804 opponents are trying to foist on the public. I'm still amazed, that first, they still haven't talked to Rep. Terrill. And second, with the backlash from the amnesty bill the Congress tried to pass last year, these titans of Oklahoma industry are still going to try to have 1804 repealed.

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Posted at 2/18/2008 01:28:00 PM

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