Oklahoma ’s 100 Ideas Initiative officials presented yesterday a $12,500 scholarship to a University of Oklahoma student for a bold idea she submitted to improve education. Speaker Lance Cargill and University of Oklahoma President David Boren presented the winner of the program’s essay contest with her scholarship award in a check presentation ceremony at OU’s Alma Wilson Room in the Student Union.
Chosen from 130 contest entries, OU student Maggie Cochrane received the scholarship for her essay, “ Greener Schools , Greater Schools, Grander State .” In addition, Cochrane’s idea on how to improve the state will be published in the 100 Ideas Initiative book along with her profile.
Cochrane’s idea suggests the state combine the challenges of financing public education with those of preserving the environment. Through money-saving green projects and decreased energy usage, schools can redirect financing to educational programs and teachers’ salaries while students simultaneously learn about biology and conservation.
“By positioning itself at the forefront of the environmental awareness and the public education initiatives,” her essay reads, “ Oklahoma will become a model for other states in terms of its unmatched commitment to the nation’s children and the nation’s future.”
More than 3,400 citizens from across Oklahoma submitted their ideas for state transformation since the initiative launched in January 2007. The result will be a book of 100 of the best ideas. The book will be unveiled to the public on Jan. 29.
Labels: 100 Ideas Initiative, Spkr. Cargill
Posted at 1/18/2008 08:21:00 AM