Hat tip:You can hear it all...Thru the GRAPEVINE!
From the Tecumseh Countywide News & Shawnee Sun:
The case of the stolen campaign trailer was laid to rest Tuesday when a City of Tecumseh employee pleaded no contest to a charge of concealing stolen property and was given a deferred sentence.
The charge against Justin Lewis of Macomb will be dismissed if he successfully completes the five-year deferred sentence, including two years of supervised probation, $1,808 in restitution, 100 hours of community service and some court costs.
District Judge Doug Combs went against the recommendation of District Attorney Richard Smothermon in granting the deferred sentence. Smothermon, who handled Tuesday's appearance himself, said he had, “from day one, recommended a three-year suspended sentence if he would disclose who actually did it.” Read more...
Labels: Decision '06, Gary Jones, Jeff McMahan
Posted at 12/21/2007 10:23:00 PM