Friday, December 28, 2007 John McCain 2008 Announces National Catholics For McCain Leadership TeamOKPNS has very mixed feelings about John McCain. I mean this is the same guy who supported the Presidents Immigration Reform bill. Since then he has said that he was wrong and he heard us loud and clear. I can respect a man who admits his mistakes and corrects them. Senator McCain is a very principled man and I think his service to our country has prepared him to deal with the tough issues facing our country. I mean you really have to admire someone who spent time as a POW and didn't break.
Former Governor Frank Keating (R-OK), also National Co-Chair of Catholics for McCain said, "John McCain can uniquely appeal to Catholics with his strong, 24-year pro-life record, his stand for traditional values and school choice, his proven leadership in defending America, and his demonstrated ability to appeal to independent-minded voters. These are exactly the type of qualities that Catholic voters will be looking for in 2008." In a joint statement, Governor Keating and Senator Brownback added: "In this election, with so much at stake, we need a leader who will help transform history to extend and uphold the rights and dignity of each and every child of God. John McCain is that leader." John McCain expressed his appreciation and stated: "I am very pleased to have the support of this distinguished coalition of Catholic leaders. I am proud to stand side-by-side with Catholics on many of the most critical issues of our day: defending the sanctity of human life, upholding traditional marriage, expanding educational choice, and defending America from the threats that we face around the globe. I have fought my entire life to protect religious freedom and human rights around the world. I look forward to working with these Catholic leaders in the weeks and months ahead as we take our shared values to the White House." Catholics for McCain will play an active role in educating and communicating with fellow Catholics about why John McCain is the best candidate to successfully promote Catholic values in the upcoming election. Labels: Decision '08, Frank Keating, John McCain Posted at 12/28/2007 10:20:00 AM |