"There's a new Web log for political junkies in Oklahoma -- the Oklahoma Political News Service." -- Roll Call
“A source confirms the report in the Oklahoma Political News Service that the Ethics Commission had started looking into alleged campaign donation irregularities.”Jerry Bohnen - News Radio 1000 KTOK-AM (Oklahoma City)
Monday, December 24, 2007
It’s Time to Evaluate Rep. Fallin’s Record
By Mickey Hepner
(The Edmond Sun)
EDMOND — The U.S. Congress wrapped up its 2007 business this week when members headed home for the holidays. Since this is the end of the year, and the end of Congress’ business for the year, this is a natural time for us to evaluate the work of our member of Congress, U.S. Rep. Mary Fallin.
Fallin is now midway through her first term in office after having won election in 2006 with just more than 60 percent of the vote. Previously, she had served three terms as Oklahoma’s lieutenant governor and two terms as a state representative. However, being a member of Congress has required Fallin to consider different issues than those she confronted in her previous roles. Now, after her first year representing us in Washington, we voters should begin to consider whether she is representing us well.
So, this week, we discuss Fallin’s record on four of the most important issues facing this country — the Iraq War, immigration reform, the number of uninsured children and the national debt. Read more...
Rep. Fallin Speaks on Hate Crimes Bill
Rep. Fallin Supporting Troop Surge
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