Thanks to the attentive readers who brought to my attention that yesterday this story was posted with factual mistakes. As they unanimously pointed out, I had two ongoing stories confused. Please accept my sincere apology. The incorrect information has been corrected, in the title and in the first paragraph below.
previously reported, The Oklahoma House of Representatives voted 100-0 to begin an investigation, which could potentially lead to the impeachment of State Auditor and Inspector Jeff McMahan, who, along with his wife, Lori, are facing charges of bribery, mail fraud, and conspiracy at the federal level.
Eight members of the OK House of Representatives have been assigned to decide whether State Auditor and Inspector Jeff McMahan should be impeached.
The Democrat Co-Chair of the
eight-member impeachment-hearing panel is now
reported to have tried to purchase an abstract company from McMahan, but was unsuccessful, because McMahan "declined to deny a permit request for a competing company."
According to the
Oklahoman, David Braddock is denying that the previous interaction between the two men, and his current seat as co-chair of the panel present an ethics issue.
Labels: Braddock, Jeff McMahan
Posted at 2/25/2008 10:00:00 PM