Former OK House Speaker Lance Cargill
resigned late last month from his position because of the publicity of allegations of failure to pay personal property taxes.
The Tulsa World is reporting that a recent bulk mailing to Cargill's constituents, explaining he was too busy with work to take care of his personal business, were mailed using the States bulk mailing service, on letterhead that was used when he was the House Speaker.
Former House Speaker Lance Cargill is planning to mail out 6,000 letters -- at state expense -- to apologize to his constituents for failing to pay his taxes on time.
Bulk mailing through the House costs 22 cents per letter, so the cost of mailing Cargill's 6,000 copies would be $1,320.
House Chief of Staff Chad Warmington said Friday that it was Cargill's decision to send the letters through the House mail room. They hadn't been mailed Friday because a postage machine was broken.
Labels: Spkr. Cargill
Posted at 2/18/2008 09:24:00 AM